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Ceyhun Mahi Aug 2020
ز عشق تو پریشان کرد مرا ای ساقی مجلس
شراب ‏سون چارە بوندەدر ‏كە ‏سن اولمە غافل ها

چرا این شوق ارباب دلا هرگز ندیدم من
بر آتش ‏گبی كول أگلەین شو عشقن ‏سوزی مشكل ها
The first verses of each couplet are in Farsi, the second verses in Turkish. Indeed, Turkish used to be written with the Islamic alphabet once in history. I hope I could capture the ectasy of Hafez.


From your love I have become distressed, O cupbearer of this meeting!
Give me (heavenly) wine because the solution lies in this, don't be heedless!

What is this (earthly) joy o masters of the heart? I haven't seen it (because)
This word of love, who like a fire turns wood to ashes, is very hard to bear!
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
by Hafiz aka Hafez
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

I became infected with happiness tonight
as I wandered idly, singing in the starlight.
Now I'm wonderfully contagious—
so kiss me!

Keywords/Tags: Hafiz, Hafez, translation, infected, infectious, happiness, contagious, kiss, me, starlight, moonlight, singing, wander, wandered, wandering, joy
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
by Hafiz aka Hafez
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

I became infected with happiness tonight
as I wandered idly, singing in the starlight.
Now I'm wonderfully contagious—
so kiss me!

Keywords/Tags: Hafiz, Hafez, infected, infectious, happiness, contagious, kiss, me, singing, starlight, moonlight, joy, delirious, wander, wandered, wandering, mystic, mystical, love, passion, desire
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
Dispensing Keys
by Hafiz aka Hafez
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

The imbecile
constructs cages
for everyone he knows,
while the sage
(who has to duck his head
whenever the moon glows)
keeps dispensing keys
all night long
to the beautiful, rowdy,
prison gang.

Keywords/Tags: Hafiz, Hafez, translation, imbecile, cages, sage, duck, head, moon, keys, night, prison, gang, prisoners, inmates, felons
Left Foot Poet Jun 2018
a thousand brilliant lies
(Hafiz,  Iran 1320-1389);      (L.F.P., USA 20~21st century)

- Hafez -                                 - Left Foot Poet-

“I have a                                  if only, in my meager possess,
thousand brilliant lies,          but one lie when easy asked
For the question:                    the simplest damning of,
How are you?                          are you generally happy?

I have a                                    what is god you ask,
thousand brilliant lies.          no lies required,
For the question:                    many answers upon my face visible,
What is God?                          unsure if any worthy of believing

If you think that the               8 centuries separate us, yet
Truth can be known,              you lie; we poets - you, I, all believe

From words                             in the divinity of words

If you think that the                a thousand brilliant sparkles
Sun and the Ocean,                 when Sun loves the Ocean,
Can pass through that            each one a poem passing,
tiny opening Called                my mouth, my wide eyes,
the mouth,                                uttering a Cohen's hallelujah

O someone should                 So we gleam, mirthing in glorious
start laughing!                         and gleeful delight at ourselves
Someone should start             for your brilliant happy lies easily
wildly Laughing Now!"       
­                            unravel into a thousand laughs
Atoosa Feb 2017
There are different wells in your heart.
Some fill with each good rain,
Others are far too deep for that.

In one well
You have just a few precious cups of water,

That ‘love’ is literally something of yourself,
It can grow as slow as a diamond
If it is lost.

Your love
Should never be offered to the mouth of a stranger,

Only to someone
Who has the valor and daring
To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife

Then weave them in a blanket to protect you.

There are different wells within us.
Some fill with each good rain,

Others are far, far too deep
for that.
Hafez was among the greatest poets of ancient Persia and wrote truly inspired poetry about love and mystical reunion with God.

— The End —