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Ztef Oct 2023
let me write with ink
staining the pages as I go,
let it resonate across continents,
religions and races,
sparing the blood of innocents

let me plead with ink,
tears flowing as crimson now does on streets
let me show you humanity,
what words I can write, I think of you as I do

for we are in uncertain times indeed,
tatters of humanity, disguised in infants' cries
lost in the hope that tomorrow, the strange sounds will stop
to bring back the sun and watch it shine,
to live in memories of what was once divine

let me give you my love, with ink
gentle hands caressing my pen
oh this world could use a poet;
in fact, it can do with many more-
instead of unsteady hands pulling the trigger
as they go.
In times like this, we can only hope for brighter days.
let our love for one another outshine the hatred.
I pray and hope that people find light in these very trying times.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2023
Traces of others,
beings, in this now, ours, yours
his, hers, each
an other mind with a me and you
as other wise.

When I thought of you, then
I thought of me, of us, as a we,
aggressively gratifying a curiosity, a we
some grace makes possible, put right,
here at now,
awesome, not unmazing, not taking out,
not loosing in diabolic twists from known, no.

Now, in all time,
way out there where our augmented eyes stare
into the light of day, way, way far away, out there

where when is moot,
now is all the time we made, by being willing
to wander down a stack of words all lined up, pretty.
The privilege, the personal enjoyment, I take, from this time we live in, at the edge of print, to use words to soothe any ache of wasted years... I think prayer is probably not what it was first thought to be...
Man Jun 2023
Cogito, ergo sum
But what do I think?
And what, pray tell,
What effect does this have
On my being?
If what I constitute
Is alone, based on action,
Based on thought
What can we say of man today?
Man Jun 2023
Here, the wind whips
The desert sand
Into a furious haze
That blinds all in
It's vicinity

Here, my neighbor is
Dragged out and ******
And my other neighbor
Is drugged out, ******
Different burden, different labor

I pray,
On my knees
Toward the east.
I pray for change
I beg and plead,
M H John Apr 2023
i step in
the hot shower
for about an hour
giving myself
10 seconds to cry
before falling to the floor
pulling the curtain liner
praying to the faith
of my surrender

i hope it happens soon
i hope the water
can be the one to love me
enough to pull me under

the tornado inside
let’s the whirlwind of highs
project violet skies
that now only live
within the white noise
of heavens sunrise

i wanted to go out
the way you did

but sometimes
god laughs at the plans
you make out to die
While I'm awake
I see the world
As twisted as it is

My thoughts wander
Time zones away
How are you?

I'm thankful to live
Breathe in the air
Take in the love

We're far away
But I love you
So I sit and pray

I pray for your happiness
While I may not be it
And I pray for your safety
While my shelter is vacant

To love you true
Is to pray for you
Since I can't have you now
Thats what I'll do

Realizing to love somebody genuinely is to want happiness for them, no matter how much pain you feel not being with them anymore. Praying for them to have the best life, even if it's without you.
Steve Page Jan 2023
When I pray, I say too much
and he forgives so much
as his restoring touch
seeps marrow deep
lifting my sorrow
inviting me to rest a while
on both knees
Prayer is good for you
thepoeticwit Apr 2022
we are wanderers in a foreign land, exiles in search of home.
nomads who shift through dirt and sand.

Is this where we belong?
A desert, a wilderness.
A path made through promise of a kingdom paradise,
so close and yet so far away.

40 days and 40 years
are but a lifetime
our lives are but a wilderness
though we fast and pray
trials and temptations come our way

Be not fooled by Devil's sweet whispers
But continue past these 40 days
and though you fail in one way

There is One who fasted and prayed
overcame, and calls to you

"Behold, the Kingdom is near"

mindlessly passed through to the end of Lent, and I didn't really fast and pray, what more succumbing to my sins. But a firm reminder of Jesus who succeeded in His fast and prayer, right through His passion, death and ressurection. Though I fail, He succeeds on my behalf, and has mercy on me.
Odd Odyssey Poet Apr 2022
I pray to my Lord; as the prey in this crazy
world, dressed in sheep's clothing of all
those wolves.
All lurking around with no good.

Shepherd guide me; I don't always know
where to go. Staff of mercy; disciplines hurt
of the rod, but keeps me on my track to God.

Teeth marks; and ****** holes in my leg,
went chasing on greener pastures. But instead;
I was caught down on my defence.
Wolves only see red; as they have their prey out as
a spread.

The prey prays not to be prey; by the longest
prayer of all the sheep's prayers.

I S A A C Apr 2022
you attract more flies with honey
like moths, to a flame, you bug me
ready for hot humid summer days
ready to have my picnics by the lake
my family I have crafted, my kin in essence
my family I have drafted, my purest expression
truest of true, brightest of blues,
chatter filled dinners, loved filled rooms
I prayed for times like this, the flowers in bloom
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