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Kalliope Feb 2019
Deeper and deeper the further I go
There's no light around me
No room left to grow
My mind is uncertain
My heart set in stone
Deeper and deeper and further from home
Kalliope Jan 2021
How do you learn to be alone
When you were with me
For all my milestones
How do you move on
When the pain
Is so intertwined
With the pleasure
How do you leave
When what your heart wants
Is to stay
How do you stay when you know that you can't
Kalliope Oct 2018
You can be full of life
Bursting with it
Growing hope inside you
Nauseous with happiness
Heart beating with uncertainty

It takes 5 minutes to strip it away
One choice
One decision
To throw you into a lifetime of
Pain and over thinking
Little sacrifices cause big waves
Kalliope Apr 2018
Large doses of you
Were never good for me,
But, I've always loved to
Push my limits.
Kalliope Mar 2018
I'm sorry I didn't understand how to love slowly,
It's a shame you didn't have the patience to show me.
Kalliope Apr 2018
I was familiar with rough hands but I'll never forget how gentle she was when she touched me
Kalliope Jan 2019
The new year is never happy for me
It marks a new year without you
Another month without a gathering
Another week without a lunch outing
And another day without a phone call

I talk to you still
Less often than when you first left
But every new year I'm sure to catch you up
The kids have gotten so big
My parents have finally matured

I've finally grown up
Can make responsible decisions
Not living purely on my emotions
All of this growth stems from you

It hurts my heart knowing you'll never see any of it
You exist one minute and are nothing the next
Kalliope May 15
I found a seashell next to your picture today.
I'm not sure how it got out of its jar
I'd like to think you moved it there.
That was your way of letting me know everything's okay
And that it's been a while since I talked to you last
Kalliope Oct 2018
I feel you trying to love me
I see the effort
I feel the effort
It hurts my heart
I'm too ashamed
Too many skeletons
Too many sins
More secrets than I'd care to share
I think you'd accept me
Take me as I am
The issue isn't you
I'm ashamed to be so
Standing next to your
Immaculate existence
You know when someone deserves better
Kalliope Oct 2018
With heavy eyes
And stiff bones
I say goodbye
To what was once
A home
I am afraid
I have to go
A brand new road
To be travelled alone
I won't forgot
All those good times
We had on late nights
And cheap moonshine
In my heart
I'll forever hold
As I say goodbye
To who was once a home
Your freckle placements are forever etched into my mind
Kalliope Apr 2018
If you broke my arm
I'd still ask you to sign my cast,
And that is why
I must go.
Kalliope Oct 2018
I'm stuck in my head
Can't get out of bed
You leave me on read
You don't care what I said

I can't feel love
Not even heaven above
Your hearts I will shove
I'm someone to dispose of

It's all good and well
My hopes have all fell
My soul I will sell
I'm going to hell
Some deals are made to stop pain
Kalliope Apr 2018
She spent so many nights wiping off smeared make up she won't even put it on anymore
Kalliope Nov 2018
All the ways I try to fill the void
Seem to make me empty

Funny how shallow needs
Create a shallow soul
I'll continue to sink lower and lower
Kalliope Apr 2018
Each time you call me dumb
I believe you
a little bit more.
I'm dumb
for loving someone
Who is not capable of
loving me back.
Kalliope Apr 2019
I thought new hands on my skin
would burn
My skin is healthier than ever
I don't feel your fingerprints anymore
Kalliope Apr 2018
I've shown you all my favorite things,
But you never remember.

I could tell you something yesterday
And you'd act like it had been forever.
You don't remember trivial things about people you don't love.
Kalliope Apr 2018
I broke my own heart dreaming I could deserve someone as perfect as you are.
Kalliope Apr 2018
Restless and stressed over things
I cannot control
I wish I could stand back
And look at things as a whole.
My father always said I could never see the big picture.
Kalliope Apr 2018
I've got pictures living in my phone
Of people I haven't checked on in years,
It's weird how long I've been alone.
Kalliope Jan 2019
I miss Sunday mornings
On the couch with coffee
After a long Saturday night
Spent with nicotine and your body

I miss your t-shirts on my skin
With nothing covering yours
Your head on my lap
Just ignoring all our chores

I miss riding in your car
Cozy in the passenger seat
Windows down music loud
Soaring down the street

I miss the day I left
Fighting over how it all began
Lighting up my cigarette
Promising you could be a better man
It was hard to walk away
But I knew we wouldn't get better
I'm sorry I couldn't stay
Kalliope May 2018
It's a shame you don't understand
How unfortunate that I can't understand
Kalliope Apr 2018
I say I attract toxic,
Deep down I think
I crave it.
Kalliope Oct 2018
If I could sit you down and make you understand my mind I would
I want to love you
I want to be loved by you
It's not that easy
Relationships are a love triangle
You, me, and my brain
My intrusive thoughts don't know when to shut up
A protective friend
A possessive ex
Always there
Hard to ignore
Eventually you'll grow tired of them popping up
But they can't be blocked
Can't put a restraining order on my mind
Just take my hand
And take some time
Tell me you love me
And it will all be fine
Kalliope Apr 2018
She wants me to fail, and I know it.
I'm too intoxicated by her presence to care.
Kalliope Apr 2018
I fell in love with love long before I ever fell in love with you.
Kalliope Apr 2018
I can't remember your name but I remember how wrong it felt to let you inside me
Kalliope Jan 2021
Today I will cry
For the you that I wanted
For the you that I saw
For the you that you are
For the you that I loved
For the us that will never be
Kalliope Jan 2019
Perpetually lost
Figuratively stuck
Exhaustingly overworked
Disgustingly underpaid
Literally confused
Effortlessly cliche
Beautifully me
Sometimes it be like that
Kalliope Apr 2018
I can't stand you unless you're between my legs.
It's not love but can we just pretend a little longer?
Kalliope Oct 2018
Everyday I come home
I eat dinner at
My table of selfpity
To watch old memories play on
My television of self doubt
Showering in jealousy and hate
Finally forcing sleep on
My bed of loneliness
Self destructive
I can't stop
I'm just a prop
Kalliope Apr 2018
Whenever I flip my lucky cigarette
I always wish for you.
You don't like the smell of them.
Kalliope Apr 2018
And just like the weather in Ohio your love will never be consistent.
Kalliope Jan 2019
I hope your new life is free
Cool breezes
No stress
I hope you stretch your legs
With no worries
Your pond full of shrimp
Your heart full
I bet your feathers
Are positively pink
And always fluffed
Admiring your admirers
And I hope you know
While you hangout with your flamingo flock
Forgotten, you are not
I miss you
Kalliope Apr 2018
I've always been in love with who I hoped you could be, not who you are.
Kalliope Apr 2018
A word used only to be polite.
You don't love her if you think she's "nice"
Kalliope Apr 2018
Sometimes when I drink coffee I find myself missing you,
So sometimes I don't drink coffee.
Kalliope Apr 2019
I fell so easily
Into your mold
What I thought would be warm
Is now so cold
I set the oven
To 300 hundred degrees
The only thing I feel now
Is your bitter freeze
You didn't follow the recipe
Kalliope Jan 2019
With an open palm
And out stretched arm
You grasp my hand
But once again you take no weight
Intertwine your fingers with mine
Make my heart skip beats
Just long enough to transfer
Your demons
They play well with mine
I've got no space
I'm filled to the max
I take them anyway
With my heart in cracks
You're never here for me
But I can't tell you no
Kalliope Jul 2018
Better off now than I ever was
Better space, better place

Richer now than I ever was
Richer space, richer place

Safer now than I ever was
Safer space, safer place

Lonelier now than I ever was
Lonely space, lonely place
Everyone disappears when you're doing good
Kalliope May 2019
Just a pen and a cap
Made perfectly for each other
Fitting together tightly
But the cap has been chewed on
And no longer fits
Just like plastic
Kalliope Oct 2018
Surrounded by people I love
Never quite sure if they love me
Not sure I'd believe that they did

Surrounded by people who care
Never quite sure if it's true
Not sure I can confide in them

Surrounded by my own thoughts
Never quite sure why they're so mean
Not sure I can disagree with them

Surrounded by pain and trauma
Never quite sure who to tell
Not sure they would stay after
I live in my head
Kalliope Jan 2021
Frantic and crazy
Everything happens to me
Calm and relaxed
Everything happens for a reason
In the moment vs reflection
Kalliope Dec 2020
What do you do when you don't
Want to break a heart
But the heart in question
Cant actually be broken
Its a facade
Created to break you
Over and over
Block out all emotions
Kalliope Jan 2019
Every one knows cigarettes and liquor
Are temporary
Rough *** and late drives end as quickly as they began
You stop tripping and rolling once you wake up
How foolish of me to think you were forever
I got a tattoo instead.
Kalliope Apr 2018
Once I wanted to be a party girl,
Now I just wanna be your girl.
Kalliope Jan 2019
I'm just a bitter soul
In love with love
And my idealizations
I see your potential
Know what you could be
Push you to be your best
Know what we could be
But at the end of the night
That's not you
And my inbox is still empty
Kalliope Mar 2019
Temperature rising
I feel I can breathe
Express my emotions
Be happy, at ease
Finally able to think clearly
Kalliope May 2018
Every time I get closer
to my goal
I feel myself slipping further
into a hole,
I just want to be a success
But my bad side won't give it a rest.
Kalliope Apr 2018
When you wouldn't hear my words
I tried to show you with my actions,
You just stopped looking at me.
Open your eyes please
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