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misha Oct 2018
you push
me down
but i
don't brush
that weight
i don't brush
your words

but instead
i climb onto
instead of
falling down
i rise
higher than
because nothing
you'll ever do
to me.

at least not anymore
misha Oct 2018
don't treat me
as if i'm fragile
because i might
seem quiet and shy
but i've got opinions
that are so strong
that they want
to break

opinions that want
me to tell you
to stop
being a

opinions that
make me boil
because you
won't ever
understand how
it feels to be
shut down

opinions that know
what i am
is not an option
but it's what
i've become
and what i've

opinions that
you have of me,
that i'm not
confident or

here's my opinion:
i'm confident that
you don't know me

i'm confident that i
don't need your
retorts in my life

i'm confident that
the words you
say that might
even hurt,
mean nothing
to me

and i'm
that i won't
ever let it
effect me

i feel pretty in
the clothes i wear,
i don't need your
comment on them

i feel pretty with my
hair like this,
my shoes like that,
with my eyes on my
book because
truth be told,
it's way more
interesting than you

so wash my name
out of your mouth
because you say
i'm fragile and
oh so weak

so what if i am?

why do you care?
dear reader, you look amazing today but not as good as you'll look tomorrow! take care of yourself

- misha
misha Dec 2018
just thinking
how much you
mean to me
is overwhelming

do i mean the same to you?
dear reader, i hope you have an amazing day
misha Nov 2018
i'd like to
pay more
to how i
feel than
to what you
want to do

i'd like to
pay more
to what i
want to
eat instead
of having
what you
feel like

i'd like to
pay more
to the
clothes that
i want to
wear, instead
of pulling on
the ones
you choose
for me

i'd like to
pay more
as i live
and love
with myself
instead of
giving my
best to you
thinking about

so call me
if you must
but is it
a crime to
pay attention
to myself?
misha Nov 2018
don't give me
broken pieces
to pick up as
you go because
i'm not a mender
and i can't heal
these scars
misha Nov 2018
i don't know
why i still
look at your

get out of my head

get out of my head


misha Apr 2019
is it cruel that sometimes i am
able to breathe normally,
and to get through
the day without
sobbing when
i think about you?

it's only been a little while
but it seems as if
i've forgotten your
petal soft skin,
always fresh with soap,
your hair neatly
clamped to a side
your aching back which
arches stronger than
any bridge, carrying
all the weight of the
life you lived

those weary eyes,
glossy with tears
when we came to
visit from miles away
only to stay for hours,
with you crying
as you hug us
as we depart
like robots

we could've visited more often,
stayed a little longer,
because now all i can do is
pray in the morning when i wake up,
pray when i come back from school,
pray before going to sleep

i wish that your soft skin
stays gleaming,
i wish that your aching back
is no longer curved like a bangle
but instead straight like a ladder
letting you reach the heavens,
your long hair full of colour,
draping earth

and when i'll see the shadow,
i'd think that's you above me,
when i'll see the rain falling,
i'd think it's you crying
as you miss us,
as you look over us,
as you love us from there,
and when spring comes
the petals dancing in the air,
fragrance from france,
the one that's so expensive
won't even compare to your

please let me shake in your
arms as you rub my back
with the strength of generations

please let me hug you
and cry with you as i leave
you behind

just for a little while
let's be together
in this short
not even a month has passed. i still love you, we miss you so much. i hope that you're not suffering in your grave or that you're scared, i hope that perhaps the light from heaven greets your grave, warming you in happiness. please be happy ammi.
misha Nov 2018
i hope i'm not the only one who thinks about you.
do you even remember me?
misha Jun 2019
why do roses die but thorns remain?
misha Jan 2019
there used to be
a time in which
i didn't pour myself
into my poems
but everything
changed when
i felt my first
and anxiety

as time went by
i spent countless
hours, focusing on
miniature poems in my
mind and actually
having the courage
to post some of them,
that was the moment
that was worth
living and existing for.

my poems have been my best therapy
i will love myself forever, i promise
misha Mar 2019
how can my own home feel like jail?

the windows are always open but i
can see the bars that trap me inside
my own mind, hold my lungs tight
to stop me breathing,
there's always fresh air entering
but when it comes near me it becomes
rancid and putrid, choking me
and tearing me up but i will always
end up inhaling the matter or else
i won't survive

the rooms are filled with ornaments
from different countries,
little souvenirs that we were there
but even with the furniture
i feel secluded, my bed is not
only my resting place, but it
sobs as i rest my tired eyes,
hoping that even in this darkness
of my room, where i can hear the
shallow breaths fill the air,
perhaps the light that escapes
between these walls could
guide me and send me a halo

the clothes that hang solitary
waiting to be reached towards,
they only cover me from this
world that i live in,
these clothes do not liberate me
but they protect me from
anything worse than this jail
in which i know i shall rot
ever so slowly but until then
i shall pray that it won't be
due to my sadness or the fact
that i can't stop worrying and
stressing about the future

if only these walls, this jail,
stopped my mind from wandering
into a state of freedom,
aching to be heard,
screaming at whatever chance they have
but this voice will never escape
as i am made of steel,
my bones are my cage and
this body is half-alive

hold-me, could i dare to ask?
hold-me, in this jail as i
fall into deep sleep,
pray that i won't wake up
hold-me as i soften my breath,
i'd finally feel the rain
as it patters onto my face
but i'd look up and see no sky,
no clouds and no heaven
imagining another life isn't that bad
misha Sep 2018
for me
a miracle
because when
the sky does fall
the devil will come
back running towards
me with his arms open
hoping for me to reach out
for him and call for him and
love for him but i can't love him,
i can't love someone that evil and
cruel, who laughs as he tortures and
smirks as he breaks your heart yet he
still would rub it in your face as if nothing.
dear angels above, the sky might be falling
but you're falling too, send a miracle and pray
for me as you fall, dear broken one- don't give up
on me now but save me from this devil inside of me.
misha Oct 2018
it's kind
of scary
how people
take me more
than in
real life
misha Sep 2018
it would be
if you said
"i love you"
because that
would mean so
much more
than this silence
misha Sep 2018
you make
me feel
like a sinner
loving you
is like
in love
with the
misha Mar 2020
a year ago
i lost you
six feet under

and even a year later
i love you
six feet over
i miss u grandma, i love you so much. thank you for being my grandmother, honestly the best thing you ever did was love us unconditionally despite the communication barrier but i know that even if our tongues did not speak the same languages, our hearts sure did and the love we felt could be translated into any language
misha Feb 2019
we don't even realize
how quick like
a sharp breath,
a lunge in the ocean,
a ***** of a needle,
a shot of lightening,
is how fast our
lives boil with our

suppose you've done
all that you've wanted,
but are you ready to
go to sleep?
misha Jul 2021
my body sleeps
for hours and hours

but my mind never sleeps,
not even for a lone minute

it's so hard to escape
the captivity of your own mind.
misha Apr 2020
i wish we knew from the start,
if someone was going to leave you in the end

so that i would never get close
                            never would trust
                        & never would love them
i don't want to lose u but if u ghost me then i can't reach you
misha Sep 2018
i love you
or maybe
i love the
of being
in love
with you.
that maybe
in some
we could
change the
and i
could call
you mine
even if
the gods
are against it.
even if
you've got
your eyes
on her
and i
can't ever
be her.
because i'm
not as
smart as her,
as pretty as her,
as funny as her,
i wish
you'd know
that maybe
there's something
in me that she
doesn't have.
even if
maybe we
never meet
i will
always know
that you're out there
waiting for me
and feeling the same
way like me.
as if i'm missing
something special,
a part of me,
that's in you.
i wonder if soul mates actually exist, but being a hopeless romantic, a part of me wishes maybe it was true.
misha Nov 2018
don't pull me apart at my seams
but instead stitch me stronger with your love
misha Sep 2018
it's hard
to read
your eyes
because you
keep them
stormy and
void of any
dark and
almost keeps
me up at
trying to
the bridge
of your nose,
the shape of
your eyebrow
and your grey
crosses over
your face
a tiny snarl
that slips past
your lips,
if only
i knew
how you felt
when i
told you
i loved you.
misha Sep 2019
so powerless
we are unable to live
yet we are unable to die
perhaps just like rain
we change forms
even with the passing of forms,
the humans hearts
still remain heartless
misha Sep 2018
they say
to be
the best
that you
can be
and that
single day
is a new

but what
they don't
know is
that i've
ran out
of re-spawns
i ran out
of lives,
i'm on
my last
and no matter
what day,
what hour,
or what minute
i will
be the same
misha Nov 2018
you're always so close yet so far
i'm tired of bending backwards for you
i'm sick of swimming across to you
i'm frustrated by waiting for you for hours
don't come and find me,
i'm no longer yours
misha Sep 2018
it hurts
a little
they compare
me to my

i know she's
and can float
her brush on
her canvas,
she fills it
with colors
and shapes
that i wish
maybe i could
do something
like that as well
she's got a way
with her words
that make me
feel poisoned
if only i was
as good as her
with her brush
and her practice
if only i
mastered that too
but i grew up
too soon

yet here i am
painting as well
but my canvas
is black and white
my canvas
is the same shapes
repeating on and on
my canvas is forbidden
and unheard of to
my parents
my canvas isn't dead
but its alive,
breathing and swelling
she walks out
of fire even if it hurts
she might burn down
as she goes but
she's the best power
that i know
and just because
no one knows about
my art
it doesn't make
it any less special
because my
art is for
misha Nov 2018
i'm not the lighthouse
that you visit after
a rough day at sea
i'm not the one who's
shining my light to
direct you in the night
but those waves that hit
are my tears,
i shed in the daylight
cowering in fear
i'm the moon
that's so bright but you
won't be see me
as you're blinded
by the reflection
i'm the one who controls
those waves,
the ones that make you
reach home safely
or the ones
that make you drown
so be careful on that
because the moon
isn't always a goddess
"bad ***** goddess" are the poems that make me feel the best, so empowering.

stay safe everyone!
misha Mar 2020
hour long calls
hour long messaging
hour long giggles

minutes long stories
minutes long for a few words
minutes long for being scared, afraid and desperate

seconds long for three words
seconds long for saying sorry
seconds long for a bye

and a fraction of a memory
still sorry?
misha Oct 2018
i'm the
kind of girl
that leaves notes
written on desks
but those notes
aren't for anyone
but me

those notes say:
"you look amazing today!"

those notes say:
"smile some more!"

those notes say:
"you aren't alone"

those notes say:
"you're respected"

those notes say:
"you're loved"

and i don't mind
if anyone else
reads them
because everything
on those notes
is everything
that applies to you
as well
misha Jan 2019
i will love myself forever, i promise.
i love me i love me i love me i love me i love me i love me
misha Dec 2018
if i can't be strong
for myself
then i'd be firm
for my ancestors
who's blood bathes
willingly in my veins

i'd lay down in the
silence just concentrating
on my pulse as a clock
to watch the timeline
of the generations
before me

i'd fall in love in
each hardship,
in each misery
in each downfall
because they made
it through

i carry their courage
and durability
and it runs deep
inside of me

and that's how i
know i can be strong
maybe not for myself
but for them
thank you for making me how i am today, i won't let you down
misha Dec 2018
it's been weeks
since we chose
different paths
but i'm hoping
that these
parallel ends
meet once again
i could wait until my next life, if i had to
misha Sep 2018
lift me
up with you
and you take
me to heavens
where no one
has explored

and you show me
the universe
and it's end
oh how much
i'd love to
fly with you

with those
majestic wings
that are
so powerful
that all
the mortals
stop and wonder
what creature
fell to us,
in this hell
down below

and we
all look
up towards the
and see you,

blocking the sunlight
from us,
giving us shade
from this heat
we thought maybe
you'd watch over us,
cool us down
and guard us

but your
wings are
wings of
the devil.
misha Nov 2018
everyone has that one song
that makes them
laugh sometimes,
smirk like an idiot sometimes,
or cry sometimes

for me it's the
sound of your
the sound of your
heartbeat gently
beating underneath
my head as it lays
on your chest

stay with me
a little bit
misha Nov 2018
you don't know me

i'm quiet on the
but on the inside
i'm screaming
misha Sep 2018
they say
if you let
people know
then they'd
but i'm sure
that you
don't want to
know about
the devil
in me.
misha Sep 2018
do you feel  anxious?
can you still eat without
having the thought
that maybe you'll
swell up and
can't get past door
or hearts?
wanting to be like
paper but
you never thought
that being paper
was fragile
and that people
could write all
over you.
what you needed
was thick skin
and a thick heart.

do you feel scared?
when you hear your
name, thinking
are they talking
about your scars?
your imperfections?
your breakouts and your
bruised skin.
can you look at someone
straight in the eye
without thinking
that they're staring
at that ugly mole
and aren't even
focusing on you,
so you look down
at their feet
but darling,
you should look
at them with pride
because your scars,
marks and pimples
are not an end
but they are
a journey,
a story
of what
you've gone

do you feel stressed?
when compare your body
to a model or an idol
who has a tiny waist,
yet she's curvy,
do you measure your *******,
your waist and looking
for solutions to looking
like your 'dream girl'
that you dream about,
the one who's
so confident
so beautiful
so perfect?

have you ever thought,
that maybe
your dream girl
was actually inside of you?
she came to birth with you
she opened her eyes with you
she said her first word with you,
she walked with you.

and she'll dream with you
oh she'd care for you,
look out for you,
crave for you
but most of all
she'll love you.

you are your dream girl.
i think nothing is more attractive than self respect, endurance and confidence. we all show them in different ways but we all do shine like the brightest of stars. be you!
misha Nov 2018
i turn a blind eye
to my fears
but when it comes
to you,
i can't help but

i don't know what
it is but there's
something cliche
that captivates me
even if i despise
you more than
i'm not scared anymore
misha Sep 2018
you want
to keep
us a hush
you don't
want anyone
to know that
you're with me

you make it
pretty clear
when you
follow me
like a shadow
so much alive
but not noticed

you're careful
when you're
with me
in case i might
blow up
but i don't
let my feelings
out because
i know
i will
lose you
if i did

i'm frightened
without you
because in
some wicked
way you make
me feel loved,
in some sick
way i feel happy,
in a sinners way
you make me
feel alive

the truth is
that i'm an
object to
i'm just someone
who you can come
to and look for my

and i'm
always dumb
enough to
give it
to you
i'm so dumb
to want you
i'm so dumb
to accept you
i'm so dumb
that i can't
let you go

you say
we're just
passing our
i wish i
could call
you mine

you won't
make the
first move
i'd have
to prove
what you
really mean
to me

still, i know
you'll leave
me alone
and how
can i be
a lover
your love?
misha Sep 2018
me in
the corner
of our school
no one
can see

but maybe
a friend to
me so
that everyone
that i'm
more than
your toy

stop calling
me when
you're drunk
with your friends
and call me names
"what a ****."

you'd laugh like
you told a joke
but really
you know
you're lying

don't push
me in
the hallways
and act
like it
like i

i know
you only
say those
and do
those things
to get me
out of your

but i hope
you realize
that you're
not the
misha Dec 2018
i can't climb your walls
anymore so please break
them down
for me.
misha Sep 2018
don't be a
when i
tell you
that the
only art
i do,
is red
and golden,
carved deep
inside of me
but not a
blade but
with your
i chant
them to
like a
sick prayer.

— The End —