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David Hilburn May 27
Speed skills
Anti the patience, you dismay?
Serious consciences, save what kills
Seek me at the end of poise, people shade

And a heart of steel, waiting on the guidance
Made of hunger in the name of shame
Somewhere the lovers of wonder, are our chance
Oblivion and the nary of a fulfilled joy, same

Same side of a house
Adding the gifts of omnipotence, a hill
Now in your stead, have and the thought for thou
Eccentric as a wall of flame, we see the sun is a since's will...

Won't a misery enact, the coming hope?
Erudite and valuing want, over loves history...
Never in view, with a bright mind, to liberate shown...?
Time, to a little more fate, when loves epistolary...

Heed me, the corners and the future of powers, adroit
Overt to clashes of vivid kind, that swallow of pride
Made the noise, the vice and the silence, so loyal...
Earned for a levity in the now, the soul of reach to those, sighed

At the moment of curiosity, the privilege of sincerity
Making the statement of a lifetime, when time builds a house
Each their spate fears, like a fool, with tears for eternity...
David Hilburn Mar 18
Put to cares, investiture
World's worth, the lips of sustain
Having the moment, a chance curiosity...
With the legend of suppose, a critique came?

What's is in the box, dismay?
Generosity of a soul, if not spirit
To wonder in a clashing eye, the pout you made
Is a reach for judgment, that has discussed avarice's limit...

Cold, shouldering your simplicity...
Said in the form and function of living example
The reasons of virtue, without the redoubted tendency...?
Of love over silence, the harmony of youth to question, hell

Prayers we dote, are in the mix...
But, such a beautiful eye of essences made, esteem laid
To rest with a harbored kiss, for what is a psyche
Meant in the now, with us for a proof, of seclusion said:

How's the new lover, Jack?
Where imposition is to be, the court of selection
Spate influences, will in withheld eye's we lack?
With the emotions of sincerity, the face of completion...

Souled by craving, sealed by having
Toward the known kind, we fade to life a whole dare
Is a reality to venture the words, of a sense of a decision saving
You, for the barriers of justice, where one swallow is a world of cares...
Served with the mercy of a guitar in love, guidance has lead you here, to more than a heart to leap to mercy's hour, mercy's our...
i don't want to be part of this world
i would rather just observe it
how clouds move through the sky like hallucinations
how they appear then disappear at whim,
turning into milky nothing
i want to be nothing, too
i caught
the midnight sky
winking at me
as i walked
out the front door;
its clouded lid
falling upon
that bright
but waning eye
for the briefest
of moments

it is hard
to know
if this was
a gesture
   of endorsement
a translunary "attaboy"
   of encouragement
to keep walking
this path
less travelled
or an accusatory
   the ambivalence
that my secrets
would be kept
by this
stellar companion
Mark Apr 2021
Fearful cows. Proud buckets. Sequestered and barbed.
Three freckles. A constellating of anchors.
Violating space.
The long road travelled and the long road ahead.
Each length, perfect reflection of the other.
You are travelling as a mirror. Roving.
Violating time.
Swallowing hours. Draped. A shroud of volition.
The sky is still crying. The sea is angry.
You hear it sometimes, underneath the wind’s wails.
It can hear you. Sometimes. But always it sees.
Violating mind.
What it sees sends sun to sky and turns rain to
tears of joy, collected in proud buckets, that
drizzle down, dousing the faces of fearful cows.
Dawn Treader Mar 2021
Those words spoken long ago
I choked them down dry and raw
Now I find regurgitation
To be the only way
In avoiding asphyxiation
Belief is one thing
Reality another
A monster when combined
Some call it "Love"
Some call it a "Lie"
Delusion is jelly-thick
You know what tastes nice?
I poisoned myself on hope and seclusion
Love, may you gag on my rotting flesh
My eyes have opened
My mouth agape
Choked out from love's embrace
My feelings on a long complicated relationship that has left me feeling so many emotions I thought I had pushed far away.
i could pull the sheets
up and over my head

i could shut out the day
and hide from the light

but i can't escape the fear
i hold tight within my chest

will i always be running
in search of something better

wondering if i mistakenly
fled the best?
Man Nov 2020
i saw an odd ball of light the other day
and thought it must've been an airliner,
but it was a god's ocular
sizing me up

so when it crossed my mind
i took hold of it,
"let him look"

up, at the black overhead
grimacing at me
i shouted

"well, old man? what's the verdict?"
and all the stars shone down

in the tiny cracks, that they cut through the sky
i swear i heard
Man Nov 2020
knowing our time here is short
and shorter lived, with how we rob ourselves
why is it we take from others
and give back so little

knowing love is to share
why do we guard it
keeping it close to us
biting at those that might
want to be loved
or, to love

especially upsetting
is acknowledging the few paths of recourse,
mostly hollow options, left to us
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