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The Lesbian Toe-Feeler...It's been a normal day. Thanks for letting me feel your lesbianism. You felt my toe, my fourth toe. I know, but I could see how it sparked your lesbian curiosity. No it didn't. Shall I touch your other toes? Okay. The Active Lesbian ...Are you an active lesbian? Yes, I belong to 28 lesbian organizations. So do I. Then you're a lesbian like me? No, I'm not a lesbian. You're not a lesbian? I'm not. Then why are you a member of 28 lesbian organizations? I don't know. What kind of coffee is this? It's Cool Lesbian Roast. I blended it myself. It's great. It's got a cool, lesbian-roasted quality to it. Thanks, I appreciate the compliment even though I'm not a lesbian. Well neither am I! Would you like another cup? I sure would! This is the greatest lesbian-blended coffee I've ever had and I ought to know, let me tell you! Hey, wait a minute! You said that you're not a lesbian! I'm not.
HIT ME WITH YOUR LESBIAN-LOVE WEAPON my blood-thirsting, bull-dyking, Sappho-loving, rubber-tool-*****-wielding, corn-*******, sharp-shooting lesbian marksman so that I may know what weaponized lesbian love is. Hit me with your lesbian love weapon and I'll die in lesbian love. The lesbian sun, like a lesbian comet, careens through the lesbian solar system at 500,000 lesbian miles per hour with 8 lesbian planets and their lesbian satellite moons & lesbian meteors in tow. Anything that can't get out of the lesbian way is lesbian destroyed! Oh merciful Italian lesbian! Walkie-talkie ***** you rotten, lard-*** **** Guinea sapphist as millions of self-empowered, self-important, self righteous, pink-ribbon-wearing, red-*****-piercing, ****-shucking, ****-slurping, muffler-driving, catfish-taco-munching, teeny-tiny-baby-mutilating, Marx-lounging, whitest-maniac-hating, codger-dodging feministas are asking: "Where's my millionaire?"
Christina Hale Apr 2018
She meets her at work, she thinks to herself this could work
Even though they have nothing in common
Besides they both are queer
And work here
And they both are lonely inside their lusting hearts
So they go for it
Three months together nothing could tear them apart

This is love and lusting of a lonely lesbian
She doesn't quite know what she's doing
Love and lusting of a lonely lesbian
She doesn't know what she's getting herself into

Six months together
They can't stand to be together
She gets another job in order to save the relationship
But it still is ****
Two more months go by
At night talking on the phone to each other they scream, yell, and cry
Another two months go by and that's it
They split

But now at her new job she's lusting all over again
And from the looks of it, this time she will not be getting any loving
This is love and lusting of a lonely lesbian
She thinks she'll never be in love again
Love and lusting of a lonely lesbian

The only thing she wants most in life is to be loved and to love
But it just seems so hard for her to find
She thinks to herself within time
Within time

This is love and lusting of a lonely lesbian
She doesnโ€™t quite know whatโ€™s sheโ€™s doing
Love and lusting of a lonely lesbian
She thinks sheโ€™ll never be in love again
Love and lusting of a lonely lesbian
Maddie Fay Mar 2017
the moon is a lesbian,
which i know because she has
kissed every inch of my body
more often than any lover
i've ever known.

i have watched the way
she kisses the ocean
and guides her gently home,
have seen her face reflected with love
in the ever-changing sparkling surface of the sea,
and i don't know any other word
to describe a love like that.

the day we smoked a joint in the woods
and then walked eight miles in the rain
to gas station coffee,
we passed two other gas stations on the way,
but you were holding my hand and
i didn't want it to stop.
you said
"you're beautiful"
and i said
because you were the most remarkable
person i had ever seen,
leaned up against the hood of a stranger's car,
smoking a cigarette like a lesbian james dean.

you'd call yourself
"lesbian" sixteen times before breakfast
until it stopped sounding like venom
and started to sound like a prayer,
because how could i ever look at
love like this and feel anything
but holy?
my new church was the woods
by the river,
and i learned to worship
at the altar of your body.
you took me in your arms and you said,
you're beautiful,"
and i told you i loved you
because beautiful had never
meant anything to me
except that i had something
people could take.
i heard "beautiful" from your lips and it sounded
like a blessing.

the moon is a lesbian because
she knows how to love without taking,
i have scarcely loved a man
who has learned how to love without taking,
that is not to say that no man
can love without taking,
but it is a skill that is learned
through a grief
that i have shared with every
queer woman i have ever met.

when you kissed me in the attic,
it was not the first time
i had been kissed,
but it was the first time that a touch
felt like a gift and not a punishment,
and it was the first time i understood
why people write love songs.
i wanted to write you a love song,
but after a lifetime afraid of my own voice,
all i could sing you were hymns.
not because i had made you an idol,
but because your hands on my body
made me feel clean for the first time.

the moon is a lesbian because
the night i stumbled out of
the apartment of the man
who only loved me when
he thought he could keep me,
blood on my lips and nowhere to go,
the moon kissed my fingertips
and she said,
what took you so long?
welcome home."
Sung to the tune of The Lumberjack Song by Monty Python. Back-up Mounties optional.

I never wanted to be Sandra Dee!

I... I wanted to be...

(piano vamp)

Leaping from bush to bush! As they float down the mighty rivers of
Finger and Thumbia!

With my best girl by my side!

The Blond!
The Brunette!
The Giant Snookie!
The Natural Red!
The Little Spinning Skinnamarink!

We'd sing! Sing! Sing!

Oh, I'm a lesbian, and I'm okay,
I like to broadcast that I'm gay.

Chorus: She's a lesbian, and she's okay,
She likes to broadcast that she's gay.

I see straight girls, they're not like me,
But I think that can change.

If they'd just let me kiss them.
Their lives I'd re-arrange.

Mounties: She sees straight girls, they're not like her,
But she thinks that can change.
If they'd just let her kiss them.
Their lives she'd re-arrange.

Chorus: She's a lesbian, and she's okay,
She likes to broadcast that she's gay.

I cut down guys, I wish and hope,
That others would join in.
I wish straight women would think,
that *** with men was sin.

Mounties: She cuts down guys, she wishes and hopes,
That others would join in.
She wishes straight women would think,
that *** with men was sin.
Chorus: She's a lesbian, and she's okay,
She likes to broadcast that she's gay.

The flame in my flesh burns tor like
Above conventions of average humanity,
Propelled to hatred of their opposite
By the pristine charm in the streaks of culture,
Their Florence comes from the glory of orthodoxities
In the time long fibres of religious pockets,
Islam, Christian, Hinduism and all that steadily
And firmly in piety aver perfection of Godliness,
Forgetting the flame of same *** with oral spice
In the God made flesh of the dear lesbian daughter,
Spell binding the equivalent in blossoms of the gay,
Provoking hatred from the threatened heterosexists,
But the oral *** of a lesbian is an apex of human pleasure
Surpassing all on earth and in heaven, as no human barricade
Of whatsoever caliber will cull lesbianโ€™s feelings
From the glorious power in the genitals on kiss of lips,
As the tongue of the chic wag from side to other
Touching fountains of ****** glory in cement of sameness
Throwing threats of law and black order to dustbins
And trash yards of anachronisms as the power of LGBT
Engulfs the young world into in its protรฉgรฉ,
Shamelessly tethered on the sensual tentacles
Of maximum gusto in the ***** of oral *** with a dear โ€˜lessโ€™
In tune with all rhythms of the times
Remaining strange to the conservatives,
Ever seeking pleasure from where pain hails
Living gloomy life on a brink of melancholia,
Worry not lesbian daughter you are powerful,
In one away or so, rise up and walk tall
You have power in your oral ***,
Oral ***! Oral ***! Oral *** of a lesbian!
zebra Jun 2020
It seems sadly ironic that the LGBTQ community remains transphobic when it comes to Male Lesbians. It's the pathetic politics of fixed groupthink, get woke while still asleep, social justice theory with out any justice in its performative aspect
Just so you know I'm not performing gender. I'm being genderย ย 
and he's a fire ******* red head

I propose that as a straight maleย  I may also be a lesbian, ***** aside please love my man-gina butch ladies the way I love yours! Both straightย  and very much a lesbian I do two genders simultaneously and both smoke cigars.

My childhood; marked by a darkย  tragedy scared me for life. I remember running down the hall in junior high proclaiming my lesbianism and no one would be my friend. Everyone called me names and the butch girls would jeer at me and knock me around when ever I went into the ladies room just to hear them flush or copย  an innocent feel. I felt so isolated when I finally realized that the female lesbians would have nothing to do with me.

Do I not suffer the agony, frustration and anxiety of feeling self hatred because I am continually rejected by lesbians and objectified only as a man even though I am a lesbian too.
Do men like meย  not suffer continual discrimination by women who identify with the masculine?


I just dont feel understood in terms of my true lesbian identity
I love lesbian ***** as much as the next *****, maybe even a lot more.
It's way past time!
Male lesbians must finally come out of the closet and be accepted as true members of the Lesbian community and be invited to all Prince God ***** dance parties.
After allย  ladies rememberย  I'm a lesbian you're a lesbian.
male lesbians, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer
Dysphoric Men Lesbians Must Unite
Male Lesbians Unite
Join M.L.U.
Lesbians R Us
" We Love Lesbians"
Please make a contribution
to your local M.L.U.chapter
The President and male lesbian
Zebra Black
M.L.U.... We love parades**** In Your face ******* ;)

I never mean to humiliate, but I also have issues with otherizing and exclusion speak of the broad transgender culture not that I dont appreciate the suffering of transgender people. I also found myself quite tuned off at this notion of LGBTQ academics challenging others to do gender while they appear to remain ridged mannish women who would never get on their ***** bobbles. This is my argument with this rather abstruse notion of doing gender as if biology was some aberration.
While LGBTQ folks don't like to be thought of as freaks, or be socially excluded neither do straight people. As far as mockery is concerned all I can say is everything is noticed and felt and every light casts a shadow.

— The End —