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Bea Rae Mar 28
Will the ghost of you

Haunt me if I cannot let you go

After you leave me
Bea Rae Mar 24
I'm going to miss you.

For days, months, years;
For the rest of my life.

I am going to miss you.

I am sure you will invade my thoughts when I least expect it.
Like when I drink my morning coffee, find a new song or book, or when I hear a laugh similar to yours.

I am going to miss you.

Many things do not last,
But I know my thoughts, feelings, and memories of you will never die.

Even though, at times, I will not want to,
I am going to miss you.
Bea Rae Mar 22
Despite of every

Little thing you put me through

I loved you selflessly
Bea Rae Mar 19
Love with you was different,
but you still played me.
Like every person you claimed not to be.
Bea Rae Mar 18
I've had enough loss

In this life and the next life

That has yet to come
Bea Rae Mar 15
Why did I ever

Think you would respect my no

When I said it
Bea Rae Mar 14
I have been butchered

By your words your actions and

By your *****
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