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LannaEvolved Dec 2020
I continued to ask myself:
How do I trust a word?
I’m going out of my mind
This can’t be right

As you spoke in snake tongues gone rogue
There was nothing for you here except my sterile wit and huge imagination

Leading, draining, careful precision like
the stairway to heaven
I was consciously moving choosing creating my future
Playing chess with my emotions
Were yours even human?
Stale bread is the answer

I loved and so I became the greatest to build
I am. Because I trusted Him. When I chose to become an understanding of those learned moments of momentary promise
Severed bliss; Nothingness (emptied)
I Never lost reflection

So just leave me the pail
Water dripping over my skin
I am gratified
There is no longing for longevity anymore
There is only me now
Lacquered with the Spirit of enlightened authenticity

Infused with a Spirit that has woken me up!

For what is spiritual peace but a moment in time that feels so ripe and right with goodness and a kind of high (ness) Power to become One with
The threshold runs deep you see

And so does the knowledge
of limitless humility
with a gratuity of acute consciousness  
Awareness is Power
And I am free
To finally live. I am alive and well
I am.
Consciousness was the biggest lesson I’ve learned throughout this year and a half long experience. I also learned to expand the love I had kept inside for myself which is the most important thing I could have done, and a bit of humor of course. In all brutal honesty, as a woman, when you go through these challenges in any relationship especially with men who have been harmed either physically or emotionally abused which if not most if not always present itself to you in the form of a deeply hurt and neglected individual with a trauma background, you want to identity that immediately through using your intuition and reaching out to a loved one, a mentor, someone you trust, a coach, a therapist, or a good friend who supports your wellness and mental health. Writing this piece and thinking back to who I once projected myself to be as I was going through this challenging time, enabled me to bring out my courage and my self love and respect and even my faith and gratitude in a deeper more meaningful way. Through writing I develop my faith in those who I do want to surround myself with and who want to enhance my life rather than unintentionally or intentionally entangle it in their pain. We all have a story to tell. We must believe we are greater for it. I am greater for it. Say it to yourself. I am. I am one with love. I am powerful beyond measure. I am amazing. I am grateful. I am the best for myself and for who believes the same in me and shows it. Remember that. One must speak to it as they show you the worth that you show yourself each day in all you do.
Chiquita Nov 2019
If you're suffering from mental health issues
Know that you are not alone.
If you woke up today and reading this right now
I am extremely proud of you.
It takes only the bravest of heart
To put up with all this crap.
You are still fighting the war in your head
And very soon you'll win, my love.
If you just hang on a little longer
Those demons will get tired of hurting you and let go.
You might feel like you are buried
and everything in life seems hopeless.
But I tell you there is hope.
Everything in life is temporary.
Seeds have to be buried for flowers to grow.
Don't be ashamed, love.
Mental illness is not a disgrace.
It's a sign of strength of how far you've come.
Ask for help, don't feel bad.
The more you talk about it,
The better you will feel.
Trust me it does.
Learn to love yourself, that's the first step to get out of depression.
Look into the mirror and see the beauty you possess within.
The gems behind all the scars and skin.
You have to understand that depression is only a illusion.
The more you feed it the more it grows.
Unless you value and take care of yourself
Only then can you **** the monsters in your head.
I know it's not easy but nothing good comes easy.
You need to look into the mirror
Love the person you see.
You have been through so much and here you are,
Be proud of that.
Know that you are loved
And learn to love you.
Make peace with your loneliness.
Be proud of everything you do,
Even if it's just breathing.
Be proud of you.
Baby steps, my love.
You got this. I know you do.....
If you need anyone to talk too. Someone not to judge you. A listener. I'm here. Just dm me.

— The End —