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Dawn Treader Mar 2021
Those words spoken long ago
I choked them down dry and raw
Now I find regurgitation
To be the only way
In avoiding asphyxiation
Belief is one thing
Reality another
A monster when combined
Some call it "Love"
Some call it a "Lie"
Delusion is jelly-thick
You know what tastes nice?
I poisoned myself on hope and seclusion
Love, may you gag on my rotting flesh
My eyes have opened
My mouth agape
Choked out from love's embrace
My feelings on a long complicated relationship that has left me feeling so many emotions I thought I had pushed far away.
afza ali Nov 2014
Did u ever ask yourself that are u really happy?
Are we really happy?
Or we just playing around the emotions
finding the pleasure in food
In love stories
In our favourite songs
Then why do i feel incomplete?
Even after i have eaten my favourite food
Even after watching my favourite band perform
Even after reading the bestest of the love stories
Why is there the feeling of not being satisfied?
Why my heart is restless?
Why it lurches for something undefined in the darkness?
Why i don't feel happy after writing a poem?
Why my hand craves for more words?
Why is this feeling???
What are the feelings in my heart that want to come out?
What is this feeling of wanting something
But what???
Why my mind and heart had started giving emotions in crypts?

— The End —