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We’re addicted
We can’t quit
We talk about it
Yet it continues
Sad event after event
Year after year
American addiction

No matter how awful
The pain and horror
We can’t quit
Oh there’s talk
Hand wringing
Crying and shouting
Yet nothing changes
American addiction

When will courage
Appear to stop this
When will life
Truly be valued
Lately it’s been children
Paying the price
American addiction

Life is precious
Beyond materialism
Beyond power
We each have one
It’s up to us
How we choose
To live
It’s time to stop
The carnage
Look after each other
American addiction
Can we quit
Are we ready??
I am a survivor
Many of us are
From the few  last years or so
We have battle scars
From fear, loss, illness
Overall stress from the times
But, we are still here
Still standing
Broken perhaps
But we made it through
To the other side
Though so many did not
Such loss and pain
The war is not over yet
It’s still going on
In so many places
The danger is still there
Muted only by vaccines
For that we are grateful
Yet we must remain vigilant
More battles may be coming
Yet we have made it to this point
We are survivors
We too are warriors
I am thankful
As the sun drops for the night
The streets clear of cars and people
The emptiness is soothing in a way
Cats are the only creatures out
Seeking something to eat
Night quiet
As the sky grows darker
A black velvet blanket covers the sky
The stars start to appear along with a sliver of moon
Decorative lights are shining on a nearby building
Beautiful colors of pink and blue
Stillness is in the air
It is peaceful
It is calming
Sleep will be calling
With dreams
Taking one to magical places
Night quiet has arrived
Words are just words
It’s what comes with them
That’s important
Just because one speaks another language
Does not mean they understand the culture
Words are only one part
The rest is nuanced
Smiles, laughter, kindness
Relationship building
Without those
Words are just hollow and empty
It can be found
In unexpected moments
When someone rises
Up to meet the challenge
Either through actions
Or words
Or both
It can be someone
That stands up
Even when it’s hard
For what’s right
What we know deeply
In our hearts of hearts
Or someone that walks
Into danger to help
Or a healer helping the ill
Courage is everywhere
In adults and children
Around the world
There are those
That stand up
Speak out
Even when it’s difficult
They do it
At a time of turmoil
In the world
With pandemics
Unrest and violence
We need the courageous
More than ever
What are you??
Bring comfort
Offer calm
Give one a sense of belonging
Help one feel centered
They are important
They are most needed
During times of trouble
We all have them
Without them
We feel lost
We can’t find our way
They are like a lighthouse
Steering a ship to port
They clear out the fog
Erasing darkness
Bringing in the light
He had been a professional player
A linebacker
They were built tough
And big
When he left, he created something new
Something different
A business
And a non profit to help kids
One day unexpectedly
A woman came to work for him
Her background was different
She had stepped out of her field
To try something new
She had never been this close to a celebrity
It’s a different world
He had never known someone with her background
They decided to try and make it work
Using the strengths of each
Surprisingly it worked
They both grew from the experience
The linebacker
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