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May 14 · 173
Is she gone
Hello Daisies May 14
Every day I hear a song
I see a place
Or a familiar face
And my heart aches

Of a place
Of a time
Of a special rhyme

The entire time
I thought
I missed you
I longed
For us
that's not what it was
It's not what it is

I found myself in you
When you left
I left too
I've been gone
I'm still searching
For her
For me
For what I was
And want to be

This poem isn't about you
It's about me
Finding me
I've been gone
For so long
God I miss her
Her power
Her kindness
Her braveness
Her tenacity
That used to be me

Where is she
Buried in sadness
Buried in sickness
My grave
One foot
I guess I'm pretty brave
For someone who's a slave
To my own body
My own mind
I feel like nobody
I don't see the stars
I don't feel the love
I just know pain
And shame

Where's the girl
With all the hope in the world
So much so
She healed others
And brothers
And sisters
The whole world
Would be healed
By the girl
With all the passion
In the world

She's gone
I'm crying for her
The memories of her
And loving
Not ever knowing
Even more cruelty
To come

Only knowing
A one way road trip
To fun
beauty,  bravery
And sincerity
With such clarity
Wasted away
Three years or probably more now
I lost count
In my bed
Body full of rusted lead
Poisoning my head

I may as well be dead
Somewhere out there
Lost in a service plaza
Killed by monsters
And death himself
Swallowed me up
And never spit me out
Apr 21 · 211
It's "just anxiety"
Hello Daisies Apr 21
I am a gut
Bloated and acidic
I am  veins pulsating
In pain
I am nothing
And everything

I am like a zombie
Purple and
not breathing
What's keeping
A hold on me?

I am a head
And stabbing
I am but eyes
Blurry and deceiving
What's causing
This bleeding ?

I am fingers
Numb and gone
I am but legs
And wrong
To the ground

I am a heart
Shaking rapidly
Pulsating sadly
I am
Twisting and turning
Nauseated and burning

I am
I am
I.  ..
Falling apart
And fast
I'm not going
To last

I am not human
I am a mystery
Nobody cares to discover
Lost and put under covers

I am not me
I am not alive
I cannot thrive
I am
What doesn't matter
Thrown and tossed aside

All I am
Is pain
And more money
To gain

I remain
As all this pain
To them
More money to gain
I am
An illness
That will forever
In this body
With no humanity
To retain
I've been very ill for sometime now
Feb 13 · 340
Hello Daisies Feb 13
It was deafening
Threatening my very
My very
They made me bleed
No hue
No you
No blue
Or red
Or pink
Or love

They said to take it
It'll help
They said to make it
Or they'll tell
I didn't try
And they don't know why
So take it
Take it
Take it..

Let it rip your ears out
Rip the drums away
Tear the plums away
No shade
Only grey
All day
Every way

Who can live this way?
No sad
No glad
Only racing
Only bad
Only something
So they're not

I was nothing
Merely a vessel
Of blood and beating
Beating to nothing
Just physical pain
No gain
No lanes
No driving
No freedom
No air in my hair
No air in my lungs

Just guns
To my soul
In my pool
Instead of drums
in my head
I felt dead

They tried
To take me away
They lied
And said it's okay
They smiled
As I told them it's pain

They ******* tried
They lied
And they denied
Me help
They kept me
Melting away
They kept me
Locked in a cage
They kept me
Without any ears
I couldn't hear
I couldn't

I couldn't bare
Not to hear
The drums
The reds
The hues
The lows
And the beats
The tunes
And melodies
The breeze
The bliss
I couldn't ******* stand this
I missed
So much
Feeling it dancing in my skin
I know
I'll never let them win
I'll never swallow another
I'll never allow
Of this

I'm forever in love
With the multicolored noises
That keep me breathing
That keep me dancing
That keep me

The emotional drums
That fills my lungs 🫁
Just experienced anti depressants again that made me worse lol
Aug 2023 · 130
Closed door
Hello Daisies Aug 2023
I thought
How can it be hard
It's such an open door
To be you
To be all the hues
How could it be
I forgot about me
Never honestly
... me

I've told my story
I've opened up
They were nice ..
It's rough
They forget
I don't spit
It out
I keep it
Of light
*** it might
So I let them

That's so stupid
That's so gross"

Just in causal talking
Obviously forgetting

"It's like you were in love with her"
"Let it go
Let her go"

It's like they didn't know
She didn't know
they did
They did
Yet I hid
The fireworks
The moon
Every single
Id spend
Loving you

I forget
The pain I felt
Sitting on a swing
Just ******* crying
*** what if I am?
What if I really am ?
What will I do
My god what would
To me?
I'm disgusting

Then I let it go away
Til that day
Or it was everyday
I was with you
I knew
I knew
It was me
I was disgusting

How could I forget
Of course the doors not open
Not for everyone
Not even for myself
I still hide on a shelf
Even after revealing oneself
Never completely
I hide that bit of me
As just girlish
Drunken fun
Always on the
From her
Those feelings shouldn't
I make it a blur
The love I felt for her
Or her
Or me

That part of me
I find a tragedy
I love her
So sweet
So soft
Why can't she
Gabrielle and xena
Willow and Tara
I've watch
I've seen
On tv
But those
Those lovers
Made me feel
Made me feel
Made me
That was my destiny

I fell in love like that
She didn't feel it back
We were friends
I played pretend
Like I do with everybody
Hiding my entire body
My mind
I'm not shy
Just ashamed
Of what I can't

I love both
I cherish both
That is me
That is me
That's my destiny
I'm sorry
Aug 2023 · 793
What if
Hello Daisies Aug 2023
It's like I know
I'm a mess
I know I'm full of stress
I'm depressed
I'm a total wreck

I know it hurts my health
I know it kills my cells
I know I live in hell

Without it
Who would I be?
Without it
What would I see
Without it
I can't believe
In me

I've learned to live
Without calm bliss
I've learned to kiss
Every scar
Every war
My mind

I have to stay
I cannot stray
I'm too afraid
On a deeper level
Then what ifs
And what nots
It seems like it's a lot

To lose
To choose
What to do

I've learned to love me
Even tho I hate me
I've learned to live
Like this
I make my art
I play my part
I'm afraid to change
After 26 years
To become someone else
Is a huge fear
I just learned
To love this girl
With this choice
It could change my world
Change it all
What if I fall
What if I'm mean
What if I'm not clean
What if I'm boring
What if I'm snoring
What if
What if
I'm not me
The pieces I love
The things I hold above
What if they leave
Like everyone else
What if I can't believe
In the father above
What if I'm gone

Tell me
If I choose this
What if???
Jul 2023 · 112
Hello Daisies Jul 2023
Old memories flood in me
So so many
Storms of memories
Of you
Of me
Of everything
I once dreamed

I was so deeply in love
never to touch
I wanted to know you
I wanted to show you
My heart

I saw magic
With us
You are why
I believed in
The sky
At night
At sunlight
The moon
The romance
The perfect chance
To steal
A kiss
To feel
The bliss

I remember it
So vividly
I held onto you
You kept me living
Full of
You helped me
So many demons
You helped me
For so many reasons

I never could thank you
You might find me crazy
You probably always knew
The crush I had on you
It was awkward
Yet sweet
And charming

I love you
not in that way
I adore you
For helping me
Most nights
I wanted to die.
when I saw you
My hope shined through
You gave me a chance
To sparkle
To shine
To leave my pain

I kept a photo of you
To never forget
To never regret
I treasured every moment
They were small moments
Meant nothing to you
I was just a small girl
In your large world,
But you were everything
To me

Never mean to me
You spoke to me
You were kind to me
That's all I needed
You were beauty
To me
In my eyes
You gave me reason
To realize
I could love
I could climb above
And feel
It all
Feel the helpless
Feel the imaginary
Feel my heart
Beging to

You gave me
I needed
To be a girl
You gave me a
Whole entire

I had a chance
To grab ahold
To have you
To find us
To see it through
I decided
It's best to
only pretend
To know
All of you
I never want
The magic
The secret
To go away
I want the romance
I dreamed of
To stay
So to you
I strayed
I ran far away
Part of me wanted to play
all of me knew
To keep away
So I can hold onto
My feelings
My hope
Of girlhood
Of a sweet, Romantic
I clung to so tight
I never wanna see
A night
Where that could be tarnished

So thank you
For being my
Sweetest crush
For the most
Innocent of lust
For letting me
Without limitations
For letting my mind
Run wild
With imagination
It kept me alive
It kept me burning
With passion

Thank you so much
For the beautiful journey
And lesson
Thank you
For being you
You have no idea
Of what you saved me
Jun 2023 · 584
Fruit roll ups
Hello Daisies Jun 2023
Talking about whose line
Offers to **** my spiders
Hey do you want a bug lol
Excuse me ??!
Jealousy from a distance
Prank texts at 2am
Eating spaghetti at the bar
Saying no and regretting it from
Chugging Two long island ice teas
Texting you I wanted to see
The smoke coming out your house
Fruit roll ups the next day
Stupid **** we would say
Crisp October
Cinderella and a warm hoodie
Made me swoon all afternoon
Walking passed you with my head down
Why did you ignore me I deserved a hello
grey hoodie
My sister said you looked cute

I got this for you *** we're just friends
It means nothing
Pink and red valentine's day
Made my heart sway
Pink floofy hoodie
Jumping into my arms
I don't wanna care about  you
I really really like like you tho
Head on your shoulders
I like you too

Feeling hurt and alone
Texts from afar wishing my mother a safe recovery
Purple shirt as a first gift
For Christmas
I started to miss

Notes left on the table
Welcoming me to your home
Warm hugs
Fun piggy backs
Cuddling to Austin powers
Warmth with no covers

Making love
Without having ***
Laughing on the couch
Music playing
You kept saying
We're destined
We're meant to be
Pinky promise of eternity
Blacking out on each other

Telling everybody
I'm your girl
Kissing me on the lips
In front of them
Gave me a confused grin

Helping me buy a car
Traveling with me afar
Meeting my parents
Will you be my girlfriend
The moment
The moment
The biggest moments

Taylor swift lover
My heart's been broken
Yours has been bruised
Dancing in Grandview
Dancing with you
Holding you
Falling on you
Grieving with you
These are the moments
I always knew

Surprise stuffed animals
Birthday cakes
Love messages on my windshield
Staying with me when I was stood up
Steak dinners
And pasta nights
Puking on you
What a lovely night

Driving to new York
Niagara falls
Beautiful sights of all
Bob Evans
Twix and pizza
Alligators on the ceiling
What a funny feeling
Even the most simple of memories
Peanut butter and jelly
You made for me
The most simple
Yet special
The biggest moments
Are so small
But best of all
I'll never forget
The sweetness
The cold breaths
The hot ***
I'll never forget the warmth
Of your hoodie
The first time
I'll hold it forever
I'll never forget the pounding
In my heart
With the words  to
jump start

Driving in that car
Pink shirts to match
I'll always hold onto
Even if I can't recall
The words spoken
I'll still remember
The moments
The special tokens
Of us
Of us
A surplus
Of love
With fruit roll ups
Jun 2023 · 211
Ever so
Hello Daisies Jun 2023
I'd sit up all night
For the big event

Then it would come
And go
Come and go
Ever so
Then it's gone

I'd wait for so long
Then it's gone

As a child
I couldn't wait
To be 16
Sixteen came
And went
I can barely recall
The time spent
At sixteen

As a teen
As a child
As a young adult
It comes and goes
Comes and goes
Ever so
Til it's gone
Doesn't this feel wrong

I wait so long
For memories
That were once strong
To fade along
The shore line
Til they sink
Sink down
Never found

Every memory
Every moment
Goes away
Fades away
We all try to ignore it
All try to stay
Like it's normal
To live this way
These short lives
Meaningless til we
All eventually die
And all we have
All we hold
Is memories
Waiting to unfold
Then fade
Come and go
Come and go
Til they're gone
To just dust
The wind carries it away
Never even a last word to say
It's just gone

Maybe that's why we have
They stick with us
They stay with our hearts
We sing to them
We never forget
The melodies
That touch us so
Even if they fade
They still find a way
To stay

They come and go
Come and go
But the melody helps us
Remember it so
Ever so

It's all I hold onto
The melodies
Of all my memories
Because they are fading
Fading ever so
It hurts me to hold
What wants to be let go
It hurts
To see my life
Keep passing by
I have no power
To slow
Slow anything down
So I turn up the sound
Of the melodies
To keep me above

It all comes and goes
Comes and goes
Til it's gone
Ever so
But the melodies
That play in tune
With your soul
They hold you
They slow you
They show you
What you are missing
What you are grasping for
That's what the songs are for

Til it's all gone
I'll hold on
To every song.
May 2023 · 786
I'm angry
Hello Daisies May 2023
I'm angry
I'm so angry
I never let it out
I never try to shout
I only pout

I'm so full of rage
I've locked it in a cage
I never let it play
I never let it see day
It scares me
How far I could
Make you bleed

I want to hurt
Who hurt
Who took advantage
Of my childhood
Who abandoned
My sincerity
I would do anything
I would break my bones
For so many
But I can't even get
The bare minimum
I can't even get a penny
Of love
Of laughter
Of anything
But disaster
It makes me angry
Deep inside
But I let it hide

I've grown strong
So they say
Little do they know
I've always been
This way
Never breaking loose
Never trying the noose
I don't want it
I don't want strength
I want to be released
I want peace
I want
To be heard
I want
To understand
I would let myself
To be there
To show
I really care

But nobody
Would care
Nobody's there
Nobody is

I'm angry
I'm livid
I'm tired of living
A lie
That I'm fine
I'm sick inside
Don't ask me why
Like you can't imagine
******* all
I'm tired of wanting
To bawl
My eyes out
I hope you all
I hope you all turn
Your stomachs
Reading this
I hope I find
I never miss
Any of you
I am so *******
I want to punish
All of you
For hurting me
As a child
As a teenager
As a women
As a human
I deserve
I deserve
To let me loose
To let me choose
To be free
To be angry
To be understood
To be ******* heard
I deserve someone
Who cares
Not the ******* bare
I'm tired of begging
getting nothing
I'm tired of hugging
All my enemies
Of being sweet
And loving
Of being mocked
And crying
I want revenge
I want to vent
I want to let
The cage open
I want to break glass
I want to see them
Fall on their ***
I want to smash
Every single
That ever
Let me go
To such dark
Places in my soul
There's such a hole
Of anger
Of danger
I can't let free
*** I would hurt
I would hurt myself
It would never end
My hell

I just want to scream
******* SCREAM
I want someone to SEE
of me
If I ever dare
To release my
Inner terror

Be ******* ware
May 2023 · 1.2k
Hello Daisies May 2023
I had a dream
It's coming back in flashes
Making me cry
Making me wonder why

We were crayons
We were being used
By someone else
Acting out a scene
A broken romance scene
Of us
But everyone around
Was tired
Of us
I was blue wrapper
I was attached to you
You were red
You made me feel

I wouldn't
I wouldn't
Let go
I was blue
Attached to you
You were red
You were

We were crayons
I think
Because of how childish
I was
To ever believe
Ever believe
I could trust anyone

I could ever trust
With my innocence
We were crayons
In my mind
To represent
The childish fun
We had
The innocence
Of my mind
Thinking you'd never
Leave me behind

It's flashing
I'm blue
Still attached to you
Still attached
You do
I'm wrapped
My whole life

Like a broken crayon
All my friends up
And ran
I have nobody
Like I used to be
A sad child
Crying out
For sincerity
Always blue
Leached onto
You took it all
I'm still wrapped
Around your burning
I never fell
I still cling

To everything
I'm missing
You stole it
You broke it

I'm just the wrapper
Trying to cling
To anything
nobody wants
Just the wrapper
They want the color
They want to smother
Their paper
In red
And leave the blue
The darkest of blues
To stew
Like the ocean
So much blue
so quiet
All alone

Always trying
To swim
My way
Back to you

the flashing
We had
I'm flashing
In my mind
Always still
Attached to
May 2023 · 743
Hello Daisies May 2023
I can feel it
I can breathe it
You're right there
We're right there
In that moment
At that concert
Breathing that air
I can feel it
I can see it
I'm there
I'm there
The trumpets playing
The music swaying
I'm there
I'm there
You're there
You're there

I can feel it
I can see it
I can breathe it
That moment
I'm there
We're outside
The gas station
I give you a stare
I remember it
I'm there
Telling myself
You're forever
I feel it
In my heart
It's so *******

You're my muse
You're my pain
I forget sometimes
How sick I really am
Til I let you in
I purposely let you
I let it in with a grin
The pain
The strain
I can feel my heart actually
Crawl into a ball
As I remember it all
As if I was there
Like I almost enjoy it
You were the most real thing
I ever felt
It was amazing
Now it's
In every way

You're my muse
You're my cue
To the deepest
Darkest parts
Of living
I can feel you
In my heart
Falling apart
Have you ever
Cried so hard
You puked
Have you ever felt so hard
You were in that scene
Reliving it all
With that friend
By the size
Of pain
Terrorized by
The love
Of pain
How I love
To regain

I'm sick
I'm sick
It's a conflict
I hate it
I hate it
Yet I relive it
With the sound of trumpets
I let it in
I let it win
You're my muse
You're my cue
To hurt

Is it really my fault
Can I really ask for help
How can I ever begin to explain
When I can relive the pain
Because the air outside
Reminds me of you
The air outside
The way it breathes against my skin
The way the warm meets the cold
The way the lights shimmer
The way
It hits my face
The warm yet brisk night
Against the light
Reminds me of you
Standing there
Running to me
Looking across at me
Standing next to me
In that line
On that late night
Excited for the concert
Eager for the moment
I'm there
I'm there
You're right there
In that warm air
Forgetting my keys from the car
Looking at the building from afar
I'm there I'm there
I can feel you in my air
Every sound
Every move
Every breathe
Every word spoken
Is mute
Yet I can feel
What I felt
It makes my stomach
It makes my stomach
It makes me yearn
For something
A fix
For more
So I go to score
I put the trumpets back on
listen to that song
Now I'm really there
And you are everywhere
The real world is gone
I don't care
Because I'm there
I'm there
With you
I want to puke
From the pain
So let me regain
My thoughts
Let me go deeper
Into the pain

The air
The way the lights glow
In the night
That makes it feel
As if not real
All the memories flood
At once
With you
In this weather tonight
I can't begin
To get better
If I can relive
Your every letter
From the air
On a random
Summer night
It's not fair
It's not fair

I know I'm sick
But how can I begin
To get better
When I want to die
From the pain
But I love to relive
The pain
At the same time
All because of one trumpet
One beautiful night

How can I
Tell me
Why I'm there
Right now
Right now
With you
Let me out
Or don't
Idk anymore

I do know
You're there
And you're smiling
But here I am
I'm crying
It's not
May 2023 · 772
Everything inside
Hello Daisies May 2023
They say to stop being sad
About the same thing
Now I'm sad about everything
Maybe I don't know a good thing
Til it's gone
So I try to hold on
To everything

My head is screaming
It's screaming to tear apart
My heart
If I don't let it out
It'll continue to shout
Inside my head
Inside my head
Not for death?
Then for what
For what

Nobody believes me
Nobody sees me
Nobody hears me
They think I'm ok
I just have too much to say
Too much to say
In a day
They ask
How can I be sick?
You look ok
It makes me sick
They think that way

They say to stop being sad
About the same thing
Now I'm sad about everything
Maybe I don't know a good thing
Til it's gone
So I try to hold on
To everything

Nobody sees
*** they don't want to believe
I'm not cutting myself
I'm not drugging myself
I'm not killing myself
So I must be ok

It's simply not that way

I've heard it my entire life
I've been ignored
Told I'm fine
Professionals and
They don't know
How they've
****** me
To screaming
Inside my head
It won't stop
Til I let it out

This is my healing
My art
Just like me
It's torn apart
For truth
For attention
Never to mention

How badly
How strongly
I fight
The urge
Every night
To drink myself to death
To try something crazy
To throw myself from the ledge
Maybe a needle would help
Maybe the guilt
Wouldnt be felt
Maybe I can be dealt
I try every day
As I tear my skin away
To be okay
I'm not
I'm not
I'm not *******
I'm insane
I know this
I rationalize this
But it's not
It's not easy
Nothing can please me
The screaming
Keeps coming
Until it's quiet

When it's quiet
I'm sad
But I'm quiet
I'm alone
I'm in bed
Stuck to my phone

Nobody gets me

They say to stop being sad
About the same thing
Now I'm sad about everything
Maybe I don't know a good thing
Til it's gone
So I try to hold on
To everything

The screaming comes
I then become
I write
I write
It needs to be let out
I feel I never
let the deepest parts
The right way
The right way
How can I say it
I'm paying for it
The lies I tell
The way I held
Myself up
I'm just a silly
Eccentric nuisance
I don't need help
I don't need felt
Listened to
I can be
It's in me
Swirling all around me
Tearing apart my body
I want to scream
I want to run away
I'm always running
I hate running
What am I running to?
Sometimes I think
But I'm terrified
Of nothingness
I want to release
Open my flesh
Cut me
Shoot me
Gun me
Let me misbehave
Let me show you
The cave
I live in
The maniac
I fight
I am not winning
I'm not sinning
I'm only leaning
Closer to
Pure insanity
I fight so hard
I get no credit
Because I never let it
Never let it
I never let it
Never can
I let everything
Hurt me
And I keep it
I hold it
I don't know a good thing
Til it's gone

So I hold on
To everything
But it's wrong
Some things
Are bad
I'm going
Mad mad
From the screaming
But nobody's listening
Maybe I should run
Maybe I should cut
Maybe I should fill my gut
With poison
Give me one reason
If I don't try to die
Nobody listens to me

They say to stop being sad
About the same thing
Now I'm sad about everything
Maybe I don't know a good thing
Til it's gone
So I try to hold on
To everything

How can I let go
Let go
How can I show
The pain inside
The reasons I cry
Without hurting myself
Without losing myself
All this hell ?

Can anybody tell
Maybe they can
They just...

    Don't care
May 2023 · 885
It's okay darling
Hello Daisies May 2023
For years
And years
I blamed
For forever
I hated me
It felt like an eternity

I'm still healing
I have been growing
I feel maturity
I feel less
I'm realizing
For the first time
It's okay

It's okay
It's okay
I misbehaved
It's okay
It's okay
I felt that way
It's **** okay
But it's still a shame

I'm not to blame
I wasn't untamed
I was a child
I wasn't wild
I was alone
I was crying
For attention
For affection
I was
Til it left me

I been hurting
I been broken
Never healed
Only blamed
Left in guilt

It's okay
It's okay
To feel that way
It's okay
It's **** okay
But what a shame

To blame a child
For being touched
To blame a child
Who thought she could trust
To blame a child
For not knowing love
What a shame
I became
To myself
Swallowed in guilt

So I let them
Be right
I let them win the fight
Lose my might
Never say no
Never let go
Hate myself
Bury bury
Never grow
Let my passion

It's okay
It's okay
To say
I wasn't to blame
It's okay
It's okay
To say
It shouldn't have been that way
I regret
So much
To let you touch
To be so alone
I let you
Hurt me
Inside my bones
It's okay
I didn't know better
It's okay
It's okay to
Let it go
To forgive me
And to be ******* angry
About it
It's okay
It's okay
But it's a ****
******* shame
I lost me
I lost all of my childhood
I blocked so many memories
I became a sad vicious story
I was nothing
Not me
Not you
I was nothing
But guilt
I had built
Of magic
So strategic
To hide
*** I never felt
Living that way

Now I want to say
To myself
To that little girl
So ashamed
So alone
So afraid
It's okay
It's okay
To feel that way
It's okay
It's okay
I know it's a shame
You're not to blame
It's okay
It's really okay

Let it go
Be angry
And never forget
You're valid
And it's *******
Apr 2023 · 219
Make magic
Hello Daisies Apr 2023
Breathe breathe
Let the calming music
Take you in
Let yourself grin

Feel the light
The nostalgia
The childhood innocence
The laughter
For here after

Remember the past
remember the good times
Not just that darkness
The happy
They are there
They are everywhere

Maybe some memories
Once happy
Still hurt too much
Move on
To happier ones
A time before
Your heart tore

Smile today
Smile and play
Life has a way
Of making us sway
Into complete
So take time
To release
Take time to
Feel at ease

Some memories
Have a hold on me
They make me feel
A way I can't explain
I can touch them still
Feel then on my back
Feel the air, the walls,
Every crack
It was such a special time
The perfect crime
It's over now
It hurts
But remember
It was once happy
The best days of my life
So make more
Of those
Make more times  
To play
A special place to
For later
When I feel alone
I can look inside
And find a home
Make those memories
Make that magic
Breathe the air
That gives you life
Feel it in every bone
Make it special
Make it known
Love loud
Love proud
Don't ever
Let this life
Keep you down
Apr 2023 · 1.1k
True friend
Hello Daisies Apr 2023
As a child
I'd look up
Look to the stars
The night sky
I felt so high
I felt a home
A special glimmer

I forgot to look
As I grew
I lost a sense
I lost my friends
I lost the sky

I try to look again
I try to see my friend
The stars I loved
The glimmer I hugged
They are lies
They are false
They are gone
Someone else

Almost giving in
Almost giving up
I look over
I remember
My one true love
The moon has me
The moon saves me
The moon is real
It makes me feel

You can't take her
You can't have it
If you tell me it's a lie
I'll always deny
It's the last glimmer
All I hold onto

I need to believe
I need to see
The moon is real
It helps me heal
I'll look into her
I'll smile again
Take a deep breath
release my pain

If the moon goes
I go
They've taken
My snow
They've taken
Almost all
I know
I shall never
Let this go
This is how
I'll grow
I'll glimmer
I'll shimmer
I'll shine
With hope
So divine
It's mine
I can share
The beautiful glare
On my face
To all
*** the moon
Is beautiful
And for everyone
With a heart
For everyone
With hope
Hold onto her
And look up
Give her a glare
Take a moment
To stare
Breathe it in

Let the moon win
Let the moon
Give me hope
It's barely there
But for moments
I feel her
My one true friend
Letting me in
Apr 2023 · 1.1k
Memories of you
Hello Daisies Apr 2023
The key
I flee

They say
Will play
Is the way

Yet my memories
Of you
Were my happiest
My memories
Of you
Were the sappiest

Now I die
I die a little
I die a lot
I die from the thought
Of my happiest memory

From start
To finish
the very beginning
Of adolescence
You were there
We were never scared
We shared
Golden pictures
Golden snaps
Forever burned
Forever there
Now I'm scared

My memories
Of you
They have ahold
On me
My memories
Memories of you
Leave me in absolute

I miss you
I miss them
I miss the feeling
Of adolescence
Of fun
Of freedom
Of hope
Of every single blissful
In the sky
With you
In the sky
Who knew
We'd fall
Fall so hard
And break
Never to mistake
Healing us together

Memories of you
I can't meditate
I can't think
Of the past
Unless I go
Too far back
My childhood
My childhood
I stood
I cried
Every night
My childhood
A fright

My memories
Memories of you
what I held onto
Now I bleed
I bleed
Without any seed
Of hope
I bleed
I bleed
With a need
I bleed
Onto my knees
On the ground
Without a sound

No one wants to hear it
I don't want to bear it
But my memories
Of you
We're all I knew
It's how I grew
It's how we flew
On the ground
With no sound
Flashes of shadows
Creeping into me
What was once bright
Now a scary sight
Now a sad plight
For help

My memories
Memories of you
Haunt me
In my dreams
In my car
From a far
In my house
In my bed
In every tear
I shed
Please please
I pled

I let it be now
I let it hurt
Let it sting
It isn't leaving
You were more then everything
Now it's mud on the ground
Now it's death with no sound
It's broken bones
And ripped veins
Its falling and reaching up
But no one's there
Falling into
Throw up

Those are my memories
Memories now
My memories
Of you

My memories
And forever

Now and forever
Apr 2023 · 98
Twisted home
Hello Daisies Apr 2023
I need
I need
I need
To believe
In something

I need
I need
I need
To grow a pair

I need air
I need despair

It is my air

I understand
I understand
They stay
Why they won't go away
Even when
Beaten and swayed
And laid
I understand

Once you leave
Once you go
There's no place
No place
To call home

It was broken
It was bruised
it was you
It was you

Now what to do
What to do?

Go back
Go back
Turn your back

Leaving isn't sunshine
Leaving isn't forever happy
Leaving is one moment
One decision
One moment of truth

Realization fades
Realization goes gray
You begin
To sway
You begin to say

I want to go
I want to go back
I want it again

I want despair
I want crazy
I need my air
I can't grow a pair
I can't
I can't
I can't believe in
I can't believe in

I can't
I can't
I need crazy
I need stress
I need comfort
Nothing less
I need money
I need home
I need battered and bruised
I need to be used
It was you
It was you
I was too good to you
You were bad to me
It's my epiphany
I need
To be
I need you
To hurt me again
I need to be over used
Like an inkless pen
It was my purpose
My purpose
My purpose
I'm gone
I'm gone
I'm lost
In this frost
Frost less fire
Frost less rage
I'm in a cage
I called freedom
We never have freedom

Breaking free
Is only happy
For a moment
Then it settles in
Under ur skin
You miss it
You miss them
The pain
The darkness
Was comfort
Even the mess
Was a silk dress
On your skin
Rather then sinking
It's dealing
With the
With the
With the
My­ back
To keep track
And not
Run back
To you
Your arms
My neck
All over
Just check
I liked it
I'm a wreck
A wreck
Without a ship
A wreck
Dusted into sea
A wreck
Meant to be
Going going
A wreck
Trying to heal
Is like a ship
Trying to fly
It's not real

Let me wreck
Let me wreck
Let me crash
Back into you
Twist my neck
Twist my arms
Drown me again
So I can feel

The warmth
Mar 2023 · 293
Obsessed with the sound
Hello Daisies Mar 2023
You tore out my heart
laying on the ground
Finally I hear it's sound
Pa dum pa dum
I'm obsessed with this sound
Pa dum pa dum
Pa dum
Pa dum

You tore me apart
I'm listing to my heart
All I hear is this sound
Sounds of broken magic
Sounds of something tragic
Pa dum pa dum ssss

Obsessed with such beauty
Obsessed with the sweet romance
Obsessed with the brisk October
With the warm summer nights
Waiting in lines
Reaching the destination
Seeing the stars
Falling apart
Onto my own heart
Pa dum pa dum

You tore my heart out
Laying on the ground
I'm obsessed with it's sound
Pa dum pa dum

All I hear
All I swear
It's all I hear
It's all I care
Your sound
Mini m&Ms
Laying on the playground
Mini M&Ms
Don't usually have a sound
When you see them
I can hear them
Pa dum pa dum
We always shared them
Pa dum pa dum

We shared many things
Secrets, truths, heartbreak
Laughter love
We shared many
Many of these
Can you believe
I could ever let it go
Let this sound go
Pa dum pa dum

I can finally hear it again
Thank you my beloved friend
You tore my heart out
The one I thought I lost
With you in the war
Or maybe from before
Now I feel the magic
Of every moment of course
I cherish how it hurts
It hurts hurts so

I cherish it so
Thank you for this pain
I dance in the blood
Of the bleeding of vein
On the ground
I dance
On the ground
To the sound
Of my torn out heart
I relish every part
From finish to start
    through me
I dance
As I paint my face red
With every shade
Every piece of led
You ever fed
I can taste it
I can hear it
The sound
Of the trains
Pa dum pa dum

You tore my heart out
On the ground
I am obsessed with the sound
Pa dum pa dum
The sound of trains at night
The sound of laughing and feeling alright
The sound...of inner bliss
And naivety over this
I can hear the sound
Of my heart again
Having it ripped open
I am obsessed with the ****** romance
Of feeling pain
It's better then nothing
So they say
I wish there was another way
To hear
The sound of my heart
Then having it torn apart
Laying on the ground
Pa dum pa dum
Watching it bleed out
With every
Your face
That place
Pa dum
Pa dum
Time I see the stars
Pa dum pa dum
Pa dum pa dum
Time ...
I dum pa dum
We weren't apart
Pa dum pa dum
It loses more
The sound is slowly
Until I learn to erase
Your disgrace
Until I learn
To face
My obsession
With my lost
It'll die
And the sound will go

Until then
This is all I know
To hold onto
To feel

You tore out my heart
On the ground
I'm obsessed with the sound dum pa dum

You've won again
My once beloved friend
Mar 2023 · 366
Find me
Hello Daisies Mar 2023
I found myself in you
I lost myself in you
The greatest parts of me
Lost in the cavalry
Will I ever know her
Will I ever show her
To a new friend

I play pretend
That getting over you
Is possible
That doing the right thing
Being responsible
Is better
Then having you

We were infinite
We were immeasurable
We were an eternity
We were
Now we're gone
Now we don't belong
I don't belong
I'm a void
I'm a toy
Of the world
Toss me around
I'm not a girl
I'm not even sure
If I'm alive anymore

We were amazing
We were brilliant
We were exhilarating
We were awe inspiring
We were

A year has came
A year has left
I'm stuck in this mess
Frozen in time
Of you're left over crimes

Take me back
Help me find myself
Dust off the shelf
Of my misery
Let me see my history
In light again
I don't wanna play pretend

I want to be me
I want to be free
I want to be funny
And sweet like honey
Like we were
Where is the cure
Of the obscure
I'm in.

I've always been sad
I've always had issues
We held them together
Made them better
Now I can't breathe
In any weather
I'm weaker
Then any feather

We were stronger then leather
I wore your jacket out
I tried to sew it together
Make it look better
Inside I could tell
It wouldn't last
Not in this harsh weather
It'll come undone
I couldn't except that never ever
Let me try to sew it better
Please please
Let me try
...let me

We were young
We were red and gold
We were queens
We were sky high
We were .. .

We were
We were
We were
I need to accept those words
I'm getting better
But I can't get myself together
I was happy
I was beautiful
I was eternity
I was
... Me
Now I'm nobody
Now I'm lost
Now I'm a void
No joy
No life
No hope
Only isolation
Only an empty
Train station
Eternally hoping
I'll see u again
Coming of the train
Running back to me
Holding eachother together
Sewing our ripped up holes
Back to warmth again
Seeing myself in your eyes
My lonely friend

I want to find me
Exit the void
I want to find
Without you
I want to find
I want to find
Mar 2023 · 380
Bless be the snow
Hello Daisies Mar 2023
Sometimes in the darknest of days
Snow may fall
Like the biggest
On my face

I will dance
By myself
I will feel the magic
Within oneself
I will shine like never before
I will remember my glitter
From days before

You don't always need
To shine
You don't always need
To dance at night
You can have your own magic

Bless be the snow
Coming to me
With a glow
Bless be your love
From above
I can dance again
I can feel the brisk
The magic
In my pen
The extra skip
In my step
The snow
On my breath

Bless be this dance
Bless be
This chance
Mar 2023 · 922
Carry it
Hello Daisies Mar 2023
Carry it
Carry it
Carry the pain

I wrote you a letter
I watched it burn
I drowned it
I drown you
Now it's your turn
You've been drowning
For so long
No more,
Atlas I can hear
my own song
I watch you drown
I can finally

I can finally
Carry it
The pain
Will never go
This I know
I can carry it
With me as I go
Into the sun
I was never much a fan
As I let it in
I can feel it in my skin
I can
Carry it

I wrote you a letter
I watched it drown
It came back up
From the ground
It came back to me
I turned around
Don't look back
Whispered to me
I took the hands
Of my future
To be
I walked away
Never again
I say

Never again
Let myself drown
Never again
Lose my own sound
I hope
I pray
Never again
To feel that way
I will carry it
Every day
I will carry myself
To a better place

I wrote you that letter
With all my heart
I drowned you
Without a second thought
And good riddance
I am free
I am free
I am free
To carry it
To be me
I am free
Of drowning
In your guidance
I am free
Of your tyranny
To me
I'm my new
Beloved friend
Mar 2023 · 271
Dollar general
Hello Daisies Mar 2023
I saw two girls
Laughing and shopping
At a dollar general
It reminded me
When I wasn't so

When I had friends
To buy snacks with
When every day
Wasn't consumed with
Trying to be better
Trying to be skinny
Hating myself
Feeling lonely

I miss that laughter
I miss those days
Any weather
We were warm
Eating snacks
Telling eachother
Buying crazy

Those were the days
Now I sit in a cube
Isolated alone
In my cold room
In my cold mind
Focusing on
Whatever the ****
The grind
That's all I do
Cold cube
Feb 2023 · 62
Hello Daisies Feb 2023
How long can I pretend
To feel
To heal
What's real ?
I'm lost
∆°In the surreal ∆°
The art is false
The grass is grey
I'm a needle
In hay
Nobody's looking
Lost forever
Feb 2023 · 108
a letter to burn
Hello Daisies Feb 2023
I wrote you a letter
To burn and feel better
I cried as my pen
Asking myself why
I can't burn this
I can't let this go

I can't
I can't
I can't let this ******* go

I wrote you a letter
Of all the hurt you've done
everything you did wrong
the pain in my lungs
I wrote you a letter  
To Help me move on
it just held me again
With my own pen

You have a way
everything you say
In my mind
my own fault
my heart
an empty vault
Never you to blame
You hold no shame

I want to let you go
I want to break free
Of this dramatic show
I want to feel free
Of the tyranny
You have over me

That's why
I wrote you a letter
Saying goodbye
I wrote you a letter
Telling you I cried
I wrote you this letter
So you may die
From my life
I wrote you a letter
To say I love you
Most of all
I wrote you a letter
To let go of you

Burn you
To ashes
I fell down ...
   ... Like a boat,
In the ocean crashes
Waves bellowed over me
Screaming into my ears
Drowning me with fears

I can't burn something drowning
In water
I can't burn something
I hold as a flower
Blooming in the pain
Of my tears
I hold it so dear

I can't
I can't
I can't let this ******* go

I can't ignite the flames
I can't release the ink
I harbour it forever
In every song
Every sky
Every moon lit night
Every sign
I pass by
Every new York building
In the sky

Every ..
Late at night
Every group of friends
I pass by
Every joke
Or tear
I cry
Every little thing
I can't seem to burn
No matter how many
New bridges I turn


I wrote you this letter to say goodbye
I know deep inside
You're gone
So I wrote you this letter
To finally move on
The only next step

... burn my whole ******* house down
Feb 2023 · 59
Fucking sucks
Hello Daisies Feb 2023
It ***** to lose the one
The one person who made the stars
More magical then they already are

The one person
You could lay on the road with
Talk and bond your soul with
The one person you were forever with

A sister
A friend
A soulmate
A magical date

It really *****
So ******* much
Who will I look up with?
To see the stars at night

They feel dull to me now
They feel wrong to me now
I feel only sad
And lonely
When I look above
It'll never be
What it once was

You and me
Sharing our hearts
On a cold open road
Laying there like crazy nuts
Laughing and singing
Our minds were ringing
Of joy
being content  
Of magic
So potent

Now it's gone
Your touch
Our love
The friendship
Everything it was

It really *****
To lose all that
It really really ******* *****
To remember that
It can never be what it was

Now everytime I look above
I feel my heart being torn
Now I can only feel blue
When I look at the pale  moon
: (
Feb 2023 · 80
February air
Hello Daisies Feb 2023
I feel the February air
But I don't care
I can't care
You seem to be everywhere

You are all of new York
You are all of my walls
You are all of my parts
...  You
Or were
All of me
Now you are just one thing
February air

You run through me
Without a care
You blare your angst
You remind me of the pain
Of leaving me at the door way
Of pushing our friendship away
Every day

You remind me
Of running into your arms
Of corn and fields of farms
Of surprises in train stations
Of birthdays in New York
Laughter in a swimming pool
Walmart shopping at midnight
And bagel bites candle lights
But most of all
You always remind me
Of February air
The breeze I once loved
Now dead and mud
Cold through the bone
No brisk breeze
Just frigid freeze

You are the seasonal depression
But every month now it seems
There is no end
To February
My very being
It'll fade
The autumn will come again
One day
I know it
I hope it
I need it
For I cannot breathe
For the rest of my life
February air
Dec 2022 · 74
Another sad song
Hello Daisies Dec 2022
When will I stop associating every sad song
With the way we no longer get along
The way you strung me along
The way you
You broke
And tore me apart
Ripped open my heart
Like an empty pond
Was once beautiful
Now hard to look upon

Can I listen again
To my favorite notes
Without feeling my heart

                                    °In my throat°
Dec 2022 · 3.0k
My love
Hello Daisies Dec 2022
When I was younger
I would lie awake
The other side of the bed wouldn't be empty
One day
Maybe someday

I never imagined
I had no clue
I only dreamt
Of someone like you

I don't think you know
Despite your joking ego
That you're beautiful
Inside and out
Not a single doubt

You're welcoming and true
You're hardworking and unapologetically you
You're the sweet warm brew
That brightens up my blue

I love the kindness you have
I love the way you laugh
I love being with you in a bath
And the way you make me laugh

I never for a second thought
That such a gift would be brought
Into this sad cold world
But here you our
With every single flaw
You own it
You flaunt it
I love you to pieces and bits!

You're like the snow
I waited so long for you to show
you came along
My heart started to grow
The crystals and cold
The icy white snow
You are a breath of cold wind
Blowing on my face
Making me feel this is my place
My home
My joy
My happiness
Maybe others don't understand
But I know you are one hell of a man!

I love you

Nov 2022 · 95
A clean goodbye
Hello Daisies Nov 2022
I had another dream about you
All I recall is your face
Taunting me
Hurting me
Again and again
After all
That's all it takes

But the lyrics I heard
The music in my head
When I woke in my bed

They were telling me
To be clean
Let the rain
Drain away
All of you

I replayed all of us
I played the song
I heard for so long
And saw you
it hurt
Nothing unusual
Pain came flooding in
Always punctual

In my heart
I knew
It's been time
For awhile
Telling myself
I'm not strong enough
Give me more time
More time to lie
More time to cry
For time to rhyme
Not today
Not tomorrow
Not my future
I need to mature

Let this go
Take this step
Move forward
Away from you
I'll never forget everything
Not one thing
But I can let some pain go
Love the snow
not let you

Her lyrics sang to me
Be clean
Let the rain come
The pain may stay
But I can't keep harboring it
Like an old necklace
Left over from a dead relative

I can't keep it
I must discard you
You're a broken necklace
That keeps stabbing me
You're not even here
But you are controlling my life
Let me be clean

I finally
Took the step
Took control
I will not keep bleeding
On everything
And everyone around me
I will not bleed out
And become nothing
But your leftovers
I will clean the broken glass
The scars will never fully heal
But I can stop counting them
Every morning
And night
I can let them close
And sleep tight
I can remember you
In some kind of light
That isn't hatred
Or pain
Holding onto this necklace
Has no gain
Just shards
I must throw away
I must clean
The bleeding
It's a step
Maybe a small one
Maybe a long one
It took time
But it's a step forward
I can wash the blood soaked stains
I can clear my brain
I can sleep peacefully again
Saying goodbye
This time even on the inside

With real meaning
We are no longer friends
It's been everything
Forever and it's okay
I had a hell of a time

I'll miss you my friend.
This is the end.

Goodbye Bree, so I can be free

Goodbye for eternity.
Nov 2022 · 83
I knew
Hello Daisies Nov 2022
I knew
When you said hello
I knew
When you gave me your number
I knew
Ever since I met you
I held back
But I knew
I wanted you

When you asked me out
I said no
I regretted it so
When I went to your house
It felt like new beginnings
My heart grew
For you
Each passing day
Every single thing you would say

The brisk October
You gave me your jacket
I never gave it back
Into the cold Decembers
Seeing me cry
Holding me tight

I knew
When you gave me that shirt
I knew
When you said it wouldn't work
I still knew
When you said we were just friends
I knew
It wasn't pretend

I knew I'd love you till the end
When you said the words
I never imagined
Would come from you
Your lips sang
I can't recall everything
But I'll never forget
Staring at you in shock
Asking me to be yours

I knew
It was forever
And never ever
Going to end
I knew you would always be
My very best friend
My lover
My protection

I knew
For nine crazy months
I knew
When you said we were destined
I knew from the second
You said hello

You forever will be my greatest blessing
Nov 2022 · 78
Hello Daisies Nov 2022
I fought fear
With more fear
I escaped the prison
Just for a new reason
To be afraid

It's been whispering for awhile
But now it's here with a smile
Telling me
Screaming at me
Run away
Run away

There's nowhere to run
I'm out here with a gun
Fighting what appears to be
Nothing at all
But feels as if
It's everyone at once
Ready to pounce

Nobody can feel it
Time moving
Faster and faster
It's like the wind wants me
To escape my body
Run out of my mind
The earth is not kind

It's taken over
By a master plan
I can't understand
But I can feel
The enemy
It's inside me
And everyone else

I want to hide
I want to cry
But to no end
I am going to end
As we all will
I am afraid
I am terrified
I am shaking
And quaking

My family will die
I will die
There's nothing to fight
There's no reason in sight
For this life
It's all pretend
I woke up and saw it end
The illusion
Now it is moving
In fast forward
I can't get a grip
I started to slip

I saw the earth
As the lie she is
I saw the lines
Cross the bridge
It's a false bubble
A false notion
There's nothing I can do
But feel the motion

Of fear and lies
I'll keep crying and hiding
Til I die
Which is coming
Sooner then we all know
50 years
Is now 50 minutes
Blink your eyes
Think with your mind
Time will fly
And then we all
Nov 2022 · 79
Hello Daisies Nov 2022
It's been 8 months
Why am I not
Why is it

I fall
The pain
In my chest
I grow
Life looks


help me
Help me
My distractions


I'm an empty bowl

In your blood

My eyes
Our but a
I drown
And drown
No breathing

I let go
I forget
In my screams

You haunt me
     Every *******


Please please

Go away
Haunting nightmares
Love and friendship
Lies and guts
Demons and monsters
     You are
              Nobody to me

Go away
        Leave my mind
              Clean my heart
   Of your

Whip off the glove
I wear
As you tear

I want it gone
    8 months strong

I want you
Her gone
All of her
Go away
You have no place here

        To stay
Please .....
                       ...   Please

Nov 2022 · 140
Train stations
Hello Daisies Nov 2022
The nights were crisp
If I remember right
The lights were bright
As we past each car

The talks were long
As we paused to sing a song
The hellos were beautiful
The goodbyes were soulful
But difficult

The train station in the morning
Running into your arms
The train station at night
Never seemed as bright
Even tho it was always dark
It hurt my heart
To see you go

I knew it was ok
In every possible way
When I looked up
To see your face
At the gas station
The warm night
If I recall right
I knew
I was so **** sure
It was forever

I've never felt quite right since
I realized I was wrong
what I saw as forever
Was gone

It was some kind of magic
Or curse maybe
I'm not really sure
But **** it hurts
There's no more pleasure
When I see the car lights
When I'm at a gas station at night
Or a service plaza
The distinct feeling
Of unbelieving
The world around me
A special place
A special face
held my heart so
In every ******* way

It's gone
There was never magic
It was just life
A facade
A lie
I could never begin to try
And make it right
I held so tight

The snow we fell on
The mischief we got lost in
At a Cleveland concert
Or the side of the road
Walking out of rebellion

The hair dye stuck to my hands
The red that didn't show
we continued to grow
To purples
To blues
Every new hue
With you

The trips we took
The cars we shook
By accident
You scratched it
we took off afriad
We've never misbehaved
That was the first
We had many of those

Driving for an hour
To be at olive garden
We saw as a  higher power
For years
We spent there
A special saving grace
Shoving bread to the face

The first time you left
I fell to my knees
maybe physically
I can't recall
I cried for weeks
I quit the job
We shared
It wasn't fair
To anyone

It's never fair
To anyone
Yet you dared
To not care

Never cared

The cons we roamed
The gorilla hugs alone
Were memorable
The pictures we took
The way we looked
As we fell and laugh
Over silly words
Something as simple
As a typo
Could keep us laughing
For years
I can't remember a single tear

I lie
For many years
..there were
..tears in us
The entire time

As I warned you
Getting into drugs
Ruins lives
You promised
With no sincerity
In those eyes
Dead inside
I knew
I blew
It away
A passing thought
As we danced the night away

Every moment
I write and write
Every feeling
I write I write
It won't leave me
I try to let it be
Let it out
On the paper
It's not poetic anymore
It's not rhyming
It's falling apart
There's no more
No more
No more
I'm losing my words
My talents
For words
I was so **** sure
Then again
It's happened before
Maybe I'm addicted to pain
I choose to remain
In it
By picking people
I know are cruel
I know will rule
My emotions
turn me into
A broken


I can't tell
What it is
you were so addictive
******* LIAR
Everything I wanted to keep
Just out of reach

So I write
And I write
And I
I don't know

I just
             Move on
Aug 2022 · 452
What happened
Hello Daisies Aug 2022
Closer then sisters
Better then lovers
Never a second thought
Together forever

What happened to forever
What happened

Memories come
Memories go
I'm stuck in the snow
Of all our love
The stars above
Remind me of you

Stuck like glue
You and me
Us three
Nobody could touch
Never too much

What happened to us
What happend to love
What happened to the stars above
What happened
What happened??

Every year we'd go away
Crazy wild and silly vacay
It was the best moments of my life
Laughter, fun, excitement  living high

Never wondering why
We were so lucky
Treasuring each and every smile
Thinking we'd be together for awhile
For forever
Never not together

Seasons change and the weather
We were birds of a feather
Flocking together
Living with each other
Secrets told laughter spoke
Our love never a Joke

What happened to us
What happened to love
What happened to the stars above
What the **** happened to us
To forever
To looking at the stars
To crying in eachothers arms
To figuring out life together
Never hurting eachother
Closer then I could say
Giving me life in every way

How can I go on
It's been 8 months since you've gone
And I can't move on
I see you every day
You don't give a **** I'm in your way
It hurts to pretend
Like I don't know you
Like I never knew
What thoughts kept you up at night
How to make you laugh at the right
All those moments
Dust in the wind
Blew it away
I tried to catch it
But you looked the other way

What the **** happened
Aug 2022 · 1.4k
This is me
Hello Daisies Aug 2022
Sunshine and grog
Dancing through thick fog
Midst over mountains
Shimmering gold in fountains

The feeling of serenity
Calmness and warmth
Soul inspiring
Never expiring

Enthrall me within
Give me that special grin
Always without sin
Purity so complete

Never to defeat
Warriors heart inside
I'll never abide
With man's side

I am wild and free
I am a cold winters breeze
A storm of brim and stone
Ashes flung and flown

I am a witch burning
Never returning
To their master
I will run faster

You cannot stop me
Stinging like a bee
Souring with graceful ease
I am a fairie never to please

I will use my sword
I will say my words
With passion and curse
Do your absolute worst

I am me
And she is free
Maybe only inside
In my own mind
But she you will never find
She is but mine
A special kind
A loving mother
In which moss takes cover

Leave it lone
She is alone
But pain is gone
For peace is beauty
And green is all she can see

That is me
I am green with grass
Yellow with daisies
And free with fairies
Loved by many
And giving so much
I am glee
And complete
With me

On my own
Idk just in my own head
Aug 2022 · 154
Who am i
Hello Daisies Aug 2022
Who am I
Softly whispering in my head
Crumbling around with little dread
I really don't know
Little bits disappear and melt like snow

Who am I
Am I the green on a summer leaf
The dancing amist the grief
Twirling with such glee
Never to see

Who am I
Am I droplets of water
Pouring into the ocean
With big waves of commotion
Lost in the deep
With secrets to weep

Who am I ?
Sunken treasure
Buried deep within
Golds and rubies waiting to win
Never to be found lost and abandoned

Who am I
I have to ask
Anger and red burning the skies
Cold and blue freezing your eyes
Who am I
I want to know
Buried in snow
Dying in the breeze
Of autumn leaves

Who am I
Sweet and soft
Mellow and yellow
Like the soft daisy of spring
Ugliness and rage never to be seen

Who am I
Can anyone tell me
I don't want to be yelling
But I've been waiting to know
For some time now

I feel like many things
But they come and go
Never keeping me
Letting me show
My angst
My sorrow
I'm just broken and borrowed

Will I never know ?

Who am I
Ah lost in life
Aug 2022 · 756
Hello Daisies Aug 2022
I know it's annoying
I know I'm a broken record
For months
And years
Crying over the same things
But it's like
I lost the best part of me
And she's ran away
Without ever missing me

I have to ask myself
What's wrong with me
I have to ask everyone
If they still love me
Or if they're also planning
On leaving me

I want this to stop
I can tell myself to get over it
But it won't quit
I can call you a *****
Tell you you're selfish

But I still won't win
I've lost
So much these three years
And Everytime I try to heal
I lose something else precious
It's miraculous
I'm still trying

There is no denying
This will always hurt
Can I ever heal the burn
When is it my turn
To tell everyone off
To tell you you hurt me
And I don't want to see you
Or pretend it's okay
Or pretend it'll go away
But you left me once again
Broken and lost
Crying and lying
Thinking I'll never be good enough
Now I truly feel everyone will leave me
I can't get close to anyone
Befriend anyone
Everyone hates me
Or loses interest
Best friend for ten years
Guess that really meant nothing

Tried to make amends and you left me
Didn't even try
And acted like nothing transpired
Nothing matters to you besides yourself
I gave you so much of me
And you took it and gave nothing back
Well one thing back
Broken pieces of a heart
That was already trying to heal

You steal
And hide
You run
And lie
You pretend
And make fake friends
You are selfish
You were never
My best forever
But a user
Who wanted to feel safe
Wanted someone to throw everything on
We had so many amazing memories
Now they're ruined
All burnt
She's broken now too
The group is gone
The place I thought I belonged
It haunts me
Every face name and place I see
I'm drowning under sea
Chained down and gagged
While you watch
Driving your boat to safety
Leaving us behind for the unknown

Where do I go now
How can I escape
They say get over it
Like I was ever good at getting over anything
Even if I was
I could never get over this
What I thought we had was bliss
Now it's an empty abyss

It's gone amidst
Ghost haunt me in the dark
Your face lurking in my dreams
You're life terrozing my job
Everytime I see you with that snob

So how do I get over this
The best parts of me
The happiest memories
Thrown away in the trash
Like it never mattered
Like I don't matter
You were the one who taught me to heal
To feel something so real
But you became so selfish
You threw me away
And now you don't wanna say
That it's over

Leaving me doubting
Leaving me wondering

I have been so used
It's time to let go
But I've gripped so hard to this
How do I let go of my life ?
Even if it's all gone
I can't let it go
You were everything
We were everything
Now we are nothing
And I'm just suffering
Turning to rage
Locked away
Throwing up emotions
Every day

I want myself back
I want you back
Us three back

How can it be right
To throw this away
It feels wrong
Makes me sick
I can't even fathom it

But you

You already took the trash out
And never looked back
Aug 2022 · 622
Peace with the moon
Hello Daisies Aug 2022
The moon shines down
Bigger then ever
Better then wherever
I left my heart last

a sign of beauty
Of romance
Wanting to dance
Or even prance!

I've been feeling loss
All kinds of grief
It's still within me
It'll never leave

sights like this
Chills in the air
Blow upon my skin
Problems seem so thin

My heart hurts
It follows me everywhere
Sometimes I forget why
the pain stays the same

In the name of this pain
I try to find my peace
Sometimes the moon shines
I feel a great release

Thank you for the beauty
Thank you for the calm
I want to rest my head
On the shimmering palm
Of the moons light

Ever so bright
Take my grief
My ball of hate
Take the weight
throw it away

In the seasons
It'll return
Through the wind
Crashing until burn
Into my skin
I'll feel the fire
But I'll never tire
Of what is higher

Shine down upon me
Let me glow
I will grow
Ever stronger
As I hope longer
For the pain to settle

The fires will calm
Every autumn
Perhaps sleep
Every winter
I know it'll attack
Ever harder
In the summer

As I await the return of your peace
I'll never forget
The promise
Of your sweet relief

Life is bittersweet
At it's very best
It's all a mess
I fight the screeching
With the hope of whispers
Quietly speaking
your delicate breeze

Thank you moon for shining tonight
For glowing ever so bright
The biggest I've seen you in many nights
My grief has calmed
The storm is not gone
But settled
For a night of love
For a moment of peace
Just a dash of hope
a night to hold
Jun 2022 · 98
Deadly summer
Hello Daisies Jun 2022
The weather's warming up
Spring is here
Then soon summer
Everyone's out
And about
Happy smiles glowing everywhere

I don't dare
Try to smile
Summer is vile
Spring brings the pain

It is nothing but a stain
Of my suffering
The loss I've felt
The assault I've dealt

It's not a myth
It's torture
I can't keep going
I wish it was snowing

My heart is in shreds
My body is bleeding lead
I miss her
I feel him
I'm broken within

I can't keep doing this
Crazy mind games
Please let me go
Summer has such a hold

Like shackles ripping my flesh open
Slowly and red
Rashes and dread
I cannot escape
The sweat
And blood
Of everyone's beloved
Just wrote a lot of poems and thought I post them been going through it
Jun 2022 · 917
Broken friends
Hello Daisies Jun 2022
From GTA
To oakwood
To living together
Us three
To gorillas with bananas
To 2019 no more virgins

I am hurting
I am lost
I have lost
So much
How can I go on

From cons
To Brian jokes
To surprise birthday cakes
And surprise birthday trips

Where do I get
My sanity back
My heart to not hurt
Release the memories
Into the ocean

I can't contain them
They are tearing me apart,
Ripping out my heart
Would hurt less

You seem fine
I gave you your new life
Guess I couldn't be in it
I still can't believe it

Best friends forever
Sisters like no others
Stronger then lovers
Gone and alone
Like whatever

I still remember
First meeting you
Playing that game
Thinking you're cool
I still remember
Introducing you
Sharing the memes
Thinking this is everything

I still remember the concerts
I still remember prom
I still remember getting in trouble together
Dying are hair
Without a care

I still remember best friends forever
I guess you forgot
What that meant
Prioritize anyone but us
And just forgot about us

You can move on
But I can't go on
I still remember it all
Hits me like a train
Or wrecking ball
I'm down for the count
I can't be doing this
Let me let go of the sadness

Best friends forever
Means nothing
If you can't remember
To love your friends
And be with us
It's so obvious
You're gone

And I am not too far along
But where I go I do not know
Feels like I'm already in hell

*** I also remember

Ditching me for her
Replacing me with another
Forgetting me for him
Not being there when she died
Always telling me a lie
And I'd forgive you
To not lose you
But it hurt
More and more
It hurts
How id beg
Basically on my knees
How pathetic I became
Yet again
For your attention

I still remember it all
And I'm starting to fall
Completely apart

Pls let the pain stop
Let the memories go
It's hurting me
I don't want to forget the good
But the bad is too much from you
You broke our hearts
And you didn't even fall apart

Jun 2022 · 272
Hello Daisies Jun 2022
Nothing beats the
The amazement
Being wonderstruck

From 500 thousand dandelions
In a field
Just me
Happy as can be

I'm rolling
I'm tumbling
The dandelions have taken hold of me

Behind a playground
Little ol me
Lost in the field
Momma's looking for me
Hours have passed

I'm not her daughter right now
I'm a fairie
And this is my land
My fun
My everything
The dandelions chose me
And nothing has the same beauty

As that sweet innocent bliss
From a simple thing
Like dandelions and me
Feeling free as a bee 🐝

Why can't I still be that happy
Jun 2022 · 196
Be happy
Hello Daisies Jun 2022
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
b e happy
Be h a ..ppy
Be happy
Be happy
Be HAppy
Be haPPY

H A  P P Y

I'm trying to remember
To be happy
They say it's a choice
I just have to tell myself
Stop crying
Be happy
I keep telling myself
Stop crying
Be happy
I'll repeat myself
Stop crying
Be happy
When will it work
Or will I just keep
Repeating myself
Stop crying
Be happy
The words lose meaning
It's just gibberish
It's mush
I'm mush
Can I love myself
Can I believe myself
Can I choose to leave
My suffering
I want to stop crying
I want to stop breaking
My own heart
It hurts
So everything hurts
Down the hole I go
Dark and desperate
Crying all the time
But if I tell myself
To smile
Will it help
For awhile
Then I'll fall
Crash into the abyss
My solitude
Give me no gratitude
Let me loathe myself
Til I can climb the hole
And breathe again
Does it really work
I keep trying
A broken record
I'm annoying for sure
But here I go

Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
I can't seem to just
Be happy
Let my body rest
Let me do things I love
I can always climb above
But it takes me unreasonably long
To stop the dreadful song
And just be ******* happy
Or least
Halfway content

That isn't
This suffering
Love myself
And forgive myself
And forget the bad
And be
For just
A minute
Jun 2022 · 798
Hello Daisies Jun 2022
Take a gun to my head and pull the trigger
Take a gun to my head and make it quicker
Quicker quicker
Let the bullet hit my brain
And simmer simmer
Quicker quicker
I wrote this when I was having a little panic attack no worries
Jun 2022 · 892
Hello Daisies Jun 2022
Take a gun to my head and pull the trigger
Take a gun to my head and make it quicker
Quicker quicker
Let the bullet hit my brain
And simmer simmer
Quicker quicker
I wrote this was I was having a lil panic attack no worries
Jun 2022 · 70
Hello Daisies Jun 2022
How come I only feel alive when I'm losing my mind
How come the flashes from history
Bring back so much misery
But the memories of love
Bring more tears from above
The heavens aren't real
Just raindrops
And pretending to feel
My guilt is real
For what I do not know
My memories are a circus
A short circuit
Ready to stroke
Lighting and electrocution
But never the fun colorful
Only the pain and deadly

I'm losing my mind
Perhaps lost it long ago
I used to feel some hope
Now I know none
Miss all the fun
The pain has only just begun
Once I feel a little
A waterfall of all
Comes bursting through
Every five ******* minutes

I've lost it
I'm crashing down
I want my memories to stay calm
Ride the boat through
Stop crashing into rocks
And falling
And drowning
Every **** day

I just want to play
And be loved
Remember my past
And not want to crash

Why can't I
Mar 2022 · 271
Pretend to be
Hello Daisies Mar 2022
I took the memories
Poured them down the drain
I do not retain
A single stain

My passed is gone forever
Its a little too clever
Or so I thought

If I erased my past
It would always last
She comes to me whispering

My dreams of her haunt
In a dungeon of taunts
The pain flaunts

The doctor asks what's wrong
I can't sing the song
I've forgotten from so long

It plagues my being
I'm still sitting there weeping
Blocked away from my frontal lobe

I am like a globe
I begin to mope
If shook around

If left alone I'll be bland
No harm or evil plans
My brain is at ease

I shake at night in my dreams
I'm left with awful feelings
Uncertainty what it means

I shiver and hurt
Pain hidden under my shirt
The scars are there

My heart is bare
I swear it so
I am not broke

Not anymore
For this I must be sure
I am a new girl

I do not know the other
Must not speak of her ever
If you are clever

Leave it behind
Pay it no mind
Or else I'll lose mine

Living like this is fine
The nightmares are for sleep
The new me isnt for the weak
What you can see is free
I can pretend
That is me
I'm free
Or so it seems
Mar 2022 · 85
Sad world
Hello Daisies Mar 2022
I started to heal
Truly for real
Life has hit
And it's hard to deal

Beloved ones have passed
I couldn't imagine the pain
It will forever last
Inside my brain

The world around me crumbles
As I stopped stumbling
People with guns
People having to run

The world is dying
The media is crying
I don't mean to whine
It's not a good time to shine

People with bombs
I miss my mom
The world is ugly
Nobody is lucky

What's the point of healing
When everyone's stealing
Breaking, sinning and killing
Nothing is thrilling

I mourn for the world
I'm sick of the world
I mourn for my aunt
But I really just can't

Keep going like it's all ok
Just when I started to be ok
The destiny of humans
Is so grueling

Why must it be this way
What can I say
It's another sad day
It might always be this way
The world is sad and terrifying and I feel bad just being happy and healing like what's the point
Mar 2022 · 1.0k
Bipolar or not
Hello Daisies Mar 2022
Shifting shifting
Into gear
I'm driving without fear
Vroom vroom
So far I go
Where I do not know

Chit chat chit chat
They all speak
Without them I am weak

Swirling swirling
My Brain is fried
I let out and cry

Nic NAC nic NAC
Give myself  a slap
I need to take a nap

Plic plac ship lac
I need a whicky snack
For I am not a bat

I'm losing my mind
It bellows obscenities
Can I still follow the rhyme

I lost track of time
I have no dime ?
Save me save me sir mime

It makes no sense
Too much suspense
My body is too tense

I want it to stop
   Please God
Let it stop
I'm tired
It's screaming
Tens of voices
New ideas
So many choices
I forget them
Before I start them
Then I'm off exchanging myself
For a new shelf
I'm talking
I'm dancing
I'm cleaning
It's creamy~
Words words
They don't add up

Help me help me
god above
Help me help me
Ones I love
I'm losing my ****
I'm losing all of it

Am I bipolar
Or just ******* nuts
I cannot contain my lusts
I want it all
I want a nap
I want to fall
And run a lap

La la la la lee do da da
I sing a little song
La la la le do da da
I cry a little long
La la la le do da da
I scream hahahAHAHAHA

I am not an Artist~
I am not a talent
I am nothing much
But leftover lunch

Molding and burning
In the evening sun
My end has begun
I am in need of savior
No chance with my flavor

Throw me away
Let me sleep
I am a jumbled up mess
Trying to count too many sheep

Peep peep little one
I am insane
I took your brain
And set it on a plane
It'll never return
The same

You are to blame
Who are you
Who am I ?
Maybe I'll know
When I die
Just a jumbled up mess of what's going on in my mind haha
Jun 2021 · 440
Hello Daisies Jun 2021
It feels like forever
Since I heard this call
Since I wanted to fall
It's been so long
I almost forgot it all

Months went by
Not a tear went down
Days and days
And I forgot the sound
Where was I

Bottled up it seems
I forgot all my dreams
I thought it was better
To forget the weather
The storms I know so well

I wasn't myself
I couldn't even tell
I forgot how to scream
I forgot my breaking seems

Now it's called back
The oceans wave
Don't fall into the grave
Over flooding tidal waves
Hit me suddenly but slowly

I remember who I am
The voices called me again
I'm a ship at wreck
A pirate drowing
A voyager lost at sea
This is me

I'm a emotional wreck
I was *******
Lost my name
But the ocean called me
And surely I came
Just writing my emotions lol
Jun 2021 · 197
Entangle me
Hello Daisies Jun 2021
I'm lost
Not in any wonderland
Inside my own brain
Inside this dead land
There's not much light
I'm not sure where to go
Where to even begin

I've been stuck
In the same place
I thought I escaped
To be free
But only to escape
To my own hell
No longer others torture
Just my own

Is this freedom
I know not what to do with it
I had fun
I drew the colors
I sang and believed
But find myself
Laying still
Going nowhere
But the same hell
In my mind

She screams
To be let go
To sleep
For nothing means anything
Those screams I've heard before
Hit the same
But different
So I cut them
Then rest as they entangle me

Nothing will set me free
Next page