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 May 2014 Himanshi
 May 2014 Himanshi
Well now the sky might be sad
We cherish even the fights we have
The droplets are fretful tears of pain
Torn out with an excuse of rain

Outside the road is not wet
But in my heart it is raining
And all the love we have kept
Now like always; won't be failing

The sun is not creeping out yet
And the birds are not singing
Tell me darling have you slept?
Or is even your heart ringing?

Sing to me about your heartache
In a voice with a trembling shake
I know because even I lie awake
I know because even I lie in wait

And lover when the rains go away
Sit and count the falling stars
With me in the cold today
Bathed in the warmth of your heart
When you are tired but cannot sleep
With secrets that your heart cannot keep
Then spill some ink and and botch the page
For a poet the honest paper is the stage
 May 2014 Himanshi
I am that faint dream you had
The spark of the unlit match
Long ago on a summer afternoon
The scent that leaves too soon

Like the faded dancing flame
Of the early morning light
In frevour and fury untamed
I die with the departing night

The flash flood in the spring river
Needing only a moment to deliver
Lasting pain and unending harm
I leave quick but take the calm

I am the thunder that struck
And burned everything to dust
In an instant I come and go
You know I am fatal though
 May 2014 Himanshi
Over there a young boy falls
And over here a woman weeps
When bugle and clarion call
Not mothers, but army keeps
Children of the country then
In unsullied discipline when
Bugle and clarion cry for war
So father, son and brother fall
The awaiting woman's despair
Smell death and cordite in air
Fall flailing to the sister's woe
Fall weak with strong sorrow
To the old wife's fresh sadness
Fight, hero and fall with madness
 May 2014 Himanshi
 May 2014 Himanshi
Far away, far away
Beneath a wraith of thorns
Not today, not today
I will never forget the scorn

Far below, far below
Under a bouquet of seeds
I must go, I must go
Where mother and son bleed

Not again, not again
The sky will suffer and hate
Far ahead, far ahead
There are ruins lying in wait

Far behind, far behind
Beside corpses twisted in regret
Never again, never again
Should we let the living forget
''The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten.'' -Calvin Coolidge
 Apr 2014 Himanshi
Spill tears upon my letter
Remember me today?
Memories now salty drops
Crumple it and throw it away?

But pick it up, won't you?
As long as it takes
After your anger quells
To count my mistakes?

While your fingers touch
And your eyes scan
The edges of the letter
It will make me feel better

Is the paper damp?
Dry it in the sun
Read it under a lamp
About when love was young?

In the moon and sun
I have sent tokens
Of undying love
In dreams awoken

Keep one eye
On the road for me
Close them once
And hope for me

Keep them shut
and try to see
What couldn't be
And could have been?
 Apr 2014 Himanshi
Patrick Diaz
you're so happy when I came
I wonder why you always call me by the same
until I found out that you have given me a name
the first time you hit me, I know you just want me to tame
but for me, I only want to hear your voice calling me and play a game
thank you for giving me the most cutest name in the world

lately I've been losing control, I think it's because of these whiskers
I'm sorry for destroying some of your slippers
maybe I just need your attention
and your affection
or maybe I'm just hungry
I began eating what I shouldn't be

thank you for feeding me the most delicious food in the world
even when I bit your charger's cord
I'm sorry for pooping on the floor
I was so nervous when you came home and opened the door
I thought you would hit me again
but I was wrong, instead,
you gave me a gentle pat on my head

thank you for walking with me
even I had chains on my neck
I know you just don't want me to be lost
you're holding me at all cost
thank you for letting me see the most beautiful places in the world
I love you, if only I could be heard
thank you for talking to me,
even you know I can't answer you back
thank you for giving me a bath
I feel so clean and also starting to love a cat
thank you for letting me sleep on your bed
when I feel so alone and cold outside, under the shed

you are the most wonderful person for me
you are the angel I always want to see
I hate it when you need to go and leave me
because I missed you from the moment you left me
you are the only one that makes me happy
I loved you since I was a puppy

and now I'm becoming old and weak
I feel so sad when I think that I only got a year of eight or nine
I will be always yours and I hope you will be always mine
I don't want to leave your side
you are my whole life
for you, I would take a bullet or a knife

so while I'm still alive,
thank you for taking care of me,
and if I die,

please don't forget me
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