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 Feb 2022 bess goldstein
I have a secret
I can do it again
Peel my skin back
To reveal my bones that rot like fruit

I can do it again
Let my lies open like shells
To reveal my bones that rot like fruit
Feel me and pray for my release

Let my lies open like shells
Kiss my wounds, wrap me up
Feel me and pray for my release
I am nothing but this skeleton

I have a secret
 Oct 2020 bess goldstein




 Feb 2020 bess goldstein
ok okay
Take me away
From all these bad days
Lend me some sunshine
Drive me insane
Call me your lover
Hold me till dawn
Pretend we are happy
And that I will always be yours
Tuesday night and
you've accepted
the proposal, yet
under the chandelier
of mistaken fireflies
you half-smile,

a drawn curtain
that I can read
enough to worry,
to feel
the body
move away.

The rest of the night
is a sharp nerve,
& gray fingers
of a fog slip
down the street,
thin and ashamed.
A writer's tears of sorrow or happiness creates a poem
While his pain forms a story
His worries make a philosophy
And his blood makes a history
This is a writer's mystery
Slip down the slippery
***** begins
Write downt the poetry
mind gets new wings
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