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9.8k · Dec 2018
MsRobota Dec 2018
I was little
The first time they called me that word consisting of six letters
For trivial mistakes
For being a disappointment
For asking for help
I am insecure
I tried, but they broke my confidence
I developed a fear of failure
I tried, but they broke my enthusiasm
And it left a permanent mark
5.7k · Jul 2016
Back in the Atmosphere
MsRobota Jul 2016
You take up space & have a mass.
Matter made of various molecules & atoms
You are stardust
A result of massive explosions in galaxies
Are you completely gone?
According to the conservation of energy
which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed
but can be altered from one form to another
you’re a little bit less orderly
According to decomposition
a proccess where organic substances are broken down
into much simpler forms of matter
you have been recycled by invertebrates, fungi & bacteria
to help continue the circle of life.
It is impossible to know simultaneously
the exact position & velocity of your particles
And so you can’t be put you back together
But you’re back where you belong
Forever consistent in space and time
Back in the atmosphere
2.6k · Jan 2019
The Way He Saw Me
MsRobota Jan 2019
"You're adorable"
he smiled
"a lovely person;
very passionate;
I don't even think I'm complimenting
It's just a truth"
And I don't accept compliments
But because he said it
I'm accepting a truth
1.9k · Jun 2018
Devil Stop Falling
MsRobota Jun 2018
i wish to be the
who can control time
then I could
myself from
back into darkness.
I was 16
1.8k · Jan 2017
Black Swan
MsRobota Jan 2017
Have you known? Awhile

In coffee shops I sit for hours
Trying to compose a symphony  
As eloquent as the words on the pages of the novels I’ve read
But nothing comes
Sweet Lullabies - I hear
Black Swans
Float away

I’ve seen the way the light hit the maple
Small delicate bites across the table
I’ve been waiting for summer days like this
Hoping to be inspired
But nothing comes
Sweet Lullabies - I hear
Black Swans
Float away

She smiled at me
I smiled back
The words echoed through
A slap to the face and I woke up
Sweet Lullabies - I hear
Black Swans
Float away

So underneath a chandelier of forgotten hours is where I’ll be
Surrounded by open windows staring through me
Dancing on a cloud of thorns and bleeding ashes on my tattered pink dress
Wondering “Does it make a difference?”
After all, I was promised your undivided attention
As soon as you walked through those doors and took your seat
The lights dimmed, the curtains rose
I came out, ready
Yet my movements were ignored
My voice forgotten
My masterpiece shattered;
Sweet Lullabies - I hear
Black Swans
Float away
1.8k · Sep 2021
MsRobota Sep 2021
I've got spiders crawling inside my head
They've got me like a moth struggling against their webs

And it's so hypnotizing the way I suffer
And it's so comforting the way I punish myself
1.7k · Jan 2019
Mad at Cha
MsRobota Jan 2019
Got Tupac in my ear
Singing “I ain’t mad at cha”
And I feel it
Cause it was my fault
I ****** up again
but all I can do is beg

Please don’t be mad at me
I ain't mad at cha
Please don’t be mad at me
I ain't mad at cha
Please don’t be mad at me
I ain't mad at cha
Please don’t be mad at me

Yeah I know you're tired of hearing it
The excuses and sorry's
But it's all I have
and all I can do is beg

Please don’t be mad at me
I ain't mad at cha
Please don’t be mad at me
I ain't mad at cha
Please don’t be mad at me
I ain't mad at cha
Please don’t be mad at me

Got Tupac in my ear
Singing, “I ain’t mad at cha”
And I need it
Cause I know I don't deserve forgiveness
And all I can do is beg

Please don’t be mad at me
I ain't mad at cha
Please don’t be mad at me
I ain't mad at cha
Please don’t be mad at me
I ain't mad at cha
Please don’t be mad at me

One day I'll make it all right
But for now
all I can do is beg

Please don’t be mad at me
Please don’t be mad at me
Please don’t be mad at me
Please don’t be mad at me
So don’t be mad at me

I ain't mad at cha
To my friends, family, and everyone
I'm sorry I'm such a ******* ***** up
1.3k · Jan 2019
The Comfort of Sadness
MsRobota Jan 2019
We didn't start out in love
But there was something in your madness
So familiar
I realized what others couldn't
So I stay holding your heart
And find comfort in your sadness

You stopped listening
While I was patiently waiting
Still a Stranger
I thought we'd be okay
When you said you cared (about me)
But you'll always be sitting on the edge
And I'll always be saying goodbye
To the man I think I know

When you show your flaws
I find comfort in your sadness
So take my hand, take my hand
Cause the rain is turning to flames
And you won't be sleeping
When your mind keeps leading you to the chair
Say "Goodbye", Say "Goodbye"
Cause you find comfort in your sadness
I'm not sure if I'm happy with it
1.3k · Jun 2023
What a beautiful age to be
MsRobota Jun 2023
We kept waiting...

Another treatment, another doctor, another realization
More medication, more promises, there is no solution
You still can't shed your scales, your scars, your skin
No more pain

...guess I was hoping...

I don't want to be drunk while I'm loving you
I'll lose myself when I lose you
Twenty thousand leagues within
the city of Angels that was supposed to save you

...but in the end...

We are bathed
In golden rays
And my fingertips heal the shadows on your face
We'll share tangerines and the rest of these drowsy days
In white rooms where weathered vinyl tiles echo like a knife on a bottle

...there was nothing left to do...

I pour my love over your grave
And I wait for the wind to rise
I alway thought my soul was a crystal to be shattered
But it's dust to be scattered throughout the cosmos
Don't wait for me
I sit with the mourning waiting for the morning
To rise for a new day
But it never comes
It's just another day faith has fallen...

What a beautiful age you were
1.3k · Oct 2017
Red Burning Black
MsRobota Oct 2017
A second became an eternity
Never had I thought you’d betray my trust
So I decided a second ago
To step out on the docks
Find a solution to this divide
Because I hadn’t known eons ago
I’d be swallowed by darkness in the curliest way
Never had I seen anything as bright as…

Red burning Black
Love Is Red, Love Is Black
Black burning Red
Love is Red, Love is Black
Red burning Black

I lived in a glass house
An estate many did covet
But never did I see greed resonate within you
You were not born to hate
I was drenched in naïve-ignorance
I believed you to be a friend
It was innocence that sought you out
Instead you sold my heart
For a fortune of your own
And never had I seen anything as bright as…

Red burning Black
Love Is Red, Love Is Black
Black burning Red
Love is Red, Love is Black
Red burning Black


I never knew what it meant to fly
When they handed me a plane
Said go up and down the line
Shoot at everything that is not ours
Till red rivers cover green grass
Trees fall unheard and the clouds turn
And never had I seen anything as bright as…

Red burning Black
Love Is Red, Love Is Black
Black burning Red
Love is Red, Love is Black
Red burning Black


Stripped of a name, of a family, of a life
Never did I imagine I’d bath in sin
Make a deal with the devil
But we were fighting
To get back what is rightfully ours
I lost what is rightfully mine
When I ignored their pleas to spare their life
And never had I seen anything as bright as…

Red burning Black
Love Is Red, Love Is Black
Black burning Red
Love is Red, Love is Black
Red burning Black


Just the other day we made a promise
To save the broken souls
Just the other day I zipped my mouth
Defied orders because I never saw a thing
Just the other day I saw her body sleeping in the snow
I buried her where the poppies grow
Because I never want to see anything as bright as…

Red burning Black
Love Is Red, Love Is Black
Black burning Red
Love is Red, Love is Black
Red burning Black

Love will stay Red
Where the poppies grow
1.0k · Jul 2021
Something sweet
MsRobota Jul 2021
Poorly-contained ball of anxiety
Overanalyzing every interaction

I'll tell you something sweet

Write down
and compliments
and silly jokes
on sticky notes

along the floor
on the wall
in the car

I'll tell you something sweet
1.0k · May 2017
Abandoned Umbrellas
MsRobota May 2017
Abandoned umbrellas on the beach float by
And remind me of the broken promises I made to myself
When I was 7 rocking out to the new sounds
Then everyone told me something I shouldn't do
Then everyone chained me to the desk, destroyed the creative thunder
Then everyone trapped me deeper inside the attic
Of my own misery where nightmares became my best friends

Been sitting here all day, done nothing all day
Staring at it, just staring at it
Staring at it, just staring at it
Been sitting here all day, done nothing all day
Staring at it, just staring at it
Wishing I could walk through it
Find myself as someone other than who I am
If only for a day
And I wouldn't have to pretend that you don't really give a f**k about me

Been here four seasons expecting something to change
But I'm still the same me and I don't think shaving my head would change a thing about me because the thoughts are still there
Always gonna be there as four seasons pass

I want to play in the water
With them
But you can't teach a rock to swim
With dolphins
And I never learned how not to drown
So let me mope sitting hunched over drowning in the harsh light reflecting everything I'm not

It's only a temporary place to rest my head
But I can't sleep
How I wish the door didn't open because someone
who wasn't me unlocked it
"It's open", "Of course"
But will I walk through it?

The doctor is a liar, The doctor was a liar
The doctor, oh that doctor stuck a needle in my arm
And told me I was free to go home
The doctor is a liar, The doctor was a liar
The doctor, oh that doctor gave me an apple
And told me I was free to go home

But everyone knows that the doctor is a liar
Smile in the seconds that pass
Even thought you'll always be too slow
Tripping when they've been walking since 9 months
Trying to get ahead, but constantly falling behind

When did everyone's eyes become blank white sockets
The doctor said
But the echos of "just fix the holes" are yelling through the thunder
Aren't we all just trying to get home?
And I can hear the echos of "just deal with the holes" ringing over and over through the thunder
I've been listening since I was 7 years old
We used to run then
With broken umbrellas
But now we walk
Away from umbrellas
Because even if we drown in the rain we're gonna get home
979 · Nov 2021
MsRobota Nov 2021
Happily, I'll wait with you in the station
For hours and hours
I know you feel stuck
Held back by promises
We could do something fun
Distract you long enough to forget about the pain, and
Secretly, I'll hope your bus never comes
921 · Sep 2016
In my Fantasies
MsRobota Sep 2016
For 64 days I played a game of "Truth or Dare"
Cross my heart, beg to die
This is the confession of a broken heart
That sacrificed it's sanity for a steamy love affair

Now, I sit by the window wishing I had had a crystal ball
because it'd  have saved me a century of torment
Knowing I wasn't your knight in shining armour
It'd have saved me a century of screaming
Instead I watched Atlantis vanish
My pretty, perfect, paradise turned to ash

In my fantasies
We're still in the attic staring at it
The picture of broken love
Holding on to a hope, so cold
I should let go, but I'm paralyzed
Covered in apprehension that we'd survive
And come down from the attic
I am convinced, I'm staring at it
The picture of true love
but true love left, walked out the door
and it's all my fault and if I was honest
I'd admit it's over

Hello, unhappily ever after
Thoughts that refuse me to let me sleep
I remember when I first saw you
I ran out of words
I lost my breathe as butterflies erupted
I couldn’t resist entering the maelstrom despite the warnings
This is my odyssey
I couldn't resist the enchanting music
I thought I could take it
I wanted to be imprisoned
I never knew something so beautiful could be so dangerous

But in my fantasies
We're still in the attic staring at it
The picture of broken love
Holding on to a hope so cold
I should let go, but I'm paralyzed
Covered in apprehension that we'd survive
And come down from the attic
I am convinced, I'm staring at it
The picture of true love
but true love left, walked out the door
and it's all my fault and if I was honest
I'd admit it's over

I still want to be your ***** little secret
The thing you write your love songs about
But I'm nothing more than a wilting February song
Lost in the bitter, biting, bleak winter air
Because you were never mine
And every day I woke up alone, lying to myself
That I could live with empty arms
Instead of a soft lullaby
I scream words of a banshee

Inject me with your love, baby
Give me your love, honey
Fill me with lush tender dreams
Make cotton, candy, clouds rain sweet sugars of incandescent ecstasy
Just give me what I need because underneath I’m breaking

But in my fantasies
We're still in the attic staring at it
The picture of broken love
Holding on to a hope so cold
I should let go, but I'm paralyzed
Covered in apprehension that we'd survive
And come down from the attic
I am convinced, I'm staring at it
The picture of true love
but true love left, walked out the door
and it's all my fault and if I was honest
I'd admit it's over

You need to tell me if you feel the things I do
Your hard exterior, your indecisions are making me wonder
If it’s worth staying up until 3 am
To meet you for our  little rendezvous
But I'm tired of sleeping with the enemy
A person I can't recognize  
Take off the mask, end this façade
Stop blaming me for losing yourself
When you got caught up in someone you invented

But in my fantasies
We're still in the attic staring at it
The picture of broken love
Holding on to a hope so cold
I should let go, but I'm paralyzed
Covered in apprehension that we'd survive
And come down from the attic
I am convinced, I'm staring at it
The picture of true love
but true love left, walked out the door
and it's all my fault and if I was honest
I'd admit it's over

I admit
It's over
Our masterpiece has crumbled beneath your feet
Turned to ash, you left the remains in my chest
Because none of it was real
It was just a game of "Truth or Dare"
But I was never given the truth
So I dare you to tell me the truth
But you refuse
But that won't stop me from sleeping tonight
Without nightmares, without shadows
In my fantasies
893 · Aug 2018
You can leave
MsRobota Aug 2018
You can leave if you really want to
I'm not going to try to stop you
And I won't tell you I love you
You should know by now
Know me by now

You can leave if you really need to
I won't beg you to stay
And I won't tell you I miss you
You should know by now
Know me by now

You can leave if you really have to
I'm not going to cry
Because you aren't in my life anymore
You could've kept me
But you, you never wanted me
Never saw me

So you can leave if you really
need to;
want to;
have to
876 · Jul 2021
All we are
MsRobota Jul 2021
All we were
was the end of a moment
All we were
was spilled wine on the carpet
All we were
was lingering, fading, words never spoken
We should've been the start of time
But all we are is...
870 · Jun 2020
Intimidating: Coffee?
MsRobota Jun 2020
I just wanted to say hi
and ask you, if you
would, maybe, consider...Uhm
would you have coffee with me?
829 · Dec 2022
MsRobota Dec 2022
I only dream of you sometimes

My dreams about you are interesting

It's like falling through Singapore skies

I sometimes have similar dreams about you too

It's like falling through purple-pink skies

Guess we talk to each other a lot

I never see you in person
I only hear the notification
I never hold you
I only see the text message

I love you

Can't remember what happens, but I remember a similar concept


Sounds familiar :)
So familiar

I only dream of you sometimes
But I love you always
822 · Nov 2019
MsRobota Nov 2019
Linux and Windows and Mac OS X
I say I got nothing to lose but
When the server goes down I panic
Got to verify your new laptop
Got a phone or 2 or 3
Got to verify a phone or 2 or 3
We're connected, we're disconnected
Maybe clear the cache, clear our minds
You say shut down, restart, but I keep
Windows running
I'm sleeping, you're awake
You're tired, me too
I say shut down, restart, but you keep Linux running
You're sleeping, I'm awake
I'm tired, you too
But we keep Mac OS X running
We're frustrated, we're cursing, we're evolving
I say I got nothing to lose but
When the server goes down I panic
Let's rewind a minute
Team Viewer
We'll debug the errors together
Refactor this code together
Like we used to
and it'll be up and
Linux and Windows and Mac OS X
I got nothing to lose if I don't have you
And the server goes down
And the server....
And there are too many bugs to debug
And the code just doesn't make sense
And the server....
And the server...
And the server...
Linux and Windows and Mac OS crash
813 · May 2019
MsRobota May 2019
it's been raining
like waves crashing on the sidewalk
i've been avoiding the puddles
waiting on the dawn of something i can hold
to come along and make me feel alive

but the days never come easy
the morning rush only brings silence
the loneliness drags on
i've been wondering if the strangers on the bus
feel the same way
i do
are they breathing?

sleep won't come
affectionate offerings mean nothing
it could get better
but all it is
is getting worse
and all i to know
is i want to know
what it feels like
to feel hurt again
because all i feel
is nothing

so if this happens to be a rare situation
a bad dream where i'm running
a sweet dream where i cut
off everything i hate
about myself
maybe it'll turn out alright
and i'll find the feeling
to feel alive

i've been fighting a long time
i can't save him now
i've been fighting a long time
she can't save me now
i've been fighting a long time
i can't save me now
I might come back to rewrite it because I'm not 100% happy with it, but I think for now it's okay
800 · Aug 2015
MsRobota Aug 2015
He traveled the seven seas and conquered the world
Inherited the riches of the kings before him
Little did he know of the monsters under the bed
Creeping in the shadows, following
The man obsessed with the mirrors on the walls
Who hoped to be someone different
He really thought if he collided face to face with the problem
The misunderstanding would come into clear view;
In a fit of fury the man threw the bottles at the TV screen
Which played E channel's siren song
He was strong for only so long
Now he's anxious trapped in this cage
Ripping up all the magazines that report little white lies
They hypothesize, materialize, advertise
A false delusion that takes away the substance of a person
It's only a matter of time before the king
Who traveled the seven seas and conquered the world
Inherited the riches of the kings before him
Falls like the kings before him.
This poem was inspired by celebrities I admire. When I wrote this poem I was thinking of One Direction and Michael Jackson. I thought of Poets of the Fall, Nine Lashes...etc.
754 · Mar 2019
MsRobota Mar 2019
There is a hallway;
a red door;
a doorway
I cannot pass

something has changed
she is dead

There are ravens
at early dawn
singing in the fog
a lullaby for me

something has changed
she is dead

There is a cold
that turned my soul to stone
left me in ruins

something has changed
she is dead

There are sleeping sheep
before the wolf feasts
and there is no going back

'cause something in me has changed
the girl you knew is dead

There is a hallway;
a red door;
a doorway
I'm walking through
714 · Dec 2017
MsRobota Dec 2017
I hold onto the promise
That lingered on your lips
That even if we don’t make it
You will Always love me

I miss the way you and I used to
Dance like we were
Tom Hiddleston & Tilda Swinton
In Only Lovers Left Alive
You made me feel alive
Like a bright red vinyl record
You had me spinning
Like a carousel
I’m feeling ambitious
Would you like to dance?
One last time
For old times’ sake
Our movements
An explosion, an expression
A supernova
Of Love

I hold onto the promise
That lingered on your lips
That even if we don’t make it
You will Always love me

I miss the way you and I used to
Talk about the most interesting things
The way Kenneth Branagh talks about Hamlet
Passionate and Adventurous
And I hate Shakespeare, but I’d recite every line
So that you never lose that passion
I’m feeling ambitious
Would you like to go watch Keegan Michael Key play Horatio?
Opposite Oscar Isaac.
I’ll be confused, but I’ll try to understand it all
To see that smile reach your eyes

I hold onto the promise
That lingered on your lips
That even if we don’t make it
You will Always love me

I’ve missed you
I’ve fought my demons
And through the frustration
Through the anguish
I found my balance

Lover! I will always love you
710 · Apr 2017
Hold My Mind
MsRobota Apr 2017
Days like this hold my mind
What we left unfinished
A time out in the corner flashes before my eyes
When my first grade teacher forbade me from going outside
But wouldn’t tell me what I had done wrong
What had I done wrong?

Days like this hold my mind
What we left unfinished
I snuck out of bed at midnight
A soft carpet welcomed my feet
Promising a silence that wouldn’t disturb sweet lullabies
I was watching with wide eyes, screaming within crowds
Till it was over
Why did it have to be over?

Days like this hold my mind
What we left unfinished
Loneliness is my greatest tragedy
A malicious motivator
Second place didn’t matter as long as I had a place
You granted me moments
But left me on the swing
I walked home while the emptiness within my chest
Mirrored the gray winter days
Why did you leave me?

Days like this hold my mind
What we left unfinished
Umbrella abandoned by the ocean
Little children collecting seashells
An elderly batch are playing chess
Until the sun sets
But I’ll be sitting by the ocean
As days like this hold my mind
710 · May 2017
MsRobota May 2017
On a wooden table nested between purple flowers
A little cup of coffee sits
By a window perched on a bar stool
Fiddling with the cup, in the palms of her hands, sits a girl

She woke up this morning in a hurry to meet you
Took 3 buses to get to you
Because you made plans weeks ago, but you never showed up
And now this girl is left hopelessly thinking
“What’s the rush to being rejected?”

The barista came by, asked her if she was waiting on someone
No one important
because waiting on you is like reading the same paragraph three times
And never understanding a single word

They asked her if she’d like another cup, anything to eat
She can see the pity in their eyes
They can see past her faux smile
She doesn’t have an appetite, but accepts another cup

They filled it to the brim
Maybe its warmth will fill the cold inside her chest
694 · Sep 2016
Let's think about
MsRobota Sep 2016
Let's think about...
Let's think about...
Let's think about...

If we did this my way
blurry, blue, blades
wouldn't pin me to the wall
pull me under oceans
Till I couldn’t breathe
but my heart was racing

Made me think about...
Made me think about...
Made me think about...

Shld've told you,
couldn't swim
but the thought of drowning

My lips are sealed
No more love songs

I think about...
I think about...
I think about...

Torn up floors boards
Broken doors
house -left abandoned
No attachments
To the crystalline portraits

Don't you think about...
Don't you think about...
Don't you think about...

Something different
less tragic
No couldn't sleep
Just you & me
home, together
Feeling the salty breeze
On the beach

Let's think about...
Let's think about...
Let's think about...
690 · Aug 2021
MsRobota Aug 2021
You don't have to reply
I know you're trying, fighting to stay above crashing waves
And avoiding perilous rocky coasts

How do you feel today?
I just wanted to reach out, and make sure you're okay

I'll be your lighthouse
Standing on rocky cliffs
Dancing on the sandy shoals
Forget your shame and your strife
And come dance with me for a while

You don't have to reply
I know it’s exhausting, holding onto an invisible raft lost at sea
Avoiding dangerous shallows

How do you feel today?
I just wanted to reach out, and make sure you're okay

I'll be your lighthouse
Standing on rocky cliffs
Dancing on the sandy shoals
Forget your shame and your strife
And come dance with me for a while

I know you're drifting past everyone
feeling distant from everything
I know you're feeling strange
But this isn't your first time sailing
And I'll always be waiting at harbours and bays
Like I always do to make sure you're okay

I'll be your lighthouse
Standing on rocky cliffs
Dancing on the sandy shoals
Forget your shame and your strife
And come dance with me for a while
685 · Oct 2016
Not a day goes by
MsRobota Oct 2016
Not a day goes by
That love bugs don't invade my mind
And butterflies flutter like fireworks in the sky
Not a day goes by
When my heart isn't hammering
And I want to tease you like we're in grade school
On the play ground
Not a day goes by
Where I'm not hoping you
Cho-cho-chose me because I can't get over
Everything you are

I can't get over
You kissing me
I can't get over
You picking me
I can't get over
You loving me
I can't get over
The reason I am
660 · Mar 2020
MsRobota Mar 2020
An empty frame
is not a window
is not a door
is not a mirror
so how do I see
behind the scene?
656 · May 2018
Knit me love
MsRobota May 2018
She spends her days knitting the ocean
Where the waves crash against the docks
And tides sweep her away

I wonder if she would
Knit me a collarbone of gypsophila
How I would love for those long fingers
To make me tremble underneath their touch
I’ve tried not to think about
What it would feel like if she painted my spine
An explosion of hues like galaxies
But here I lie
Thinking of her warm breath caressing my thighs

Flushed skin and swollen lips
Prends-moi et ne me laisse pas partir
White shirts and boxer shorts
Fais-moi rire entre les draps

Woke up without her again
Every passing day is like the red scarf she knit just for me
Unraveling like ice cubes melting on the pavement
And I can’t take this heat
If only we could rewind a moment
Then could we rewrite a moment?
Then could I keep her instead of saying goodbye?

I can’t decide if she was dusk or dawn
All I know is
She was beautiful when she smiled
And I forgot how to be sad
When she made grilled cheese sandwiches
And I couldn’t help but fall more in love
When she danced around the kitchen in her underwear

I miss bad jokes
I miss cold feet
I miss needing a reason…

I miss the way she knit me love
Does this make sense?
638 · Aug 2016
My Forgotten Friend
MsRobota Aug 2016
Woke up early this morning
To discover you weren’t lying beside me
Ran to the kitchen hoping to find you
Ready with pancakes, pouring my coffee
But it’s empty.

I’ve spent a lot of time warring with myself
To make a change, leave you behind
Start new because you’re always late
And I’ve noticed your eyes wander
I’m feeling betrayed,
Wondering, “Shouldn’t they be on me?”

I used to be able to read your mind
Now there’s only vacant stares
Fake smiles exchanged across the room
Arrogant laughter tickling my ears
I’m feeling insecure
Wondering, “Is this a phase?”

I see the way you look at them
The warmth in your eyes
Used to be directed at me
Instead, I receive shallow waves of insincerity

I’m looking down from the edge of no-turning-back
I tipped over the hourglass  
I can feel each grain passing through the pinched center
I can see time running out
For you and I

Woke up early this morning
You weren’t lying beside me
Walked to the kitchen knowing I wouldn’t find you
Readied the pancakes, poured my coffee
Feeling content
I’m ready for the conquest
637 · Nov 2016
MsRobota Nov 2016
It’s raining red letters
And it’s not slowing down
Hitting the pavement
Draining the color in the earth
And it reminds me of my reflection in your eyes
Because you were the thorn in the side of my heart,
You were a rose with teeth
And your bite stung like a scraped knee
You locked me out as I banged on your door
The sound pierced the air
And I wish I was strong enough to rip through
To get to you
But I’m left out in the cold with a broken umbrella
I’m drenched, swallowed whole
And part of me wants to stay here forever
Standing on your porch
Because I feel like I can breathe when I’m actually suffocating
In raining red letters
A friend of mine wrote this with me.
623 · Sep 2017
Ghost of the Past
MsRobota Sep 2017
The memories of you
Scream louder than their weapons
Pointed at me
Saying I should erase you from this life
They bring back the words you spoke
Just before you left me sitting alone in a theater
Watching a movie

I can follow the plot, but cannot pause
I watch the ****** stuck on repeat
And it won’t slow down

I feel the promise we shared
In the tides along the beach
It bring back the words I spoke

I promise I will never forget to remember you
Driving on the bridge watching the sun
Warm the Ireland moor
We survived the ghosts that night

The windows shattered when you woke up beside me
The gates opened and we’re moving into our new home
I know you’ll come home
Because I feel your presence as gentle as a hummingbird
Your bare feet walking through the door everyday
You walk straight through me
My eyes flash open

I never packed up your things
Never closed the gate
Never fixed the shattered windows
Because you promised you’d do it when you came home

But nothing makes sense
Am I a hostage of hopeless thinking?
But I feel your fire consume my heart
Was I too occupied by the warmth of your arms
When you pulled me in, sat me down, I lost my breath
You gave it back
Soft like the English rain tapping on my windshield
As I drive towards the station where we never should’ve said goodbye
I feel the train pass by
And this world is monochrome
I feel the train pass by
And this world is monochrome
I feel the train pass by
And this world is monochrome
MsRobota Dec 2015
I don’t know how to love you. I’m not going to love you.
I won’t love you.
But I can kiss you
I can hold you when thunder yells.
I’ll reach deep down inside of you and rip out the knife that’s embedded just under your heart, that knife that has been causing you agony all your life.
I’ll take care of you
I’ll whisper the secrets the butterflies keep
I’ll touch you like you’re a fragile glass rose, but I won’t keep you behind glass walls.
I’ll destroy the mirror spitting Red all over your skin.
I’ll make you breakfast in bed
I’ll make you laugh, just don’t ask me to love you.
Don’t ask me to make you happy.
I don’t know how to do those things.
I can’t love you like you want me to.
I don’t know how to love you.
600 · Mar 13
Venus Flytrap
MsRobota Mar 13
I swear I-I never wanted to trap a butterfly

It's all my fault
shards of ceramic scattered in disarray
It's so surreal
scattered soil, cautious footsteps
an unsettling sight, distorted situation
The roots' exposed

I have no right to cry
After all
I broke your heart
didn't I?

I tried to get past the past, but
all I know is loss
all I do is grieve
All I hear is ambient noise
Ringing through my head
all I know is violence
all I do is parkour

And avoid the feeling

Checked out
found the exit
and chose
To grieve you today
Cause I can't bare the thought of losing you sometime down the road
When you hate me
And regret me
and we'll be screaming about all your wasted time

I can't be what you want me to be
And I know I'm not what you need
I don't know the person in your head
But I know it's a concept I can't complete
And you can't handle the person I am

I swear I never, I never wanted to trap a butterfly

Please, believe me
I swear it wasn't my intention
I didn't mean anything by it
I only wanted to escape
For a moment
See all the colors before I go blind
No worries, no responsibilities
Fill my lungs at the top of the world

Running through
crowded places
And you grab my hand

I don't understand
how did you get me laughing

It must've been the caffeine
For a moment
the geranium almost thrived

Now I'm too old to be
Drinking alone at noon
Pretty pink drinks
As pretty as Dianthus in spring  
Is that what you meant
When you were explaining your feelings?

Well, the bartender is adorable
But I can't bare to look at brown eyes full of pity
Like they can see right through me

I swear I-I never, I never wanted to trap a butterfly

So I leave
loud and angry
almost hit me
If only
then I could
finally escape
and I can
finally feel...
It doesn't matter

Poison slips into the cracks and crevices
Under the skin
Down the throat
Into the lungs
Behind the ribs
Irreversible structural damage
nectar of dissolution
Dissolve the heart

You know who you are

I swear I never wanted to **** a butterfly

Venus flytrap
599 · Dec 2016
The best damn thing
MsRobota Dec 2016
I know a boy
With eyes like mine
He is breathtaking, refreshing like the ocean
When the tide comes in
He is extraordinary, radiant like fields of amber
When the harvest begins

I know a boy
Who loves Java as much as I do
My favorite pass time is when we’re coding
He is teaching me theories
We’re experimenting
Seeing what works best
Efficient, Effective solutions  
We’re engineering the simplest algorithms
It’s a practical approach
And it’s all his fault
It’s the best **** thing

I know a boy
He knows me better than I know myself
He understand the explanations I cannot give
The result isn’t a misunderstanding
I don’t have to scream, but I want to
I want to argue with him
Even though I’m running out of air
My face is about to break
My heart is about to explode
And my mind is moving a mile a minute
But when the war is done
In the silence I find familiarity  
I’m falling asleep to affectionate lullabies
I’m waking up to inside jokes
This warmth has me leaking like a faucet
And it’s all his fault
It’s the best **** thing

I know a boy
He blows my mind
The conversations are weird
Slow and Sweet
Anxious and Calm
I’m rambling without a filter
Swearing and Laughing
I just want time to stop
Just hit the pause for a moment
So I can memorize the moment  
Save the conversation
So we can live it together later
And it’s all his fault
It’s the best **** thing

I know a boy
With eyes like mine
And it’s the best **** thing
I wrote this for my friend.
592 · Aug 2016
Waiting for you
MsRobota Aug 2016
I stood at the station waiting for you
but you never came

For the longest time
I was attached to the notion
I could count on you
but paper planes never fly like rocket ships
when you're not there

I gazed at the hourglass sitting on the counter
Waiting for you
It mocked me with each grain that fell
so did the memories
flooding back like a never ending rainstorm
15 months gone, 15 months since
Love abandoned me on the battlefield

I remember how
I lost my breath as butterflies got lost in
Sweet Secret Strawberry

I didn't know death had a shadow
I didn't know he was watching

I've run out of words, no more excuses
this love is silent

but it finally stopped being complicated
and I can dream outside of war
because I'm done waiting for you
583 · Aug 2015
A Distribution of Dogs
MsRobota Aug 2015
Intelligent life floating nearly three decades towards unification
With unsuccessful progression, just stressful aggression
That is preached on the mountaintop waiting for the wild beast to unlock its secretes
When underneath lies a labyrinth of tunnels
Full of issues spinning on a cursed wheel;
On the streets, there is no silver-lining
And ethnic cleansing, is a political approach to coax society
With an insurmountable wire full of electrons
Trying to tranquilize a foundation of "modernity"
That is drenched in red Beryl molasses
Causing another martyr to die in cold blood;
Sick with a plague that runs deeper than the cyanide in our veins
What a shame that these flowers wilt away
Not even rain can break down these red dreams mixed with criminal themes
No matter how hard we try, no gust of wind is strong enough
To fight off the spiders bloated with poison
That lurk in the shadows, at a quarter to midnight
They light the cigarettes like the patient wolves
Watching the calm night from the rooftop
The moonlight magnifies their grotesque facade
Baring their teeth at a lingering silhouette cast out of paradise
Into a void where sober logic is drowned by clinking wine glasses
582 · Jul 2016
MsRobota Jul 2016
I can hear you beg for it

But I'll never write you a love song

This isn’t a physiological thriller

I’m not Betty Davis

Still, I'm wondering

Whatever happened to "Ever ever after"?

I’d rather be Singing in the Rain

Than holding back tears waiting for a key

To unlock my chest

Convince me I need this too

Because I never thought the hardest thing I’d ever do

Would be hating you

I try avoiding slipping through the cracks

Into the trenches, but anchors pull me under

I try to dream outside of war, but memories haunt my days

I had no intention of staying

But I feel your hands around my waist

And it begins again
554 · May 2018
MsRobota May 2018
We stood together quietly
Staring at the painting of a woman with olive eyes
I hear myself say I wish mine were as beautiful as hers
And find myself engulfed in light-blue skies
He says they’re darker…repeats the word
At times he pauses as if trying to find another word to describe my eyes
….but he doesn’t say it
I’m wondering does he want to say Beautiful
Or is it just that I want him to say beautiful
But he continues to smile as he says
And continues to get closer as he says
I wonder if this would be the part of a movie where the characters kissed
But this isn’t a movie
And I turn to walk past him
Across wooden floors
Towards anything else that catches my eyes
I can feel his stare
And the space between us feels
538 · Jan 2021
Mon chéri
MsRobota Jan 2021
People say he doesn't say much
they offer words to fill the silence
condolences between the aisles
but they don't understand
they don't understand

He wants everything
or nothing
offer him death
offer him life
but never love

People say he doesn’t look too good...these days
they offer words to describe his pain
he looks sad, he looks exhausted...these days
but they don't understand

It is what it is
we both know how the story goes
you'll never be happy
but you'd be satisfied
seeing where life takes me
but my road leads back to you

offer me death
offer me life
but all I want is your love
nothing else
nothing more
but you don’t understand
you don’t understand
529 · Nov 2023
Silly, Funny People
MsRobota Nov 2023
Best not to ask why...
Silly, silly people say silly, silly things
Like how they're glad you appeared in their life, beautiful

If they only knew... right?

Best not to ask why...
Funny, funny people say funny, funny things
Like how they want to keep you in their life, somehow

If they only knew...right?

It's just another day
of showing you weren't a waste of time
It's just another day
of struggling to catch a good vibe
but all you are is black and blue... inside...
It's just another day
of nothing's gonna stand in your way
It's just another day
of trying to fix all that's not right
so close, but it's not enough
It's just another day
of pushing all your limits trying to
It's just another day
of failure and "I'm sorry"
and struggling to get out of bed

If they only knew... right?

Take it from a silly, silly person
Best not to ask why
Silly, silly people say silly, silly things

If they only knew... right?

Take it from a funny, funny person
Best not to ask why
Funny, funny people say funny, funny things

Do me a favor?
Don't ask me why...
I wouldn't know what to say

Don't ask me why
I'm just glad you appeared in my life
Don't ask me why
I just want to keep you in my life
526 · Aug 2015
Mrs. Styles
MsRobota Aug 2015
Mrs. Styles, who sits by the window
Leaning back in her chair
Reading the future in the crystal ball
Coffee cup in hand
Taking sinful sips with sinful lips
I can't help, but breathe in the brim of your demeanor
You're nursing a dreamer's addiction

Because at four past midnight
I'm tempted by harmful pleasures
Tugging at my skin, confusing my thoughts
My heart quivers, my breath stutters
Halfway between truth and lies
Hundreds of words flip through my mind
I'm confessing, these are my weakest moments
I'm playing with bottles in closets
I'm gabbling my ***** little secrets

Presumably, Mrs. Styles you are  death twisting my tapestry
Tearing at the thread, hovering above me
Engulfing my bright skies with paranoia,
Anxiety, overwhelmed by overcasts
Calling a storm that screams like the shadows on the walls
When the lights are off
I'm trapped in a choke-hold like a dog trapped in a cage howling at the moon
The beast inside can't be tamed Mrs. Styles

Because at four past midnight
I'm tempted by harmful pleasures
Tugging at my skin, confusing my thoughts
My heart quivers, my breath stutters
Halfway between truth and lies
Hundreds of words flip through my mind
I'm confessing, these are my weakest moments
I'm playing with bottles in closets
I'm gabbling my ***** little secrets

Mrs. Styles, this future is a panic attack
Stop writing, erase the ink and listen to my pleas
I'm lost in an empty theater with velvet chairs and silk curtains
Waiting for someone to sit down and listen
As I eagerly try to play a piano that makes no sound
I don't want to come down from the clouds
Why is my world trying to pull me down?
I've had enough

Because at four past midnight
I'm tempted by harmful pleasures
Tugging at my skin, confusing my thoughts
My heart quivers, my breath stutters
Halfway between truth and lies
Hundreds of words flip through my mind
I'm confessing, these are my weakest moments
I'm playing with bottles in closets
I'm gabbling my ***** little secrets
I'm not sure about this one. I'm not sure if I should end it like this.
518 · May 2020
MsRobota May 2020
I prefer silence
because I am shy and awkward
but I hope you stay

because I like
the sound of your voice
it's sweet and strong
513 · Jun 2017
New York in the Fall
MsRobota Jun 2017
Snowflakes melt in the palm of my hand
No matter how hard I try to prevent it
Droplets slip through my fingers

This is New York in the Fall

Could I have a snow globe to store this feeling - awhile?
I’d like to hold on a moment longer
Could I have a flicker of warmth to duel this cold – awhile?
When dark days crash through

This is New York in the Fall

I stand at a crossroad
Fearful of being left behind
I don’t want to be stranded on the side of the road
Waiting for time to stop
Wishing snowflakes would Freeze!
As if I was 10 again playing a game of wax museum
I’m not ready to give up
When I’m certain I’ll win
In time

This is New York in the Fall

Walked in, showed up out of the blue
wait, waIT,WAIT!
Black feathers fall on marble floor
Elegant, the way he wants to end it all
get out, get OUT, GET OUT!
We fell to the floor
Held on tight as he sobbed
Wanting to forget it all
Held on tight to the enemy

This is New York in the Fall

Said he knew of unrequited love
But he knew nothing
Of impossible things
So, don’t bother with breakfast
If you can’t be bothered to return these feelings

This is New York in the Fall

The shower was running
When he entered the room dripping wet
Caught by surprise and exposed
Well? Kisses on my lips left me startled
Why is it he can’t return this unrequited love?

He is New York in the Fall
510 · Dec 2016
MsRobota Dec 2016
Maybe I could live with an empty chest
Would that be so bad?
Maybe my heart could just follow me around like a ball and chain
Until I found a new one
I’m starting to wonder
Would a new heart even fit?
497 · Jun 2017
Broken Clock
MsRobota Jun 2017
The feeling inside is that of a broken clock
The second hand isn’t ticking
Time has your lungs paralyzed
But even so, at least twice a day you feel like yourself
And you can breathe for a second
Before you lose it all, again

Most would throw a broken clock away
Upgrade to a digital with a million other uses
Instead of replacing the batteries
Or taking it to the horologist
It’s rare that anyone who would pass it on the road
Would turn around to spare it a second glance
No one has time for a broken clock

It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re busy;
When you’re having fun; when you’re in love;
When you feel something other than a roller coaster of emotions
In your mind you wonder how did the screws fall loose?
Nothing makes sense in nightmares
Where images of pink one-eyed monsters chase you down the hall
But time never seems to pass
And somehow you find yourself falling through an hourglass
But the ending always finds you waking up
Broken, staring at a clock
492 · Dec 2016
December Baby
MsRobota Dec 2016
My friend is in my pocket
though she is many miles away
before we met... time just spent
and today was just a day

but now I know and can't forget
it's special because the one I met
19 years ago this day
was destined to type in all caps: "YAY!"
My friend wrote this for me & I love it.
MsRobota Nov 2017
Hand on my armor, Hand on my chest
Asking me “Where you going?”
I got to get off this planet before I fall intoxicated by your lips
This armor’s not enough to protect me from your…
Hand on my armor, Hand on my chest
Asking me “What’s your name”
Take a seat, enjoy the show
But I know this armor’s not enough to protect me from
Falling into your vortex

I know I shouldn’t take a chance, sneak a peek at you
From my side of the couch
But I find myself wanting all your attention
Guess I’m just selfish, jealous
This must be how it feels to be in love
Think I like that I won your favor by just being myself
Tear off my armor, Unlock my chest?
477 · Aug 2015
MsRobota Aug 2015
Lured to a fake wonderland
I grew jealous when you kissed the falling snow
Gliding along the ice, sinking between the cracks
It was a platonic toxin coursing through our veins
A beautiful creature of despair

Wake up in spring, lying in a grave
Lost in a dark forest unfolding our imagination
Obviate the worst night of our life
Surrounded by a million white coats crunching numbers
Watching experiments smouldering behind the glass
Strapped to tables, trapped by a colorful mind
I hardly recognize the reflection lost inside
When lurid collisions entertain these nightmares
The only thing left is scars

By summer, it's a world of tragedy
Giving into hate, accepting lies
Another roller coaster meant for a thrill
Bleeding through the neck of the hourglass
Slipping oozing black silk said to be medicine
Faceless, heartless breathing machine
Simulating numbers for accurate results
When there are no accurate answers
It's simply a beautiful stream of cold cases

Autumn floats away
Love closed the door
Left, an empty house
Not an echo, not a whisper, not a scream
Not a mutter, an apology
Just a bite of stone
Buried underneath a river of memories
Lost in a broken clock, still ticking
Forgotten in shattered words
A masterpiece disappeared in four seasons
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