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Ken Pepiton May 30
When it was the holy ghost, and fire,
keeping us alive,
believing was just what we did,
knowing one does not live
by bread, alone. As
we'as born free,
as free as we could be,
while knowing nothing needful,

truth wise, having no clues to start with,

how might one discover fire can be made
artificially, using wit wit' gumption,

to feel the heat,
live and learn to keep a secret
without ever asking why
why why, I wonder
did she run away,

why do some say life
is like an egg,
is that a hardboiled egg, eh

the games around egg finding, learning
where to look, what to look for, color,

blue, on green, jewel among jewels,

all the manifestations of gravitational
coherences causing such things as us

and causing us to be the first mortals,

contemplating long now laws on
conscience usage, with knowing never outlawed,
forgone conclusions forbade partaking,
for mere hearers of the songs,
learning early to enjoin the dance,

but never hearing music laugh.

I am Shiva, imagine me,

I rode the ox, imagine that,

merely threatened life,
life laughed and let its shadow pass.
us gaseous weform nodes in ancient hate.

Old bull minds baited good as bears...
After somebody did let the dogs out,
a we cheered to witness the killing,
made the ****** proof
a national pride,
freedom from the press, let us have,

teach the children backward thinking,
make them read Red Badge of Courage,

after the library lady recommended Plato,
as a follow up to Orwell, in 1962,

break my mind, feed me lost generations,
recollections, all we learned of war is lies,
all we learn from peace is past understanding.
Growing old and quite satisfied that wealth is comfort enough to share.
Mark Wanless Feb 9
mi casa es mi casa
i dream of family
slowly all pass
K Nov 2023
I’m sorry, I’m sorry I am not gonna make it to our dinner plans on Saturday. I had something else to do.

I’m sorry I am not gonna make it to the party on Friday. I had something else to do.

I’m sorry I am not gonna make you breakfast on Sunday. I had something else to do.

And what I’m mostly sorry for is I am not gonna be able to kiss you tonight love or the night after that, or the night after that, I had to go and I couldn’t say goodbye.
George Krokos Nov 2023
Money can be like water as it flows through our hands
and the more we have to do with it the more it demands.
Money seems like water as it passes between our fingers
and the longer we have to deal with it the more it lingers.
Money is like water as it's grasped with our hands
and the firmer we hold it the more it withstands.
Written in 2020
A comparison of money to water in 3 couplets.
AE Jul 2023
"I hope you find ease."

"This discomfort is temporary, and that is the beauty of time. I have found my ease in that mere thought."

"But pain is pain."

"And it passes, like grief, it buries itself deep within, growing its roots and blooming into gardens, disguised as triumphs and memories.”
leeaaun Jan 2023
blame is like a posion
no one wants to carry its weight
so they pass it onto you
as you're considered
a pushover
in their language
Ken Pepiton Aug 2021
Time makes no resting places,
such occur in time spent, unredeemable,
waiting to see the effect,
suffering now to be,
wait, a call, yes
no, I have no terms to offer. Redeem the time
you have,
don't feel the need to borrow on eternity.
----- jump cut ---

Salve on the wound, ******* spits out the bit.

Mount up old man, we got an old tale
stuck in a Shalomic message state during
an ego war.
-- there are those scribes
-- wrestling, like kittens with the yarn…

Heir of winds am I, in mind to be.
What would I do,
eh, Jesus, what about you?

peace, be still, I'd say, in a voice so small,
few feel the call to listen to the first word
plied off the point in ever outward,
pearling, pear shapes,
stem to pollinator,
being all we may imagine,
in a given moment of peace past understanding.

With a prosaic drumming mixed in the humms.

Bees at ease in my perennially
blooming rosemary hedge. These fingers tapping.
Peace made for a moment -in some future, moment redeemed.
It has been 13 years since anyone told me to get a job.
Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2021
Live life step by step
Taking care to smell roses
Passed along the way
Don't forget to stop and sniff the flowers as you go by them
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