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Claira Lymei Jul 2020
Supple. Soft.
Bare it. Bare it now.
Tougher. Harder.
That won’t do. Move up.
Seamless. Untouched.
Grab it. Pull it.
Is it ready?
Inspecting for impurities
That will ruin this rare experience.
Drag it. Rip it. Tear it.
But no.
This time it glides.
Smooth. Effortless.
Over. And Over.
So fast.
Grinning wide.
Insides now outsides.
Spillages for someone else to clean.
Interpretive piece surrounding self harm.
Annie Jan 2019
The colors in your eyes swirl through each other
Like chromatic snakes
Locked in embrace
Or perhaps a fight to the death.
Ring around the rosy;
I cannot catch my breath.
Their scales diffract my tiny face
And send me to another place
They leave me guessing
Too busy, impressing
I hate being cut off.
nja Jan 2019
Don't think
This fragment is up for your interpretation. Take from it whatever you see/hear/want. It was written after cliff jumping. The whole thing is very daring. It becomes a repeated thought process turned personal motto. The 'darling' at the end is very 'me'.
sushii Dec 2018
Let me ask--
what is worthy of being untitled?

What is the poem or story with so much meaning that it cannot be labeled?

Is my work worthy of being without a title?

Is this poem that meaningful?

Will a title spoil the emotion?


When we see something untitled, there always seems to be a reoccurring sense of intrigue surrounding it.

I wonder if you'll be intrigued when you read this.


If I filled this page up with hyphens and forward slashes, would it still be intriguing?

You could say yes, since there could be a secret meaning or code within the longer and shorter lines.

But what if I told you there was no meaning to any of this?

What if everything you're reading in this poem is nonsense?

Would there be any way to know?

You might argue that you could ask me.

But what if there is no answer?


Now I wonder why you're still interpreting these words.

I hold nothing against you...

I just don't see the point.
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
Spinning infinities ******* lucky fingernails scrolling above my beyond strategy of neglecting starfish in memory models by seeing forever the kind finding ways of loathing to the series of establishments never to bend on fire for strategy including harbor cleverness in a wording not common of rogue mill goats because my numbers fell in line with going heavy on the sauce.
Farzaneh Qaf Jul 2018
I'm not Joseph
no "no" to temptations
thy greatness, O' He
grant me a vision
to interpret
day dreams
may I know
how to sacrifice
for her kisses
on my forehead,
faa Jun 2018
A row of shoes were lined up,
Ready to be slipped on
Each pair unique, telling tales
It’s owner’s burden buried deep
their sufferings carried on

One of the pairs horribly reeked
Of long hours under the sun
Soaked with sweat and tears
That leaked from it’s owner’s eyes
And seeped through the owner’s toes
Exploitation and oppression
Tattered and slipper strings snapped
Which brings into question
Can we dare walk in those shoes?

Another pair was rather extravagant
Bejewelled, dazzling with rubies
The aroma of vanilla spreading
Through the radiant effervescence
Yet it held a vibe so ominous
Perhaps emitting unhappiness
From the riches that brought no glee
Which brings into question
Can we dare walk in those shoes?

Slipping your feet into a pair
crawling, walking or sprinting
Empathising in their shoes
Shredded from sufferings
Or stitched with threads of hope
What truly matters in those shoes
Is to understand with compassion
Gaining a glimpse of their wars
To interpret, understand and empathise
With “Verstehen” we can learn
And share our battle scars
Then perhaps, we can accept ourselves
And each other in solace
so let us ask ourselves, once again;
Can we dare step into their shoes?
"Verstehen" is a term coined by Sociologist Max Weber loosely characterized by three words; "interpret, understand and empathize", basically walking in someone else's shoes to understand them better. this poem was inspired by this very concept
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
I am the dream that breathes
I am the blur of thoughts
I am the embodiment of harmony as well as chaos
I am a glamoured lie with shadowed truths
I am a reflection of my reality
I am an eruption of expression, a flame born of passion
I am art of life's experience, not a body or object of perverse nature
I am a fragment of knowledge that walks with untapped potential
We're human at the end of the day.
We are all art, our lives living stories being told!
Be back soon!
Lyn x
© 'Living Art' by Lyn-Purcell
Cheyenne Aug 2016
I've got a list of adjectives I use to describe myself
But their meanings change when told to someone else
Sarah Salako May 2016
their gazes cut silently at my flesh,
they wish me nought but pain and death,
i breathe in deep in hopes of inner-peace,
but come up short as their claws pierce my skin,
see my words create images in your head,
so remember this as you lay your head,
words can heal just as easily as they can ****.
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