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The chains that bound us
rusted and crumbled at my feet.

While you distracted me
I turned and you
stabbed me in the back,
I turned to face you
and you stabbed me again
in the heart.

While I layed at your feed
bleeding, you walked over me.

The last memory I have of you,
is your ****** footprints leading
away from the crime scene.

©️ 2024 Amanda Shelton
This is what it feels like to be abused. It's a crime scene and it leaves you scared ****** and bruised. I've been there.
One breath, one minute,
one smile, led to many
moments of heartache.

Breathe they say,
yet life's choking me.

Wait they say,
yet life's running and
I have only one chance
to catch up.

Be happy they say,
yet depression doesn't ask
for an invitation.

I was told whatever I do
will come back to me ten fold.

Yet it seems what everyone else
does is folding in on me because
I breathed, I waited, and
I smiled.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
While sticks and stones
may break my bones,
words will never hurt me.

Okay, I will take your
sticks and stones
and give you the
crushed bones.

My words are all I've got,
so I will write you this poem
and bury the bones in the plot.

There's no skeletons in my closet,
I used the sticks and
stones to build a home and
left the war awhile ago.

Words are like swords,
they cut like knifes and
deeper with each line,
they leave invisible wounds
so no one is aware of your
suffering until you reveal
the scars.

The bully lied every time,
the teacher told you to
get in line, your self esteem
told you your not worth
the time.

Now tell me how words
will never hurt me, when
I am crying while writing.

Memories of past regrets roll
upon the surface of my life,
in the most unexpected time.

Words are all I've got
and memories of accusations
from loves broken ideas
and words of affection that
turned into scars from a
narcissists infection.

Love brought me words
sharpened like knifes,
it still hurts me and
its been a long time.

Scar's hurt all the time.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Her hair is white,
shoulders wide,
eyes blue skin cold has ice.

She wears winter gowns
made from frozen flowers
and rows of pine needles as a robe.

She wanders the earth
with her chilling kiss,
her cold embrace is a reminder
of the seasonal change.

She's friends with autumn
and visits the sea, the Arctic is
her favorite place to rest.

As she blows on the breeze,
like a frozen leaf.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Upon this lonely night,
I ponder on the stars,
as they gaze upon the earth
from their heavenly bow.

My heart is somewhere else,
my mind is lingering there too.

The night is like a curtain of
darkness, it slowly fell upon
the day as the sun bowed for
its heavenly host and left the
stage and the moon came
beaming bright like a spotlight
to smile upon the night.

Smile wide moon man, smile
bright for its your time to
shine tonight.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

I am a hollow heart,
it slowly filled with sorrow,
it was dug out by love
that hurt me and
left me behind as it ran away
from me into the dark.

As love devoured me I struggled,
it's chains were tight and rotted
from my tears I cried
its rust grew and decayed.

My pillow is soaked in my blood,
my tears drowned me, the mud
came to take me down deeper
than I ever imagined.

I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

Shshsh! Says the past,
as I walk through the ruins
of my heart on dried tears
that fell for seven years.

I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

I am like smoke.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Rolling rolling rolling,
my thoughts are pondering.

The processing is thunderous,
static and loud as the caffeine
migrates through my body.

Calming down slowly, slowly, slowly, grinding down to sleep as the caffeine migrates
through my body.

Caffeine! It grinds my gears
for a moment and slowly calms
me down so I can sleep.

Gives me purpose to move around to build things, and think faster than usual.

It can help me sleep at night,
as long as I use it right.

I make time for grinding down,
before I go to bed sometimes
caffeine is the pillow on my bed
and a monk when I meditate.

Caffeine can be my friend.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
I've learned to use caffeine in a healthy way. I never drink more than one cup of coffee and I always take a few days off from caffeine before drinking it again. I only use it for migraines and severe pain. It helps me with my pain. It doesn't take much just a small amount. My doctor actually taught me how to use it. I have a rare brain disorder and the caffeine is helpful to keep my heart from slowing down, it also helps my migraines at bay alongside my medication because it can be caused by lack of blood flow to my brain from anxiety and I hold my breath too much. Caffeine helps me to breathe too. I have been suffering from the migraines lately and I found out about sugar free caffeine drinks that help me without giving me too much caffeine or sugar. I am very grateful for my healthcare providers too.
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