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Six Flowers  Nov 2014
Six Flowers Nov 2014
I see the space station passing over, and I wave, and think about all the silent machines above me. Orbit is a controlled fall – I remember that. An endless downwards hurtle, but with just enough forward momentum to keep from hitting the ground. Freefall. I think about satellites, and how this barely controlled freefall is the only way that they can fulfill their purpose. I think some people are like satellites: we also live out our lives in freefall.

Satellite people, that’s us. We’re the ones who always say the wrong thing to the wrong person, or the right person at the wrong time. We didn’t get the Rulebook for Human Interaction that the others got given at birth, or soon after. Or if we did, we never read it – discipline was never our strong point.

People in freefall Get It Wrong, often. We’re good at self-justification, and we tell ourselves that she doesn’t really love him, that our unhappy childhoods are to blame, that our badness makes us interesting. We never got the hang of sensible, grown-up love - our bodies shake, our souls twist and burn inside our limbs, and we open our big mouths, and the only thing we can keep down is Jim Beam and dry toast, because we don’t know if it’s all going to be OK, now we’ve spoken.  In all probability, we’re never going to know.

We live our whole lives in freefall, people like us, but with just enough forward momentum to keep us alive. And we are alive – ****** and embarrassed and scared, but alive. It’s when we feel nothing, that’s when people like us hit the ground.
Tammy M Darby Nov 2018
I halfheartedly grasped the ledge
Peering indecisively over the edge  
Wondering perhaps in all seriousness if I should let go

A freefall of the mind is what they call it '
And if you do not experience it
Why and how could you possibly comment
And in all honesty, say it is an emotion you know?

A little less grew my grip on the edge
Taking momentary notice of the crumbling ledge
My mind wanders into a place where all is nothingness
And nothingness is the norm

I let my mind freefall as they call it
Into oblivion and time dissolved it
Finding myself very comfortable in this environment
I wished never to return

So I concocted a simple cunning game
Whenever spoken to by the seemingly sane
Smiling wickedly
Into nodding confirming faces
I repeat these words

A freefall of the mind is what they call it '
And if you haven't experienced it
How could you possibly comment
And in all honesty, say it is an emotion you know?

@ copyright Tammy M Darby Nov. 24, 2018
Margaret Hein  Apr 2012
Margaret Hein Apr 2012
I just want to freefall
Let my heart slip away from me
I think that letting feelings go
Could maybe be the key

I just want to freefall
Have the burdens go away
And slip from cloud to blinding cloud
And have a peaceful day

I think if I could freefall
That feeling could set me free
Then the real me- my heart and soul-
Is all that you would see
Foxgopher  Oct 2016
Foxgopher Oct 2016
Take a step
Take a step
Off the edge

Fall free into the air
Nothing is up
Nothing is down
Floating in freefall

Wind meanders by
Your body speeds
To somewhere
But the mind is behind

The air has stopped now
Were you in distress?
Or did you imagine that?
Either way, you’re finished now

Falling ends at the bottom
Of the endless nether
The ground creeps up
Then your body assaults it

Laying on the concrete
Waking from a dream
Brush yourself off
And take a step off the edge
Silver Lining Sep 2016
I remember the first time..
It crept in,
so quiet
so gentle.
Like how the sky goes black.

But this time it's like a
tsunami, a flash flood
a freefall.

I'm standing on a roof
and suddenly I'm flying through the air
the ground below rising  up to meet me
as my brain assures me
"Just this once is okay."
"You'll be just fine."
aesthenne  Nov 2016
aesthenne Nov 2016
let's talk about life as our voices fade
by the night's sparkles and sunlight's shades
sorrow ensues and happiness becomes blue
memories come back as we forget about it too

our hearts grew fonder and fonder
yet came haste then you were such a bother
hold me close yet let me go
for i am the wind that must flow

watch me from afar as you leave
for i am not responsible when you grieve
Inspired by Petrarch's Sonnet 307.
I sit at the end of the world
my feet dangling over the edge
wondering if just a little nudge
will send me tumbling down to the earth below
Like a meteorite falling across the sky.
Or will I fly free
Like a comet dancing with the stars
Kagami  Oct 2013
Kagami Oct 2013
In corny cartoons,
And cheesy adventure movies,
The hero always falls from a cliff.
A tree root always protrudes and saves them.

Love, you are my hero. The strongest man
I have ever known.
But tonight, you fell. I was worried when you
First looked at me that way
And came closer. And you fell.

I want to stop you, mid freefall.
I want to save you like you saved me.
Let me be the tree root that you grasp
And hang onto for dear life.

Let me be the hero for once.
david badgerow Nov 2011
I am a raging river fed by rain.
I flow hard against rocks and logs.
I flood my banks in the springtime
and I seep into valleys.
I catch leaves and seeds during the fall,
and I deposit them southward.
I drift along slowly in the winter.
I feed creeks and mountain streams
and greedy bears and hungry fisherman
and I brought the Grand Canyon down on it's knees.
I am the lifeblood of the mountain.

You can find me in the sweet nectar of the desert cactus.
Victoria Johnson Nov 2014
What is it like?
That moment of freefall,
When you're the one who jumped?

Do you dread the end?
Have second thoughts?
Or are you just content?

Do you feel peace?
Or like you have wings?
Or has control been ripped away?

Suicide is not a beautiful thing,
But do you feel beautiful in that moment,
When it's just you, the air, and God?

Do you feel like an angel in that moment?
Or does the reality hit you too soon,
That the thing you did to gain control,
Is not in your control after all?

Because you are but a human,
Just one of many,
And entirely unique.

But one thing we have in common,
Or rather, don't have,
Is control.
She's tired of fighting
To keep her soul's fire alive,

She's been in a constant battle
Just trying to survive.



She's totally over
The long, hard road, drive,

Always giving,
Whilst her needs
She deprives.



Her heart and mind
Are taking a plunge,
A freeing, freefall dive,

She's tired
Of letting the backstabbers
Take advantage of her;
She's over the malicious way
That they conspire and connive.

By Lady R.F  (C) 2017
Ant  Feb 25
Ant Feb 25
i dropped my phone
and it cracked.
this just feels like life,
except im in a freefall
waiting to hit the pavement
and shatter,
just like my phone.

— The End —