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Zani Aug 2018
Crack a smile
You are miles away from trouble
Doubled is the distance
When our insanity is humbled
By an infinite unfolding of things

How long has it been
Since the universe sang to you
The stars chime in
With gladness for the fact
That you are still around?

Come now
Unravel that belt you have tied
So tight
Around that blue well
That speaks in wisdoms
Kick the chair from 'neath your feet
To step into new kingdoms
Of hope

The truth is that
There is plenty to be done
And so much time to do it in
It's when we wish it all at once
That we forget the go-between

The sorrow twix the laughter
The pain before the meaning
The tomorrows post-disaster
The gain after the teething

It's that non descriptive feeling
Like the cat that got the cream
The sunrise out of darkness
I call it hopamine
I left it too long again my friends! I will be quick with more this time!
May we all be blessed with better tomorrows!!
Zani May 2018
Long time not sharing
The hussle of life glaring
Outshining my needs
Breeding boredom until
My eyes sore
Forget to see the Magic
Worse yet
My hands forget to share
The specks of joy
Staring at me in the face
Replaced by the sorrow vision
Displaced by the daily mission
Brushing my dreams aside
Gliding its way to the top priority
Where all else comes first
But my poetry
Has been asleep awhile
I try to express but the words
Are lost in this busy depression
Where I do not have time to feel
End of day reeling questions in mind
Like why and who am I again?
And again
And again
Yet I refrain from rhetorics
For the answers I find come out in rage
Page after page I could tear and burn
From all the frustration I feel as I work
But today
I will tear through the darkness
Harness it so I can love regardless
Of the pain in living as human
The truth is that I carry love
For all of you who share this truth and
I want you to know what it means
To me
When I gaze upon your soliloquies
They save me
Long time not caring it seems
So I will set the record straight:
Thank you for sharing and reading
My poetry mates
Zani will love you always
Not enough hours in the day, week, month or year. Hear me when I tell you how dear you are to me! Blessings to you poets ❤
Zani Jan 2018
Politope, politope
Tell me your name
Because I need a quick way
To get off of this plane

I've got that mid-night
Fist fight
Thrill of the flight
With a chest tight feeling
That something's not right

But when I've got that extra power
All will remember my name
It's strange
How we are all the same in this respect

We have been kidding ourselves
For our entire life
It is we who must change
So to better ourselves
For the sake of human kind

I wish the news would show
The things that should happen
But it don't
Instead it shows
The things that shouldn't
To make sure we don't grow
A pair of politopes
Tell me your name
Because I need  quick way
To get off of this plane

I've got that mid-night
Fist fight
Thrill of the flight
With a chest tight feeling
That something's not right

But when I've got that extra power
All will remember my name

When you've got that extra power
It will soon let you down
When you figure out
Beyond all doubt
That all things come back to one place
Where no-one remembers your name

We have been kidding ourselves
For our entire life
It is we who must change
So to better ourselves
For the sake of human kind
We do anything to escape reality! Some lyrics to go with my escape: Music!
Zani Jan 2018
Cry not beautiful sister
For although you might now miss her
Our equine friend will live in us
The entropy of justice thus
Will make her but immortal

Bring forth the divine wings of tragedy
Laced with rainbow droplet fantasy
Cantering our memories
Through this vigil ceremony
To a time before the dust

May the gods caress her noble spirit
For they witnessed every single minute
The love you share so magically
This mare has spun reality
To make our lives worth dreaming

Let her magic gather the herd
To bring one thousand just like her
To serve so loyally and gratefully
For the grace of our integrity
We owe all this to Pegasus

Long live the angel steed
Long live the carrier of dreams
Reminder of mortality
Unending in our memories
We did not lose sweet Pegasus

We gained all the things she brought to us
My beautiful friend lost a beautiful vehicle which through its service changed her life. These words commemorate the passing of a true dream carrier ❤
  Aug 2017 Zani
Sarita Aditya Verma
A Plagiarist In Inheritance
Originalist, In The wealth of Progeny.
Zani Aug 2017
What is a promise
When all we put into place
Will become undone?
Pondering upon the etymology of promise - where to my brain it rings as " putting into place ahead of time".
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