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May 9 · 663
hollow moon
rk May 9
despite knowing
how it ends
despite the loss
the emptiness carried
over hundreds of moons
despite the ghosts
haunting these halls
i would love you
and lose you
a thousand times over
just to call you
once more.
Apr 25 · 811
the lost boy
rk Apr 25
you said
we were a destined love
just right person
wrong time
and so i loved you
in that space between
sleep and awake
where the weight of your kiss
still lingered
like peter losing wendy
wondering just how long
i was meant to wait
for you
to come back to me.
Apr 22 · 1.1k
rk Apr 22
you placed a crown
upon my head
making me feel
like i was the queen
of your castles
little did i know
they were made
of nothing but sand
then the tide crashed in
and swept them away
hushed promises
forgotten by morning.
- my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder.
Apr 11 · 929
rk Apr 11
you were the moonlit shore
and i had been drowning at sea
nothing had ever been
more beautiful
as if poseidon
had moulded you himself
the storm in your eyes
my own salvation.
Apr 10 · 1.0k
sacrificial lamb
rk Apr 10
i feel their eyes on me
and can't help but wish
they were yours
your stare always enough
to set me alight
pinning me in place
a lamb longing for the wolf
for only you
can capture me so wholly
like prey greedily awaiting the hunt
their eyes find mine
and all i see is you.
your name on my lips in a fervent prayer.
rk Apr 9
this river of time
spreads out between us
like the styx
threading its way
through the underworld
one soul split in half
by a jealous god
destined to search
through stars and oceans
for the missing piece
cheated by fate
allowed only a blink
before left with a longing
so deep it burns
yet that one taste
was so much sweeter
than any treasure
olympus has to offer
and still, after everything
here we are;
each word we write
only for each other
living for the fantasy
the ever present dream
that maybe this time
we'll defy the gods
our love reaching further
than even the fates
dare to go.
Apr 5 · 1.1k
twin flames
rk Apr 5
i knew i was yours
before we had even met
the still image of you
smiling back at me
enough to seal my fate
the inevitably of us
of a heartbreak
so encompassing
humming in my blood
even in the crowd
my eyes found you
the imprint of you
buried deep in my bones
i saw you and i felt it
an awakening
a longing unlike any other
to claim what had been mine
in every lifetime
a cosmic dance
reserved only for you.
Mar 29 · 720
act 1, scene 1
rk Mar 29
our love was a loaded gun
the beginning
and the end
your lips grazed mine
before swallowing me whole
one last bite
of the serpents apple
the sweetest martyrdom
and just like horatio
i'm aching
with the anticipation
of your ghost finding mine
waiting for sleep
just to hear your voice once more
each syllable
still the sweetest hallelujah
even if we're nothing
but the whisper of a memory.
- stay, illusion. if thou hast any sound or use of voice, speak to me.
Mar 14 · 1.2k
rk Mar 14
i once thought soulmates
were the missing piece
the perfect fit
the calm after the storm
but then i met you
and everything that i am
everything that i fear
was mirrored back to me
and my soul sighed
at the feeling
of finally being seen
our eyes met
twin blues colliding
and i knew
it would always be you.
- you are the eye of every storm.
Feb 16 · 1.4k
this years love
rk Feb 16
on soft twilight mornings
when the world
still sleeps soundly
the blackbirds singing
their daily sermon
i stretch lazily
the crisp sheets a shroud
i feel the warmth
of the sweet summer sun
kissing my back
and i smile
knowing that you had once
done the same.
- we were a shooting star, a fleeting moment.
Jan 15 · 1.7k
rob the goddess
rk Jan 15
you once said
i was your very life source
before leaving me behind
without a second thought
now i can't escape
these memories of you
and so i hope my love stains you
like spilled red wine
on fresh linen sheets
i hope my name burns your throat
clawing its way out
when you try to forget
i hope every stolen glance
every clandestine moment
haunts you
my ghost greeting you
each time you close your eyes
the feeling of how it felt
to have me
bright and alive and burning
before losing me
like dust in your hands
eats you alive.
- you were the destruction i never saw coming.
Jan 7 · 1.6k
in bloom
rk Jan 7
the roses on your knuckles
as you held me open for you
moonlight casting it's gentle glow
silver cupping your face
as your eyes met mine
and my soul awakened
longing to dance with yours
each breath a crescendo
that left no doubt behind
the knowledge so clear
like the sapphire sky
shining above us
the balmy summer night
our own refuge
i couldn't escape it
the stolen whispers between us
were never going to be enough
for my heart had been yours
in every lifetime.
Dec 2023 · 1.6k
citrine dawns
rk Dec 2023
in the darkness i find you
your face forming so easily
despite the dawns between us
incense fills the air
and i'm back there
in that first moment
your eyes sparking like a glacier
the air between us dancing
with a million words unsaid
i knew then what i know now
with oranges staining my lips
the pain of loving another
would never be as sweet.
Nov 2023 · 2.2k
i, carrion.
rk Nov 2023
each kiss had me soaring higher
blinded by the sweetness of the sun
my name on your lips
just as holy as any sermon
they say falling feels alot like flying
until you hit the ground
but as the wax from my wings melted
sticky and red
i decided it was worth it
to be close to you
c l o s e s t  to you
for even a moment.
- endless moons have past, and we swore we'd never become strangers.
Jun 2022 · 2.0k
rk Jun 2022
you want to see
how soft and tender my flesh is
and crack the inside of my mind open
like a pomegranate,
ruby jewels spilling onto white sheets.
i offer my plum ripe heart to you greedily
prey wanting to be hunted,
only to be left with sticky hands
from trying to hold myself together
when you walk away.
- we all have a hunger.
May 2022 · 2.4k
the root of love
rk May 2022
under the velvet darkness
of those summer nights
you held me close to you
like a sacred song

rumi once said
that lovers do not finally meet
somewhere along the way
they are inside each other
all along

is that why your name
reawakened a fire in my blood
the moments our lips touched?
your kisses sweet
like the first new moon in the sky

i drank the honey from your lips
and realised how blind i'd been
to ever look for love
when you had lived inside me
in every lifetime.
- i wonder when you gaze at the stars, do they still sing my name?
Apr 2022 · 2.1k
cover me up
rk Apr 2022
and now
when we are nothing
but dust
i only wish
that you let me show you
you were always
- so cover me up and know you're enough to use me for good.
Apr 2022 · 1.9k
rk Apr 2022
you looked at me
like a child
looks at his fallen ice cream
mourning the sweetness
he never got to taste

i should have seen it then
the goodbye in your eyes
i guess i was too busy
trying to stop myself
from spilling over your feet.
- this will be the last time you take me.
Apr 2022 · 1.8k
rk Apr 2022
i once thought how easily
i could compare my love
to my eating disorder

sometimes i want all of you
to devour you hungrily
consuming you with greedy hands
only to exorcise you out
when i feel unworthy

other times it sneaks up on me
your name humming in the dark
leaving me starving
for nothing will satisfy but you

if only i could let myself
have a single taste
to press my teeth upon your heart
and feel your blood rising
to meet mine

then, once all i could taste was you
once you kissed every corner
of my honey soaked mouth
i would spit you out
before i could swallow you whole
before the hurt came
and ruined me entirely.
Feb 2022 · 1.9k
spoiled fruit
rk Feb 2022
when i asked
if this was the end
you said
"i don't know"
and i heard "yes"

if you
had stopped talking
for long enough
i think you would have
heard me breaking
but instead
you went on
with your conversation
as if i wasn't crumbling
to pieces in front of you
my nectarine soft heart spoiled,
the juices running
onto the floor,
hands messy
from trying
to hold us together.
Feb 2022 · 2.9k
rk Feb 2022
you shot across my sky
like a rare constellation
now yours
is the only touch i'm craving

our eyes meet
and i drown completely
each moment with you
leaves me aching so sweetly

feeling drunk off every kiss
i wonder if you know
that yours
is the only face i miss

so little time
with so much i long to do
i'd run straight into trouble
if it led me to you.
Dec 2021 · 1.5k
holy ground
rk Dec 2021
i woke to your eyes again
the deepest blue
like gazing into the ocean,
seconds before the storm comes in.

the truth is
i find your ghost at every turn
and still feel the cool waters
of your touch
with every whisper of the wind,
each memory a living phantom.

now i know
not even the holiest exorcism
could pull the threads of you
from my mind
you are the bread and wine
the iron in your blood
pulling me in
sweeter than any nectar.
- you kept me like a secret, but i kept you like an oath.
Nov 2021 · 1.5k
rk Nov 2021
you breathe me in
each stolen kiss
a sacred prayer
spilling from our lips
you say my name
and my blood sings for you,
evergreens blooming
through my ribcage
no moment
will ever be long enough
your fingers find my hair
crimson flames
dancing across water
your whispered confession
sealing my fate
as i scream your name
into the heavens
my own personal sermon
i will never be whole again;
for you have captured me
so entirely.
Oct 2021 · 1.8k
silver strand
rk Oct 2021
with your soft blues
and lyrical words
you whisper my name
and i see rolling green hills
and sapphire sunsets
each syllable
a prayer on your lips
your breath brushes my neck
and i know in that moment
i would follow you
into hell and back
just to have you
to myself
a little while longer.
- forever running to or from trouble, as long as it's with you.
Jul 2021 · 1.5k
dandelion wine
rk Jul 2021
summer love
and your glacier eyes
grass stains
on silken skin
with the taste of july
staining our lips,
one look from you
and i'm on my knees
drunk on your kiss
each lie sweeter
than dandelion wine.
Jun 2021 · 1.3k
blue sands
rk Jun 2021
we crashed together
so naturally
like the sea
against the shore
sandy lips
and ocean eyes
whispering promises
washed away
by morning.
Apr 2021 · 5.3k
iced coffee
rk Apr 2021
i want to love you
like a lazy sunday morning
staying in bed
taking our time
sipping coffee
memorising every freckle
like the constellations in the sky
white sheets
and tangled limbs
with the scent of a memory
fresh on our lips.
Apr 2021 · 3.0k
golden urns
rk Apr 2021
i long for a love
that will break me,
eat me whole
and spit me out aching.
i want to love
as achilles loved patroclus,
with a burning in my heart
and a madness
that would tear
even the fates apart.
- my heart will only ever utter your name.
Apr 2021 · 1.3k
h u n g e r
rk Apr 2021
i don't think you understand
just how hungry i am for you
my lips water
at the very thought
of your skin against mine
all teeth and claws
and hands in my hair
eyes alive with starvation
fork and knife ready
begging you
to let me eat you whole.
Mar 2021 · 1.1k
first defeat
rk Mar 2021
even now
i am haunted by you still
i see you everywhere,
i hear you every time
the waves crash into the shore
and feel you each time
the wind caresses my skin.
our songs play
and my day comes to hault
i'm back to those summer nights,
wrapped inside your arms
honey and clementines
bleeding from our lips.

in those moments i realise
how deeply you are buried
into my being,
as if my bones are made
from magnets
searching just for you.
Mar 2021 · 1.4k
laid bare
rk Mar 2021
you told me
when you closed your eyes
and you felt your blood
start to boil
it's my face you see
all without ever
having my body.

i smiled
and replied;
undress the mind
and the soul will follow
the body will never come close.
- in that case you have captured me entirely.
Mar 2021 · 1.2k
rk Mar 2021
as surely as winter
loosens it's icy grip
with one last kiss
upon my throat,
i know spring
will soon return
to gently hold me
in her warm embrace
as the earth
calls me back home.
- after the darkness you will find hope again.
Mar 2021 · 919
blue dot
rk Mar 2021
you once said
our first kiss
felt like two lost stars
hopelessly colliding,
consuming each other
faster than we
could ever comprehend.
how then
after such an impact
can we fade to nothing
but whispers in the dark
just as easily?
Mar 2021 · 1.2k
wendy, darling
rk Mar 2021
i always adored the story
of peter pan and his lost boys,
yet the ending made me ache.
it's in the moment
where he tells his darling wendy
that he'll love her forever,
in the place between sleep and awake.
i know now that i wait for you there
with my heart in my hands
beating out your name,
wondering if the whole thing
had been nothing more
than a day dream.
Feb 2021 · 1.1k
rk Feb 2021
i begged myself not to say it
to keep the words
hidden tightly behind my lips
yet you drew them out
with each hungry kiss you stole
your name a prayer
i couldn't stop them forming
pushing their way out into existence

"i am so completely in love with you"

the moment they escaped i felt it
my breath catching in my throat
it was more of a question
than a confession
one that had been dancing
on the tip of my tongue for days

"me too, babe."

you barely let the words out
before greedily filling my mouth
with yours once more.

it wasn't your agreement
that gave me my answer
but the way that you expertly avoided
uttering the words
i needed to hear back to me.
Jan 2021 · 1.3k
the original sin
rk Jan 2021
you devoured me
so easily,
leaving me starving
for your touch
and no fruits on earth
can ease my hunger.
so tell me lover,
how does it feel
to have your teeth
in my beating heart?
Jan 2021 · 1.0k
celestial waltz
rk Jan 2021
there is an endless poem
burning in my throat
scratching at my bones,
keeping me awake
like a lover of the night
and it is only ever
howling your name.
Dec 2020 · 732
rk Dec 2020
you picked me up
and spread me apart
over and over
leaving your notes
in the margins
and fingerprints
on my pages.
now no matter
who reads me
all they can see is you,
staining each page
with blue ink
and a hopeful heart.
- we had that don't talk or you might wake it love.
Dec 2020 · 710
rk Dec 2020
we are nothing but ghosts
yet you've stained me
like red lipstick
on fresh white linen.
- does her love make your head spin?
Nov 2020 · 679
rk Nov 2020
your love is both
the shining altar
and the smoldering
gates of hell,
i dance between
like a woman possessed
unsure if you will save me
or devour me whole.
- i would serve at your feet.
Nov 2020 · 455
rk Nov 2020
the silence between us
deafens me
yet even in the darkness
all i know
is that there is a beating
behind these weary bones
singing just for you.
- does she know where your lips begin?
Oct 2020 · 827
rk Oct 2020
i want to unravel you
pick apart your bones
devour you so hungrily,
you'll stain my sheets
and leave me aching.
- h a d e s; my love.
Oct 2020 · 461
the fool
rk Oct 2020
i have always
lived in the past,
dragging around
this melancholy heart
looking for lost places
or past loves.
i guess i lost myself
a little too much
in you this time.
- shame on me.
Oct 2020 · 484
falling clovers
rk Oct 2020
the memory
of your gentle breath
as your hands
found my hips
in a symphony of clovers
pulling me in,
consuming me so easily
it was as if
i had been molded
just for you.
Oct 2020 · 366
lilac summer
rk Oct 2020
yet you linger
like a hollow cavity
in my chest.
i feel you
wrapped tight
around my ribcage
with every breath,
the sweetest lilacs
wrapping tight
like your body on mine
on clementine nights.
Sep 2020 · 441
sonnet for saturn
rk Sep 2020
i want to write poems for you
but you bled me dry
and now all i have are whispers
in place of sonnets.
Sep 2020 · 414
rk Sep 2020
and now
at the end of our days
when we have nothing left
but our memories,
if i could tell you
just one thing
it would be how much
my heart burns for you
and that our love
will remain
my sweestest hallelujah
and outshine every star
in the night sky.
- my soul will search for you in each lifetime.
Sep 2020 · 410
rk Sep 2020
i will wait for you
until there is nothing left
but burning skies
and wilting roses.
- it has always been you.
Sep 2020 · 570
rk Sep 2020
you feel like
soft autumn rain
amber streetlights,
while stormclouds
dance above
bringing the promise
of m a g i c.
Sep 2020 · 357
lust at first bite
rk Sep 2020
i was always told
vampires don't exist
yet i spend hours and days
feverishly trying
to forget the feel
of your teeth upon my skin.
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