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If Poetry’s a hobby
your muse is entropic
Fading and dying
— as silence awaits

(Dreamsleep: May, 2024)
I gave her
took the higher
never works.
She drank all
my whiskey
and stole my
The Romans bathed
naked in the
Tiber, and she
wins wars with
a smile.
Never mind the
Check out my you tube channel where I read from my recent book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on

Life is more than who we are….
It's One a.m. in the psych ward.
Let's just call it 4 North.
On the table that I'm writing at is a plant,
it looks to be a member of the cactus family.
Three nurses sit behind a glass booth
and watch me with curiosity.
One of them looks to be a member of the
cactus family—or is it cacti?
Either way, I don't want her close to me.
Just now, one of the cacti-looking nurses says,
"What are you writing? "
I say, "My escape plan," without looking up.
She says,
"Very interesting."
That's one thing I've noticed in the
psych ward, everything is very interesting.
Just once, I wish they would say,
"That is the most boring load of
**** I've ever heard."
Then, maybe I'd be less inclined
to think they resemble members of the plant life.
Check out my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
One breath, one minute,
one smile, led to many
moments of heartache.

Breathe they say,
yet life's choking me.

Wait they say,
yet life's running and
I have only one chance
to catch up.

Be happy they say,
yet depression doesn't ask
for an invitation.

I was told whatever I do
will come back to me ten fold.

Yet it seems what everyone else
does is folding in on me because
I breathed, I waited, and
I smiled.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
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