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Itunu Nov 2020
Not an impulsive interest,
But a gradual love.

In the midst of this stress and uncertainty,
One thing I know for sure.

I crave the freedom of skating.
The mental release it has to offer.

Like releasing myself from this cage,
I’m locked in.

A brief solace,
From my over worked brain.

To feel the wind in between my hair
Fresh air filling my lungs.

My strong legs supporting my body,
Knees bent ready to take off.

The taste of victory in my mouth,
Sweaty adrenaline palms.

I want roller skates,
So very badly.

- a broke struggling student
If you’re feeling generous or benevolent lately, Hey:)
Itunu Apr 2020
Death came in the night,
slinking in the shadows, weaving in and out of darkness
and being stealthy
and he rested on the man's chest.
Death took cover in the blank black of night and breathed out an invisible net and caught,
and took and stole
Death came disguised as sleep and in the vulnerability he snatched away life
and left the part he didn't need in the bed
as a gift, a token
He surrounded existence by his inevitable arms and strangled it, ****** it out.
he came quietly and like silent destruction,
and scattered the lines of connection,
for the dead, and for the living.

Except but he didn't come just at night.
He came dancing through summer, enveloped in joy and white lilies,
Tap dancing through the mess he created.
Turning souls into memories.

Death followed them to the beach, and spread his cloak in the warm sand, and ran in to the water
after the boy
and pulled him into his arms under the gentle waves
then allowed him to float, lifelessly
like a bouy
He was erratic and unstoppable
Transforming summer days at the beach into unspoken family grief,
celebrated yearly
the day that he swam with the boy.

Death sipped a cool drink and waited, for what to take next.
He sat patiently at the pool, with open arms and a ticket with a name on it.
He was impulsive and careless.

Death sang a song and they danced to it,
each step deadlier than the next
they stood at his feet dressed in white covered in permanence.

He followed around with his cart
waiting to pluck the next one
from their line
and to leave behind
distorted and collective grief
set in a bed of white silk
in a casket

Death never slept, but decided which costume to wear.
he had many,
for every occasion.
But on her day,
He dressed as an errand run
disguised as a daily task to the store
he invited his friends;
accident and collision
and told them to wait at the traffic light
and when they saw him,
they ran to meet him in the middle.
And embraced each other,
leaving a mangled ball of assorted metals behind.
with crimson splashes, strewn clothes and full stops
and they laughed
and he carried his 5 tokens
and left behind his signature,
locked the box of their future
then swallowed the key.

And he didn't look back
as he danced beautifully
To everyone we've lost.
Itunu Mar 2020
I almost loved you
more than life itself

But while  I loved you,
I lost myself

You idolized my body
with fervent desire

You whispered words of desperate love
and I allowed you to consume me

Each time we touched
I pressed my body close, wanting more
needing more

I wanted our hearts to be one
to connect, to unite

And when you looked into my eyes
I was consumed by your stare

And I fell so desperately and hopelessly
In love with you

Almost more than life itself
Itunu Sep 2019
I am choked up by your love,
for me
I am choked up by my love,
for you
And I am in blissful happiness the further I drown in the sea of you.
I am in love with every part of you,
so in love, I forget to breathe.
And I want to breathe in every part of you,
I want to breathe in all the air we share,
so that we become so close, we are one.
I am in love with you,
every part
I am infatuated with you,
And as I say these vows to you, I promise to you,
I won't forget to breathe you in,
I won't forget to hold you close,
I won't forget to love you
As much as you love me.
Itunu Jun 2018
You can’t have a mental illness...
You look so normal.  
What does a person with a mental issue look like?
Pink, blue and covered in dots?
No clue
Orange, green with fuschia spots?
If we were able to diagnose people upon sight,
We’d have shirts that say “hi my name is __ and I’m a pyromaniac”
proceeds to strike a match

There is a certain image attached with the words
A woman, clutching her houserobe in the corner, eyes wide rocking whispering
A man shaking, murmuring, wringing his hands

So an *** sufferer mustn’t have it because she doesn’t “look it” eh?
And that guy with MS just doesn’t look sick enough for you right?

What I feel is what I feel. How dare you undermine what I am going through because it doesn’t live up to your expectations.
Do you want to see the suffering?
No. You don’t want to see what I’m going through.
You don’t want to see or hear the torment, everyday. The voices plaguing
How I take my medication like a ritual,
How I pray.

I’m sorry I don’t look sick enough for you
But I’m not sorry for what I’m going though.
I’m not going through anything major, this is for my sisters and brothers who get told this! You can’t see what people are going through so NEVER judge!
Itunu Jun 2018
I am undefined by any person. I am my own.
I carry myself higher and higher, perched on the wings of glory,
Floating on grace and valor.
I am honey, sweet, addictive and precious.
I am not yours
I am not yours
Because I am solely mine.
Today. Tomorrow and forever.
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