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They are falling on us
from the blue sky.

It doesn't matter
how many of us will get killed.
They say too many, but that means to them
not enough.
They have their own language,
which produces its own facts.

They are constantly hoarding us
to have an easier target,
and to predict more sufficiently
the final outcome.

The bombing continues.
We have no shelter, no food.
We have forgotten our names, lost our minds.
Human beings
reduced to breathing flesh.  

Being dead
is a luxury.
I gave her
took the higher
never works.
She drank all
my whiskey
and stole my
The Romans bathed
naked in the
Tiber, and she
wins wars with
a smile.
Never mind the
Check out my you tube channel where I read from my recent book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on
Each day a letter comes
Each night it goes unread
Sometimes they stack up like moldy bread
But each week they’re burned in a drum

The weather says clear, but the sky’s need to cry
Poison in the air has taken many lives
Even us here have to learn to survive
On planes the bodies are sent back of the ones who died

I try for a walk and see his shadow
I don’t get far but down the street
To an old coffee shop where we would meet
I order a drink and watch the crows

On my walk home, the trees look bare
The concrete is growing strong on the grass
And the flags are all set to half mass
In the mailbox, is a letter from Vietnam; with a slight tear
Zywa May 5
I wrap myself up

in my poem, to show me --

show my open wounds.
Poem "Schizophrenia" (2016, Ghayath Almadhoun)

Collection "Being my own museum"
Let’s go to war
and fight with our
hearts and minds

Let’s start a battle
and crash into the sun.
One more time.

Let’s watch the tensions
lessen, a cause and effect,
directing us to chaos,
never teaching us a lesson.

Let’s watch the bombs rain
down and the feelings
dwell, unable to spell out
what we want to say,

Only lashing out,
hurting everyone,
just like yesterday.

An explosion of emotions,
An attack on the heart,
Cause and effect and
Doomed from the start,

We are the catalyst to
the problem we created
together and apart.
Dave Cortel Apr 30
when the sky turned black and we see red circles blazing from warlike planes,
when rivers streamed deep red and we see no children running,
when the air smelled like gunfires and we see nothing but the wilting of flowers,
when small boys turned daggers into toys and we hear nothing but the shaking of the grounds,

know that my presense is always in the scent of orchids that get lost through your nostrils,
know that we breathe in the same country and i would cross seas even when they became a pool of corpses,
know that i will be the same child who kissed you under the moonbeams
how my great grandfather bid good bye to his wife, my great grandmother
Cutezeni Apr 30
How lucky is my cat
Always tranquil, always sleeping
No worries of the world seeping
I am worried I have to write this story
About war and its glory
But I am just a girl who likes fiction,
Why is there so much friction?
I don’t want to understand the lessons of the war,
I don’t care about it,
What was it even for?
Going against the tide the book said,
But I like going with the flow
Breaking bounds and ceilings
With my believings
And a will to learn and live
Through life and its lessons
Not through going against my feelings.
Let me write fiction in peace. Thanks.
Viktoriia Apr 20
i hope there's a place for us
in the end.
unwanted, unpleasant,
they feel so uneasy when we bring it up,
the horrors of death.
they want to forget,
they want to be safe in their bubbles
of blissful oblivion.
should we say we're sorry
for being too loud,
too angry, too stubborn,
not willing to die without a struggle?
perhaps we're just making it all up.
although it was mostly pretend,
we really appreciate
your concern.
thanks for nothing.
i hope there's a place for you, too,
in the end.
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