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3d · 330
Solomon indulged
In the witchcraft of poetry
The magical rites of nature
He broke the yoke
Of wasted hopes
And became a woman chaser

Words form spells
The seeds of dreams
Dark verse light
The earliest memes
Songs of songs
Building grace
Magic is attainable
In the Poet's case
Traveler Tim
4d · 89
Creative Energy
In the blind spot
of the transparency of soul
it seems I know more then I know.
I possess the answers
the cures of dis-ease
It’s been there all along
creative energy!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
War is war
destruction and death!
Peace is peaceful
You can feel it
in your every step

Living in dugouts
Shell shocked retreats
Waiting for no more
then a certain defeat

Who deserves
to experience hell
upon this earth
where we all dwell?

Shall we pretend
and close our eyes
as the west continues
to sell their lies?

Peace is simple
beneath the covers
We just stop killing
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Jun 2 · 290
Traveler Jun 2
And what about the lairs
Who whisper in our ears
Shadows in the corridors
Envy in their stare's
Evil eyes awatching
Wishing wicked things
I can feel them
Crawling across
The dirt of all our
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Jun 1 · 112
Dream Analysis
Traveler Jun 1
Who needs dreams to tell us
what we already known
A bunch of big fat loser
with big fat pots of gold

We are either living in some past
or waiting on some future
Addicted to destruction
Mother Earth abusers

Dreams are the confession of the soul,
now just let them go!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
May 31 · 192
Anything Is Possible
Traveler May 31
We came here to experience love
This is the only place love exist
Question is..
If so will we be able to take love with us when we go?

Perhaps this is the only place
where music exist
Angelic arrangements
cosmic gifts

Perhaps this is the only place where hate exist
The gravity of separatism causes platonic rifts

Time and space can exist anywhere?
Perhaps only here..

I love it here
and I won’t let go
Nor lose my connection
to love, music, time, space and soul!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
May 29 · 137
Traveler May 29
Are you still the same person
as you were back then?
That demon on your chain
no longer can..
All your DNA
has fallen behind!
Do you actually possess
that same state of mind?
Have you learned to forgive
are you angry less?
What’s left to your life
if you pass the test?
Traveler 🧳 Tim
May 28 · 247
Check In
Traveler May 28
At this point of my experience,
I am very content with my reality.
Happiness is being alive, I came here to live a good life and know love from an individual perspective.

Why are you here?
Traveler 🧳 Tim
May 27 · 88
Warning Open Forum
Traveler May 27
Be careful folks and do be warned
there’s no safe place in open forum!

Perhaps you seek a loving rhyme         In the intimate sea of human kind
Perhaps you believe in a sacred place
Where love is limited to face-to-face

Perhaps you forgot to question why
Believing it’s best if others die
Open forum allows these things
But just be warned of where it leads…
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Just thought I’d try something different.
May 26 · 162
Traveler May 26
In to an agreement
we’ve been tamed
Fear of rejection
will always remain
A nod of the head
do as you dread
fragments of images
spin in our heads
Until we figure out
our place in the plan
In new agreements
we make our stands.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
May 22 · 163
To Be Clear
Traveler May 22
I realize that we are different.
I am for world peace,
you pretend to care..
Behind your eyes
there’s only evil out there.

But I have met and experienced
people all over the earth.
They are all just like we are.
They  have the same hungers
and thirst.
We all want love and prosperity.
Knowing this brings me clarity.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
May 21 · 199
Share The Love
Traveler May 21
Putin and Xi Jinping
actually hugged!
Come on everybody
share the love!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
May 20 · 224
Thank You For Your Soul
Traveler May 20
Proud to serve
such empty words
The war machine
is quite absurd
No glory of service
as innocents dies
Sign over your soul
on dotted lines.
Pledge allegiance
close your mind
Thank you for your service
But we must warn you..
Don’t you dare step out of line.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
May 19 · 55
Esoteric Understanding
Traveler May 19
Living with a forgiving heart has changed my reality.
My wounds heal at an accelerated speed.
A knife in my back does not define me.
I hold my head high and dissolve my dis-ease.
I care not to cast my reflections
nor lose my soul in the pursuit perfection.

In a higher vibration
I resolve my agreement’s
to this madness and rise above!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
May 18 · 119
The Spirit Of Human
Traveler May 18
Supremacy is but a belief
held by the sleeping elite.
It’s the mark of Cain
the illusion that religion leaves.

Religion walks hand in hand with supremacy…
Us and them biblically separated.
Yet somewhere inside the spirit of human knows better.
Try to justify if you may.
But it is merely your soul twisting inside…
Traveler 🧳 Tim
May 16 · 193
The Goal Is Love
Traveler May 16
The goal is love
The roadblocks are our own minds
The programs of our childhood’s
Renders are spiritual eyes blind

Stumble as I may
My heart will never delay
I don’t want to be left behind
In a hell of angry rhymes
Hate is a war within.
It will **** you in the end
Traveler 🧳 Tim
May 15 · 41
Foolish Fears
Traveler May 15
Surely the end is always near
When life becomes a disease,
death is the only cure
Sooner or later
all we loved will disappear
But you know
it’ll all still be here
all those things in life
we foolishly fear.
May 13 · 99
For All To See
Traveler May 13
My poetry is plagued
by politics.
The activation of my activist
is triggered by injustice.
The conviction of my moral judgement is put on trial,
for all to see.
And so my spirit is free!
Traveler Tim
May 11 · 85
Amalekite Wisdom?
Traveler May 11
I reiterate what I said before
I need no gender nor ethnicity to block my logical judgement
I am human
and I know right from wrong

I will not put anyone in darkness
I refuse to **** anyone
Just think of a world
where everyone thought like me
Hate would no longer cause misery

All of your religious reasoning
Exist in a fog
The law of love are lost
I seen it through your eyes
When I was one of you.

I read that book of hate and death several times and each additional time it ****** more and more spiritual energy from me
It’s clearly a book of supremacy
The chosen ones only matter
Why would god write a book in the devil’s handwriting?

Look where remembering
“The Sons of Amalekite”
has brought us.
How about remembering to love instead?
Amalek is the archetypal enemy of the Jews and the symbol of evil in Jewish religion and folklore.[90] Nur Masalha, Elliot Horowitz, and Josef Stern suggest that the Amalekites represent an "eternally irreconciliable enemy" that wants to ****** Jews. In post-biblical times, Jews associated contemporary enemies with Amalek or Haman and, occasionally, believed pre-emptive violence is acceptable against such enemies.
May 10 · 114
Hate is not useful
Traveler May 10
We can never have world peace
as long as people are at war with their self.
May 3 · 596
No Need To Run
Traveler May 3
Perhaps I prefer to play the ghost
To only be seen by the ones
I love the most
To limit the stress
Of life’s bumpy roads
I won’t let bad take its toll.

(But that’s not how I use to roll)

Life’s beauty fulfills my quest
A peaceful life is my success
There is no sense in worrying
Simply stay out from under the gun
If there’s nothing chasing us
There’s no need to run.
🧳 TT
Apr 29 · 182
Traveler Apr 29
I fell back to sleep
I let the gravity take me
And knock me off my feet

It happens to the best of us
The lower self prevails
Stumbles back upon one foot
Face to face with hell!

This time Divinity awoke me
And saved me from my pride
Now I’m not afraid too live
And I’m not afraid to die!
🧳  TT
Apr 28 · 57
Keep Out Sign
Traveler Apr 28
Greedy rich neighbors
and their “keep out signs”
no hunting, no trespassing,
no solicitors of any kind!

100 acres is not enough
for greedy rich people
who have a lot of stuff.
I reckon it’s all in case
their going gets rough.
Of course the rest of us
would just be out of luck.

If I had their money,
I would give it away,
you can’t take it with you
at the end of the day.
People simply gets old and broken
with all the wealth they have
put their hopes in.

Eye of the needle open wide
I’ll be broke as hell when I die!
🧳 TT
Apr 24 · 123
Wide Awake
Traveler Apr 24
The clouds refused to allow
the sun to shine as bright
but love will always find a way through the darkest dreary night

Take my word
My poetic hand
I am much more spirit
No less human
Don't believe those lies
you're telling me,
I have spoken your words
I've dreamt your dreams

Nothing can separates
The quantum hold
We are fractals
Of living souls
We are but dreamers
On different clouds
Shake me no more
I'm wide awake now..
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Apr 17 · 149
Flawed Human Being
Traveler Apr 17
It takes its sweet time to swell
but my rage is quickly quelled.

I love those stranger
and so I wave,
I greet the world
With smiling face!

I don't chose sides,
I strive for peace...
When it comes to human
I am but a beast.
Traveler Tim
Apr 16 · 91
Random Samples
Traveler Apr 16
In the substance of my dreams
I saturate
Dopamine drives my depth
I draw my dreams
From the subatomic plunks
The eternal fountain of rest

Cognition failure
The source of my imbalance
Loosens my fall to flight
I attempt to pull to the surface
With all my diminishing might

Here the puzzle pieces
Somehow seem to fit
Paralyzed but for rem
My waking body starts to twitch

I gasp and hold
As it quickly slips away
Random samples left in my mind
Only a couple pieces stay
Traveler Tim
Apr 13 · 49
Stop Stressing
Traveler Apr 13
We all have two beings in us.
First our earthly body comes with a lesser self but fortunately we have an eternal spirit that is our higher self.
We are connected to our lower self, that is really child minded and is easily addicted to all the things this world offers.
Our higher self wants to be right with god.
Our lower selves can cause us a lot of stress when we let it drive.
I know this to be a fact.
I was on Klonopin and drinking and blacked out, my higher self lost it's connection and so my lower self was driving.
That's the day I got shot.
I could not justify my actions that day because I wasn't there.
I'll never leave again or go back to sleep and forget that I am eternal.
Traveler Tim
Apr 5 · 308
Soul Test
Traveler Apr 5
What if we stripped away all the barriers that separate societies?
What if the whole earth became one people with dignity for all?

Are you thinking about what this would do to your money?
Ya that's the problem with our kind.
We're not really on the immigrants side.

Life is one big soul test.
Traveler Tim
Mar 28 · 65
Morning Minded
Traveler Mar 28
Pardon these mind
racing thoughts
wandering about.

I'll attempt to reel them in.

This sometimes happens
to my poetry
every now and then.

A few more rhymes
and then I'll begin.

Begin a new day
shaking off the night.

My soul is still out there,
but here I'll set and write.

These wandering racing thoughts
of the early morning light.
Traveler Tim
Mar 25 · 691
Black Robe
Traveler Mar 25
I'm not willing to chance it,
casting judgements through my eyes.
I hold my observations
so as to keep my heart alive.
I've been through hell and back,
as much as I could take.
Still I refuse to let hell take from me
the reason I escaped.

I won't condemn the blind,
nor the folly's of the meek.
Casting judgement is an indication
that karma will repeat.
Traveler Tim
Mar 22 · 67
Traveler Mar 22
Home is where I started,
on my way is where I've been.
Now that I'm here I shudder,
to go back that way again.

Home is where you make it,
get there before dusk,
love it there awaiting,
with people that you trust.

Let it last forever,
the music that we make.
May we always be moving forward
on the roads we chose to take.
Wayne McClelland
Mar 18 · 132
Mumbling And Stumbling
Traveler Mar 18
The only evil
that we need to fear
is not over there,
it's over here!

The agendas of fools
who abuse our flag.
The acceptance of military officers in drag.
Weak and weary is become our brigades,
under a leader who can't find his way off a stage.
Mumbling and stumbling
and going to war...
The lesser of two evils
all the way to the core.
There's no reason to be proud,
no not 🚫 anymore.
Traveler Tim

I had proudly served during the Carter and Reagan administr. But now they have ruined the honor.
Mar 15 · 141
Invisibly Here
Traveler Mar 15
I need not identify to any gender
nor ethnic group to know myself.
I am exactly like you,
a spirit being having
a human experience.
Mostly invisible.

By the way...
It's good to be here with you.
Traveler Tim
Mar 14 · 395
Won't Catch Me Sleeping
Traveler Mar 14
You can't catch me sleeping,
I keep myself awake.
I balance myself
in this unstable world
with every breath I take.

With every evil deception
of the powers that seem to be,
I won't stop shining on
from sea to distant sea.
I won't stop loving my fellow beings
nor deny the Divine in everything I'm seeing.
Oh no..
You won't catch me sleeping!
Traveler Tim
Mar 12 · 126
The Broken Oscars
Traveler Mar 12
What gender ties can creativity
possibly hold?
Aesthetics are of the wise, the weary and the bold.
The masculinity of my words have a feminine side.
I'd rather shoot straight then wobble in my minds eye.

So I no longer follow Hollywood's great endeavor,
I don't consider Oprah or Ellen in any matter clever.
Hooray for our side is lost on me,
my poetry has set my spirit free.
Traveler Tim
Mar 11 · 286
Traveler Mar 11
The mycelium network seems to be connected
to my corpus callosum
just beneath my cerebral cortex.
I lay naked on bare ground to recharge and revitalize!  
I am one with Gaia!
Traveler Tim
Mar 5 · 121
Bless The Poor
Traveler Mar 5
If they give me a bag of money,
I might be willing to participate.
Six digits for my soul!
I could live the life of royalty
and corrupt the kingdom more.

But instead I believe I'm
blessed to be poor...
Traveler Tim
Mar 1 · 143
Slay The Beast
Traveler Mar 1
It don't matter if you chop the head off the beast, the head keeps growing back. Changing from blue to red now back to blue, evil is clearly on track.
Yet how many more heads do we need to chop, to **** the beast and make this stop?

No need to censor the sword,
it's simply a gift from the Lord!
Traveler Tim
Feb 26 · 133
A Message From The Dark
Traveler Feb 26
You scraped me from your heart
and throw me in the dark.
Only so many life times remain.
My love is real,
it can't be killed
in hatred
I could never sustain.
And so...
(The unfolding)
I shall not **** you back,
I release you from the darkness!
I have come to realize,
I am but a spirit in a human body,
identical to you, having a human experience.
May you be blessed!
Traveler Tim
Feb 25 · 135
Friends And Family
Traveler Feb 25
My dear zombies,
being beyond contempt,
I merely pity you.
I've tried to revive you
from your slumbering grief.
Surely universal truth
would give you relief.
How bothersome the factors on which we depend.
I shall not hide my contentment
nor bridle my intent.

I no longer give my consent
nor do I agree,
to this world that we've created
in the hunger of our greed.
Traveler Tim
Traveler Feb 23
Shall you hold me accountable
For the weather too **** cold
The dying children suffering
And all the war torn souls

Shall you bow down to me
On broken stones of law
All those chosen by me
All others shall be lost

Shall you gather onto me
In humility as you cower
I shall surely comfort you
As the war machines devours
Please pray for world peace 🙏
Traveler Tim
Feb 16 · 454
Existential Freedom
Traveler Feb 16
Dear friends, I miss you all!

I am no longer online to be snagged by lure,
AI no longer has a spell on me.
Deep in nature is where I seek my cures,
off the grid I'm finally free.

Traveler Tim
Dec 2023 · 292
Bard For Hire
Traveler Dec 2023
(Romanticized not derogatory)

A bard is a poet
But not all poets are bards
I love to sing
And play my guitar

Dancing comes natural
Spinning on one toe
I take a gracious bow
Into a power pose

I’m more then the rest
My poetry’s the best
I recite the hero’s creed
I lead the chant
In a warrior stance
Into the violent streets

The news of the day
Rolls off of my tongue
Stanzas dressed to please
To the local tavern
The patrons run
To drink and brawl with me

Barmaids to breed
Sweet honey mead
The good life
Yes the good life indeed!
I make a loud toast
A salute to our host
Another round on me!
Traveler Tim
Nov 2023 · 463
Safely Free
Traveler Nov 2023
I know you are a seeker of both love and enter peace
but I also know the blindness of an over burdened beast.
Shackled to the motherland’s
home of the safe and free,
where closed mindedness
locks us into war and misery.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Nov 2023 · 293
Unconscious slaves
Traveler Nov 2023
It’s moving ever faster now,
this reckless refusal til the end.
Still not a single choice is offered that stand a chance to win.

How on this did we agree?
We’ve been comfortably asleep in our greed.

We were but children when the programming set,
now unconscious slaves
on to our deaths.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Traveler Nov 2023
I’ll never be on board
for any war
ever, ever again!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Traveler Oct 2023
Those driven by hate have already lost!
Please seek peace at any cost….
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Oct 2023 · 872
Traveler Oct 2023
When I'm out drinking
On these weekends
You're the thought
That gets me thinking
'Bout all the loving
I ant been making
So tell me darling
Are you taken?
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Sep 2023 · 383
Traveler Sep 2023
Let us take a moment
And break this down
If you don't believe  
In global warming
By now
You're probably not
Going to come round

But perhaps
We could take a step back
To when pollution was indeed
A matter of fact
Such as
The black factory smoke
And runoff waste
That fills our water ways
Coal soot that fills our lungs and skies
Sewage that fills our bays

Poisonous smog
Settling over our industrial cities
Toxic chemicals giving birth
Have you no empathy nor pity
"As our"
Emissions are ever choking
Scorching the earth

Can we start over
Sure it's no big deal
Can we at least agree
That pollution is real?
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Sep 2023 · 205
Heart Beat
Traveler Sep 2023
How dare they should determine what come next?
Chaos agreed upon then pardoned when there nothing left.
Daily I retreat to my wisdom’s core, calmly deep in nature I can breathe once more.
In this matrix I feel less than complete, everyone I know seems fast asleep.
With eyes wide open I can hear our heart beat, I push forward in the beauty of finally flying free!
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