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Bea Rae Feb 16
Please do not worry

I will cover the rubble

That you left behind
Bea Rae Feb 8
Before you leave me

Please take all the memories

Enclosed in my heart
Bea Rae Apr 8
From the moment I

Met him I knew he was worth

The heart ache
Bea Rae Feb 17
One day I might lose

To the hidden thoughts floating

Deep inside my head
Bea Rae Feb 9
Withered and broken

I long to be the flower

Blossoming with ease
Bea Rae Feb 22
My greatest regret

Was breaking myself for you

So you felt loved
Bea Rae Feb 29
As the walls close in

The demons inside my head

Steal every breath I take
Bea Rae Mar 22
Despite of every

Little thing you put me through

I loved you selflessly
Bea Rae Feb 18
With seven billion

Souls on earth how fortunate

Are we to have met
Bea Rae May 24
My wish for you

May you never have to hide

Your story from others
Bea Rae Feb 11
How could I forget

Being blamed for his abuse

When I spoke of it
Bea Rae Feb 8
Why do I hold on

To the stranger's perception

Of who I should be
Bea Rae Mar 12
Why would I break you

When I am entirely

Broken myself
Bea Rae Mar 18
I've had enough loss

In this life and the next life

That has yet to come
Bea Rae May 9
I do not need you to save me,
But I do need you to hold me while I rest.
Bea Rae Apr 12
Maybe closing yourself

Off from me will make it easier

When the inevitable comes
Bea Rae Feb 10
He was never mine

To love to hold or to lose

Yet I waste my time
Bea Rae Feb 15
I fault myself

For falling in love with your lies

Instead of the truth
Bea Rae Feb 8
My words weren't abusive

When I said them in that tone

He stated to me
Bea Rae Apr 1
I spend more time

Mourning the living rather

Than mourning the dead
Bea Rae Mar 11
Nothing hurts more than

Finding the right person at

The wrong time in life
Bea Rae May 22
I left so you could

Find the love of your life but

I am losing mine
Bea Rae Mar 10
Empty promises

Hang on the line next to

Your ***** laundry
Bea Rae Feb 10
Words I wish to hear

Your heart is worthy of love

Your soul merits happiness
Bea Rae May 6
It's okay to mourn the things you never had,
As long as you don't let the grief consume you.
Bea Rae Mar 5
Just because you did

Not notice does not mean

I handled it well
Bea Rae Feb 8
With false hopes and dreams

I stand here waiting for you

To fulfill your vows
Bea Rae Mar 2022
I have spent my whole life attempting to find the sun.
So, that I may have a source of light,
In this dark tunnel that I inhabit,
Which is defined as my life.
But it was not until I halted my journey that I realized,
The world's brightest stars need darkness to shine.
Bea Rae Feb 20
When will I be free

From his grasp and his control

What will it cost me
Bea Rae Apr 15
I cannot bring myself

To say goodbye because that

Means losing you forever
Bea Rae Mar 14
I have been butchered

By your words your actions and

By your *****
Bea Rae Feb 24
Behind tinted glass

Your love is quite beautiful

I wish it was real
Bea Rae Mar 2
Sweetheart what makes you

Think that you will be anything

More than doormat
Bea Rae Mar 2
When you are looking

For love in the wrong places

You will think of me
Bea Rae Feb 22
If I try harder

Maybe I can salvage this

Rather than fail you
Bea Rae May 2023
Shame on me

Shame on me for not pushing the label further.

Shame on me for not recognizing your true colors.

Shame on me for being deceived by your continuous empty promises.

Shame on me for ignoring the endless trail of red flags.

Shame on me for embracing your abuse with open arms.

Shame on me for accepting your disrespect.

Shame on me for allowing you to destroy the tenacious woman I am.

Shame on me
Bea Rae Mar 15
Why did I ever

Think you would respect my no

When I said it
Bea Rae Apr 16
Are we all broken

Do we all have grave sites to

Hide the worst parts of us
Bea Rae Apr 11
Somewhere maybe in

Another time your heart was

A piece of mine
Bea Rae Apr 8
Have you asked yourself

If you are running towards your fears

Or away from them
Bea Rae Mar 28
Will the ghost of you

Haunt me if I cannot let you go

After you leave me
Bea Rae Mar 19
Love with you was different,
but you still played me.
Like every person you claimed not to be.
Bea Rae Apr 6
I fell in love with

The darkness of your soul because

It felt like home
Bea Rae Mar 24
I'm going to miss you.

For days, months, years;
For the rest of my life.

I am going to miss you.

I am sure you will invade my thoughts when I least expect it.
Like when I drink my morning coffee, find a new song or book, or when I hear a laugh similar to yours.

I am going to miss you.

Many things do not last,
But I know my thoughts, feelings, and memories of you will never die.

Even though, at times, I will not want to,
I am going to miss you.
Bea Rae Apr 19
With her upbringing

She could have been a villian

Instead she chose righteousness
Bea Rae Feb 28
It was my mistake

Trying to keep you close when

You wanted to leave
Bea Rae Dec 2021
Please just leave my head

Instead of convincing me

I'm better off dead
Bea Rae Apr 15
Tell me, which is harder.
Waiting for something you know will never be in your cards,
or having to come with the terms that it will never happen.
Bea Rae Mar 31
In another life

The stars align and shine

Brightly for our love
Bea Rae May 24
What you tolerate for pain and mistreatment today, will imprison you tomorrow.

— The End —