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2d · 129
The Exception
For a woman I am a decent driver

Enough to hold wheel
You once told me

Argument admissable

That mastery majority of female species lacks

Like testosterone and equality

I am evidence that there is an exception to every rule
I hate when people stereotype women as bad drivers but then I see so many ****** drivers behind the wheel who end up being female and I shake my head and sigh because the clique is correct and the majority of women reinforce that idea... Tsk tsk...
4d · 93
Crawling Back
I love the way you come crawling back

Sing false promises

How birds chirp meaningless melody

Turn white morning air to grey diluted clouds

I appreciate how nature is always concrete

Honking goodbyes are fowl flying above our foolish heads

In dark black pupils stories rooted so deep they will never be told

Against skies of blue-black and pink pose in continuous grace

I adore the way you hunt me like a wild predator prowling for it's next meal

I keep track of the number of times you plunge on me
Teeth puncturing prey
Tearing into shreds

And dreams we shared shatter before my empty eyes

You'll come back
You always do

Attracted due to an invisible natural force
Too dynamic to resist
Take a bite of my heart tonight
6d · 110
Trouble spilling in paradise
I won't make a peep
Words worthless anyhow
You know talk is cheap
I keep struggles stitched up tight
In patches sewn underneath my skin
Stress wears seams until they snap
Bystanders get a glimpse within
And God forbid living souls witness
Damage or wear and tear
I strive to become a statue
Motionless to every passing stare
I know you wish to be perfect
Such a thing does not exist
I am not the best at navigating
Trails of life that turn and twist
I am rueful for not being grateful
The way you juggle our problems with skill
Probably am an anchor you drag along
Not quitting though hike is uphill
I long to help carry burdens
My arms are simply too thin
Fear I'll drop precious cargo from hands
Soon as movement begins
I would not blame you if resentment
Started erecting high walls
Disappointment forced you away from me
On road paved with regret and missed calls
I don't hear how you are able to see beauty
In my reflection I just see my mistakes
Don't have an explanation
For why heart constantly aches«
But you lift the sun a little bit higher
Clearing dark clouds in skies
With flick of the wrist you beckon their return
Rain pours from both heaven and my tired eyes
I do not think I deserve most poor treatment
All I want is to find your laughter
You've got this bad habit of putting me down
Feeling bad for it after
I should battle FOR you
Not with you
Be my first priority
If you stopped imprisoning my heart
Would realize it's you who holds the key
Putting something you love in a Box will only make it that more likely to fly away once it is finally opened
May 26 · 195
Precise trajectories of Cherubs' projectiles

Get miscalculated time to time

All focus in the world doesn't guarantee a bullseye every single shot

The most critical hit can be foiled by the right breeze

Entry points only come into view every now and then

Watching target
Waiting for the right moment to release arrow into the air

Helplessly flying by only to strike the person standing behind them

Words of sweetest honey senselessly dripping out of the open wound

Have a tendency to heal hesitantly

To maximize velocity
I think Cupid should upgrade his weapon to a crossbow
Because regular old school bow and arrows just aren't cutting it anymore
May 26 · 142
Sometimes angry with choices
Sometimes happy though you are gone
Sometimes painful to remember voices
Every word replays in mind like a song
Got my iPod stuck on replay
May 22 · 272
This Place
If you wanna learn where I am tonight
Sun fading in the absence of daylight
The two of us once got in the car
Drove to this place you no longer are
Written 2-27-21
May 19 · 162
Stuck On You
Stuck on your image
All the moments we shared
How I wish it was someone else for which I cared
Good memories had in the past
Upset me cause they went too fast
I'll never know which portion of it was real
Or the number of emotions you swore to feel
I don't ever receive a straight answer from you
Perhaps you yourself never knew
The love reflected in your glacier eyes
More memorable than countless lies
The truth is difficult to forget
And even harder to accept
Do you ever step back and look at your life?
Or the mirror and ask yourself why?
I guess there's no way to know what you're feeling
Layers are endless
I keep peeling
I hesitate
Hoping you'll somehow revert
To the you that didn't make me hurt
It seems that was so very long ago
For some reason my heart won't let you go
Written 11-10-18
May 19 · 283
Angels And Demons
Astonishingly beautiful world spins around sun
Good and bad souls balance out
To come play with angels
Demons emerge
One needs the other
Cannot survive without
Good cannot exist without evil
May 17 · 174
Death's Knife
Enjoy little things in life
While you can
Before ended by Death's knife
Interrupting plan

I used to hide all day
Escaping problems that pursued
Leaving behind obstacles in my way
I am the one surroundings exclude

There is no shortcut to happiness
On this earth tread upon
We pass on a great big mess
To bury after you're gone

I will claw through tunnels
Until I find rightful place
Help you with your struggles
Cradled in my embrace

Until my wick rekindles yours
Reanimates you
Makes heart pound
Will crawl through soil and explore
Dig you out from the ground

The tomb intended for me instead
Buried you to save my soul
To end madness in my head
Thoughts swallowing whole

I walk this road of ruptured dreams
Softness fading from fingertips
Savoring warm remnants of bright sunbeams
Light out of my grasp slowly slips
I worry I will seize the moment right when it is too late to do so... jobs
May 14 · 212
The Mystery
And how do I keep inhaling when the air has vacated my chest?
With memories that use up all the time that I invest
Banished like pests from the house I used to inhabit
No longer within reach like the rest of my bad habits
To think what you did this for unable to find a reason
Only blank spaces stand to justify your treason
What pain I am composed of
Fear constructs my skin
Until new experiences are made
Old ones sink further in
Again and again play movies in my mind
History home to me so I constantly rewind
I continue living though it's just a waste
Adventures await but I can't seem to make haste
If only I could control these dire thoughts
With your presence gone happiness rots
Seeking solace in words spilled onto page
Anticipating the key that will unlock my cage
The mystery remains as to the force driving you to go
Perhaps even you yourself don't know
Written 2-26-21
May 13 · 45
I Want A Do-Over
I wish for a time machine
Like to go back and wipe slates clean
The pain I would erase or at least transplant
Hurts me because I know I can't
I try accepting the way things are
Missing you safely from afar
Last summer was attached to your hip
I longed to spend every day in your grip
I'm happy you finally got what you wanted
Don't feel like it's really the treasure you hunted
My sadness my only company
Prefer the dark because then I can't see
Heart and how brokenly bruised it beats now
Happiness beautiful if you know how
To dance in the rain embracing shame
Love to me is a ******-up game
It is unknown the length of time it will hurt
Looking for saltwater stains on my shirt
I can't find proof of my sorrow
I believe a weight will lift tomorrow
I can tell suffering will soon end
Every moment a step closer til I mend
No shortcut to bliss and a calm state
We are born bawling
An inevitable fate
And die without warning
Cruel final blow
Putting end to everything we know
May 11 · 233
Pain Over Purgatory
I'd rather feel icy touch
Than absence of your fingers
Disappointment clutched
Traces linger
Constant stress
And everything else we despised
I'd rather feel these than nothing I guess
Pain better than desolation disguised
You dragged me down darkened road
Threat of danger was a low-pitched hum
Senses burning seared and slowed
Rather feel the fire than be numb
Perceiving nerves stretch with agony
All I do is survive
Prefer ache over dull monotony
It proves that I'm still alive
Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Smoking myself crazy
In the wind hear your voice
If truly making you happy
I support your choice
I love her loving you
Embrace and sharp cold words
Fear not you moving on
But not moving forwards
For all we have been through
Turns and coils my distress
A mind ferocious and primal
Tamed by loneliness
All the thoughts go unsaid
Linger in air
If only each one could be gathered
Carried away somewhere
Written 2-26-21
May 6 · 174
Do you realize how much you mean to me?
A genuine smile on your face all I want to see
Near to my heart hold the image of your face
It's one piece of you impossible to erase
Every moment we spend together helps carry me through
Lucky to have somebody in my life as special as you
An acrostic I wrote my boyfriend for Valentine's Day
May 2 · 95
Words You Used To Say
I'm thinking of way things were
Words you used to say
Shimmer of hope in your eye
Details never went away
I marveled at brilliance
The most beautiful scenes
Raised to every occasion
Glass to toast our dreams
Two hearts grew united
Midnight confessions
Relish the intimacy shared
Secure in impressions
I am left only memories
Imagination leaping wild
Magic carpet is out of control
Pulling back to days we both smiled
To moments
Cherish the most
Syrupy and sour intertwine
Into history etched forever
Stone with fading lines
Very isolated I have been
Fitting you are unaware
Roots thrive while mine are dying
One way you show you don't care
Two courses separated suddenly
Words I am desperate to hear
Deep down know you don't feel the same
The only thing that's clear
May 2 · 264
Too Heavy To Fly
How could I get hopes up high?
Heart was far too heavy to fly
And body lacks a pair of wings
Tried to come despite these things
Why did I not expect the worst?
Can't imagine being put first
I cannot imagine how it feels to be needed
Can't imagine not being poorly treated
Losing is a task at which I excel
Don't let me go through more hell
Don't allow me to fall further than I am
Won't ever again about me give a ****
It hits me with sadness to see you don't care
So wistful because I have nobody there
To know other thoughts take up your mind
Disheartening and I can't help but wonder if you're blind
I cannot hug you because you are physically too far
Can only sigh and wish upon a star
Distance our enemy keeping us from peace
Every day forced to spend alone makes interest decrease
Written 2-26-21
May 1 · 238
Is this how love is smothered?
I am misunderstood
We go at war with each other
Will we lose fight for good?
Again hear bombs exploding
And again smoke fills air
Emotions been eroding
Battle isn't fair
How many times have surrendered
Slipping away from the past
Pulling from the image rendered
Drifting from touch too fast
Everyone moving forward
Can't find strength to lift my feet
Where I am stay not speaking a word
We make-up
Never afraid to say how you feel
You don't like it reinvent
Feelings are not meant to be sealed
Here if you need to vent
Energy gathered great and wide
Horizon bright where we stand
The new storm starts brewing inside
Working it's way through the land
Deep colors found above in the vast sky
Shades compressed into one
Emanating a beam from up high
Outlines traced with sun
Life came warming bodies slow
Electricity poured through our veins
Muscles rested to properly grow
Took eons just for force to regain
And heart discovered independence
Still yearned for what we had before
Longing I felt restless and tense
You didn't need me anymore
Written 2-26-21
Apr 29 · 570
Piano Trap House (Rap)
You know me truer than I know myself
Lately I've been turning into someone else
Thoughts I place upon a shelf
Hidden cause I won't ask for help
An honest woman most the time
Except when saying I am fine
I ask the universe why I'm alive
Born to live
Live to die
A fool
Will not try to deny
Already accepted I won't make it in life
Every moment you break me it hurts a little more
Worth it feeling butterflies in my core
Were once best friends but not anymore
After the pain I guess you got bored
Would bring flowers to your front door
It wouldn't make you feel the way you did before

To make something happen we had a chance
Just have to remember that homecoming dance
Believe it is special
Love we share
Can you sincerely say that deep down you don't still care?

This worse than I ever feared
Fall of everything once held dear
This where the face that used to be near
Becomes distant memory
And unclear
Built by us when we first arrived here
The smiles
And tears
As they tug heartstrings
Feelings flooding back
Standing on piles of perseverance I lack
Through mess it's difficult to make out what's real
Can't tell if infatuation or animosity I feel
Pinned against walls that close in and seal
Inside our souls so we don't heal
Meet shadows as we bend and kneel
Wonder from the floor why the world is so surreal
Your noose hanging from a beam of steel
Your death is a choice fate may steal

Title is the name of the instrumental I looked up on YouTube to write this to
Apr 28 · 292
Shaking Pen (Senyrū)
Shaking hand holds pen
"It is just cold" one more lie
Afraid to face truth
The only person I lie to usually is myself
Will heart be in love?
Next time you meet somebody
Just never know when
The next person you are introduced to could be 'the one'
Apr 25 · 214
Unleashed (Senyrū)
Words free to corrall
Untamed, wild beasts may bite
Loose from mouth unleashed
Words are powerful beasts
Difficult ditches
Beautiful angles emerge
Viewing stars better
At least when you are in the gutter you have a better view of the sky
Apr 12 · 347
Always There (Senyrū)
Your name there always
Don't know how to stop loving
Same heartache each day
I just can't shake it
If you aren't comfortable
On throne you sit striking a pose
Stand by me instead
If not liking the life you chose

Wrong decisions catch up
Sort it out best as we can
If you do not enjoy the direction you're going
With me make a different plan

For none of trespasses
Hurt enough to stop my love
Join me in my bed once more
Something that I'm dreaming of

If you do not love her like you love me
Lie by me and talk
I'll tutor with honest advice
Teach which thoughts to block

I'll walk with wherever you roam
Even take the lead
Tell you how special you are
Help you with whatever you need

If you hold me in your arms
Will not let you down
Give you everything she does
Make you smile when you frown

If you don't picture futures with her
On mind when you're in bed
It is safe to say she's not the one
If you cannot get me out of your head
Apr 1 · 1.1k
A Cut As Deep As You
Holding on the hope you will return
For a moment think that you have
Brief impulse is all that I've earned
Resist coming completely back

I'm lying beneath skies full of stars
Frozen ground padding my head
Weakly wondering where you are
Pushing up buried expressions unsaid

The deep roots are tough to rip loose
They've been planted profoundly for so long
Forlorn because I failed to use
Fearing they'd come out wrong

Anguish has now awakened
Manifestation of my flaws
Regretting the path taken
Past a parasite that gnaws

The thought of freedom makes me laugh
Existing but actually dead
Like the way I cope with being half
Acting like I'm whole instead

Isolation is an alien feeling
Heard stories but had no clue
Hardly remember what it means to start healing
Never had a cut as deep as you
You weren't the first, but you were the worst..
Mar 30 · 223
Here Below The Surface
You steal away my smile
Replacing with hurt
My mind consumed with ease
Making me think I'm dirt

I'm tired of the pain
Future dark
Display doesn't seem like home
Gets me not wanting to speak

I try yes I attempt to move on
Right the flaws inside
Always reminded of the past
I can't run or hide

You are doing just great
Look up with determined grit
Here below the surface
Admit defeat and quit
Written 2-22-21
Mar 27 · 373
Return Me
Sitting in room we used to waste hours in
Visions of past make my skull spin
No matter what I chase to distract from your face
Nothing strong enough to take it's place
When dark is when I suffer the most
Shadows ideal home for your ghost
Take me to place
Take into your arms
Whole body warms
Return to your side
Return to your bed
Release from the torment inside my head
Written 2-22-21
Mar 23 · 399
Depths Of Devotion
The gentle bite of silence
In night seems like a kiss
My gaze held as a weapon
Ignoring risk

So I remain free from fear
Doesn't work too well
Between eyes and mine is space
Day after day I miss your smell

Turn not ahead but towards me
Me and you formerly had it all
Stars used to shine for only us
They have since begun to fall

But if you remember
I'll love you til I die
Depths of devotion
Give me one more try
Written 2-22-21
Mar 18 · 502
Midnight Struck
I am happy to hear you are happy

I love happily ever afters

You deserve fairytales

Like we had once upon a time before midnight struck and switched everything back to ****
Not every person gets a happy ending
Mar 18 · 262
Pick Up And Run
The desire to pick up
Escape the earth I walk upon
Everything else has disappeared
Still carry on
Some things in this world are eternal
Mar 18 · 212
Words Wild
When words too wild to catch and corral onto paper
Begin to build up

Stumble on stupid thoughts stacking higher and higher

And fly the instant fingers graze their feathers
Mar 18 · 174
Writers Black
Dark caverns of cranium so vast they get lost in the immense black abyss

There are zero ways to depict the frustration that writer's block is

The sentence fragments stab wounds into soul until blood is gushing out

The only method I know how to start mending is to verse something sane

A poem that can untangle the knot of multiple conflicting emotions winding it's way through my skeleton
That satisfying relief when you finally break through the barricade
Mar 18 · 331
Open whole heart for you

Cautiously flip every stone so you may view it's front and back

Understand ins and outs

And where surface chips and cracks

Correct me without saying words

Context unnecessary

Highlight favorites
I can catalog your desires in my mental filing cabinet

Your memorable features listed in numerical order in one folder

And when you finally witnessed every nook and cranny
Are done exploring the regions of my body
Turn away

Then waltz out of life like a tourist catching the red eye flight home
I was just a vacation to you
Maybe I am where I need to be
The reason presently I can't see
Leaves with flourish spring from tree branches
Try to stay above these mental avalanches
Inside I am frozen
Outside I pretend it isn't true
Written 2-22-21
Mar 14 · 681
Darkness's Stare
The darkness holds desires
Through life is always there
Presence that never expires
Can always feel his stare

Waiting to take happiness
Step off a ledge to get away
That only brings me more stress
I struggle every day
Depression is always looming overhead just waiting to come back around and bring rain clouds
Mar 13 · 670
In The Cover Of Night
In cover of night I hide my flaws
Sealed them in the blackened air
Darkness cloaks my ugly parts
Like they were never there
Nightfall disguises my ugliness in shadows so dark
Mar 1 · 877
Around The Clock
More than not spend all day in bed
Remarkable how depression works around the clock
By the time I manage to raise my head
Sheep gather to be counted in a flock
I'm only not depressed when I am asleep
Feb 24 · 550
The Worst Is Over
I suppose worst is over
Knife pulled from the wound

Or like a broken bone freshly set

But being through the worst
Wonder what comes next

Chest tight

To not consider there ever could be an 'after' for us was just foolish

We thought we would be able to withstand any storm

So giving in like that after hurricanes and tornadoes
Amidst a light drizzle

Twist story however you like

We were convinced love had the answers

Existed in a plane above the rest of the world

Which sounds like beautiful scenario until you look closer

And realize when you're up that high you've got a helluva long way to fall
Is the worst ever REALLY over?
Feb 17 · 342
Closing Off
Closing off all I can't decide
Gotta lock myself inside
I hate my indecisiveness
Feb 16 · 344
A Wish
If getting the chance to read this
Every day a brand new start
Don't dare give up on a wish
If what you long for in your heart
A dream is a wish your heart makes ♥️
I dread the day you will inevitably die
I'll never be ready to say goodbye
We fight every now and then
Cycles repeating again and again
So every morning count every blessing
When life feels extra depressing
I can be much too bad to tolerate
Some things do I'm sure you hate
I severely want you to view me succeed
Atone for every last misdeed
It's been long time coming now
Countless occasions made and broken that vow
Time flew by in what feels like a flash
Cherished treasures crumbling to ash
I sense I've stretched patience thin
Behavior worked it's way under your skin
I recall being younger and naively carefree
Back then world was too big to (truly) see
The shape of hands as they lifted me high
A comfort on which I've grown to rely
Heart bogged down by weight of this shame
Don't recognize the person I became
Your imprint forever will be etched into my soul
Same anchor that throughout the years has played a vital role
I'm afraid before I realize you will slowly slip away
For my iniquities your absence is the hefty price I'll pay
You're the only dad I have and the best by far
I wrote this to tell you how important you are
Feb 6 · 538
Silence Cuts Deepest
Which is louder heart or head?
Why can I not ever decide?
Silence is my only answer
Solution I have yet to find

You create escape for yourself
Why did you not just say so?
Silence is the deepest cut
Worse than you letting me go
Written 2-13-21
Feb 2 · 607
Seeing you and her together would certainly scathe a lot
It is seeing the epitome of everything we're not
But may be better than not seeing you at all
Except in the photographs hanging on my wall
You sent a message (I haven't bothered to read)
The first three words;
"Amanda I need"
No apology for torturing me bad
That made me pretty mad
I've liked always talking to you
Was on a ledge with a helluva view
But I am determined never to jump
I'm not going to hit the ground with a thump
I will not let you control me anymore
Best way to do that is to ignore
I hate the way I am under your magic spell
There's nothing that can save me from this hell
Seeing is believing...
Jan 31 · 816
A Heart You Didn't Break
When pain becomes too great
That pain swallows you whole
Your only scapegoat to blame
Is own forsaken soul

Your mechanism for sleep
Is poisoning your lungs
Be freed of shadows following your feet
All responsibilities and past what you want

When finally you have to fight your fears
In your struggle miss my face
Stay the hell away from here
Complain to heart you didn't break
Written 2-13-21
You promised planet to me long before we were dating
In my heart there is no room for hating
At start we were merely good friends
Hearts beating we faced life's many bends
And as lives separately grew
Drawn to eachothers skin
Had no clue
Our souls began to magnetize
Covered truth in our uncontrollable eyes
Emotion enveloped our intentions with fear
Clothes started trying to disappear
Until there only was a thin wall between
Looking into pupils like viewing a dream
Intertwined mentally each night
Only then I escaped from the fight
Lips yearning
Experiencing connection
Our minds discussed with increasing dissention
We were not ready
Taking that risk
Our bodies eagerly imagined to frisk
Every inexplicably placed wink and smile
Irregular grooves in sense of style
For every mark left on my world
A drop of delight immediately swirled
Every curve of your physique fantasized
Each blemish and scar no matter what size
We were human
Attraction consumed
Our souls met
Pondered what loomed
Seeping adoration out every pore
What was revealed made me care more
Became one face among the others
Because your devotion already belonged to another
Jan 20 · 476
Night Arrives The Same
Our dearest love has fallen
The night arrives the same
Shocked and feeling solemn
For when darkness reclaims
It's an unpleasant surprise
Daily grave planet digs
Towards ground in varying size
Pebbles and twigs
Disturbed a deeper level
Dashing beside fear
Black eyes of the devil
Secrets and lies appear
At dawn grief will linger
Faded heat of the sun
Greater the poison from the stinger
Shine is at point forced to run
Weighed down by loss I am feeling
Our frame anchored to the ground
Burden remains leaving us reeling
Within in blackness does astound
With sharp blow takes the victory
In daylight look for shame
In moon hide what we're scared to see
Have only sadness in us to blame
Written 2-8-21
Jan 14 · 492
Lost In Translation
Carved stone for all to read
You cannot read it though
Feel it taught all over my skin
You just touch what you WANT to know
It could not be more obvious
Written all over my face
Choose to remain blind to the words
For you in the first place
If needing me to translate further
Not sure how else I can
Emotions simple to decipher
You don't want to know who I am
Written 2-8-21
Jan 11 · 316
Her Body
Her body pulls weight with ease
Ask mountains if they are displeased
Question clouds drifting in the sky
What is orbit's watchful eye?
Have spun circles too long
Dizzy as current moves us along
Communicating inexact words
Sentences sometimes are outright absurd
Kissing off-target
Inaccurate aim
An impressive meaningless game
Expressing inner thoughts strictly forbidden
Settles now
What's hidden?
Unapproachable horizon
From the past learn abuse is alright
Understand sea and it's secret depths
Neither decide
Desire to descend it's steps
For indignity she avoids at all costs
Collisions difficult tempt and accost
Start anew
Wiping slate clean
The "we" discovered that lies between
Ever so gently make change
Offered affection usually exchanged
On her own battles pain
Heart will survive because love remains
A returning circuit all burned out
Body will live
Written 2-8-21
Jan 8 · 310
All Things Mentioned
She was darting through thoughts
I dart through hers
My brain tied in knots
Kicking with spurs
Her eyes darker than night
A bottle in her hand
Tearing down with words polite
Meaning hidden I understand
Pack of smokes in pocket
A state of misery
Launching like a rocket
No reason I can see
In foggy haze of confusion
Rain quit falling down
Bars closing in conclusion
Remained dimly lit around
Resting back against wall
Bricks of the front of our wet home
Could hear the substances call
In back of her mind to roam
Let in with welcome arms
Turn off lights one by one
It's about how want disarms
Forfeit to them almost none
In a day will return
Finding you the same place
Or someone better takes their turn
Does not matter
Just a different face
She falls asleep eventually
Giving her dreams attention
Call names and she will be
All things you mentioned
Written about my mom when she was still alive :(
Jan 7 · 230
A cake shared with everybody
Except me

Everyone anticipating slices

So no wishes

No blowing out tiny fires in vain

No spitty frosting
Little traces of yourself embedded deep into the pits of other's stomachs

Instead tie a balloon to wrist

Showing age in slow shuffling

Open ribbon
Unwrap the gift I painstakingly chose for you this year-
When someone else has their cake, eats it, and then proceeds to eat your slice as well.
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