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if we don´t dream
we go mad
quite literally
lily-man can not

take too much reality
it makes us sad..
so we pick our poison
(or it picks us)

and the next thing we know
we don´t care-all bad..
it is a nightmare-!


but children still see
a future!
don´t you worry..
what is reality?

they want to be
(and what-not)
free as stars..


or a poet
my father was a poet
in the oral tradition-

like the story-teller
spontaneous and funny
i was his translator

what does it mean?
i learned quickly..
to think in another

people said, you are a
poet ..

a first line-
evasive as time sometime
or illusive-could be either
or both-that is the nature
of the word-could be anything
regarding time gets us no-where or
anywhere-tricky blighter..


i had a badge or pin
as our american cousins
say-it read today i am 5
well,today i am 64 and none
the wiser..


i did n´t have all my
and we had jelly and i-
ce-cream-we played pass
the parcel and musical chairs
and in the garden swore eternal
love and friendship..

the last bugle-
be mean
be cruel
(i will remain true

to the jungle..)
and fade to white..
-i will be happy
with-out you..

o lie!
(o self-deception..)
o lack a day!
(for we must pay..)


i curse the day we met!?
i was just pht-
a vortex of purple

with a severed head
looking down at me
(i thought be cool..)
said er, you have fire..?

i thought of a legend
of medusa
there was sea and
a star

that was black-
and then i was in
a bath
we laughed

in the beginning
and then i was disscussing
morality and politcs
with a cat-poe-ah yes..

i recall it well..
p.s.-what of silence?
it is beauty
it is conspiracy

is it god
or creation

or destuction
a laugh
a tear

a swish of
the devil´s tail
a minutes or

a google
sparrow **** or
the last bugle..
poetry is music
just with-out the music
the stars are music
just with-out music

your beauty is music
and so on..
music is music
but what of silence..

had their first lesson
two little boys in bandannas
would be bon jovi..

a guy with a smart guitar
had half-rhythm-
never heard of before..

a beautiful lesbian
drove a beetle car
would rather walk her

dogs than practise..
and so forth..
i learned patience..


and that is the
finest thing in the world!
(i don´t know if

it´s finer than music
but then what is?
answers on a post card..)
my mother said:
you should learn the guitar
you will be popular-!

so i went to mr s. on a
thursday night
learned guiliani and sor..

he had just retired after
forty years on the rail-road
so a patient man..

his ailing mother would bang
on the ceiling and
he would be off for a smoke

his nerves a clang..
i left on my own
confronted by carulli

examined their home
i had not seen anything
so beautiful

i thought it was all
so old

generations of love
and pride
it was so peaceful..

i hated to make a noise
he would return with
a smile-

and ask how is it going?
and i said ok-i thought
someday maybe

i will teach and i did
a little bit
my pupils..
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