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themed time spent exploring
new pathways forged
in the minds of poets
When every day's
a struggle

to keep your head
above water

may solace be found
in words so preciously

by a printing press

with sprinkles
and milky images
Life is like
A passing
In Life 💕💕🧬🧬
poetry is music
just with-out the music
the stars are music
just with-out music

your beauty is music
and so on..
music is music
but what of silence..
It can be found
In unexpected moments
When someone rises
Up to meet the challenge
Either through actions
Or words
Or both
It can be someone
That stands up
Even when it’s hard
For what’s right
What we know deeply
In our hearts of hearts
Or someone that walks
Into danger to help
Or a healer helping the ill
Courage is everywhere
In adults and children
Around the world
There are those
That stand up
Speak out
Even when it’s difficult
They do it
At a time of turmoil
In the world
With pandemics
Unrest and violence
We need the courageous
More than ever
What are you??
When it’s my turn to be reaped
- as I know it someday will be
- let my final, earthly verse be poetry.
Let the vast heavens weep,
may my wake not be cheap,
and peace be upon my coterie.
a smile will get you just so far
will not give you a universal pass

what mind you have to share
universal mystery all want to hear

be amazed sure we will
behind the smile a unique soul
poetry is practical
a way to be

even short song

delves deep
- our Humanity
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