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i never knew that
i was  your 11:11 wish
until it was too late
you are that someone i waited for desperatly
so that i will be loved differently
SANA Apr 28
where should i show this love that belongs to you
its no one else's but yours
but u don't want it
and i cant take it back
SANA Apr 24
i ran away from the feeling
i am sorry
i am not asking for it back
just don't leave me alone in this
SANA Apr 24
the tears that are rolling down my cheek
and dying at my lips
hold the hot and solitary love
i have for you in my heart
Zywa Apr 20
Teardrop diamonds,

frozen on my eyelashes:

beautiful sadness.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 1-1 "The perforated sheet"

Collection "Low gear"
Bekah Halle Apr 16
Dry, like an arid desert;
Limited life contact,

Crying was a mirage,
Only others seemed to hold the key;
That could unlock,
The healing springs from within.

But drip by drip,
Inner acceptance they bring;
More freedom within,
Who I am is the best place to begin.

My tears are the permission,
To grieve this long journey;
From before my birth,
The pain of a broken world that you’ve allowed me to live in.

Be here,
With these tears.
Don’t leap ahead,
And miss the healing in these cool springs.

When the tears fall,
They release life;
Permission to be,
Freedom to embrace.

New life,
But it first took courage,
To shed that first tear;
You faced the fear,
That held you captive,
But now you are free to fly.

On the wings of a new horizon;
To walk on dewy grass,
With the sun rising, new promises.
Try again, learn and grow stronger,
In your way and time.
SANA Apr 16
George Krokos Apr 12
There's a light that one can see within the darkness of their mind
a glorious radiance which can be seen with love and tears to bind.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
SANA Apr 10
How long should my sadness last?
When will it come to an end?
Will it ever stop? For a split second, I might feel happiness touching my heart, but then waves of grief washes over me.
Still, for what length of time should I cover the bridges of my eyes to hide the tears that are starting to well up?
Still, how long should I continue to act as I'm alive  though I'm dead?
when will the world realize that i was dead inside a long time ago...
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