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aldo kraas May 6
I will make through this day

Sleeping in during the morning

Because I am still feeling very tired

And I will wake up at noon

I will not go out today

Because we are having a bad weather


It is raining very hard out

Also, I can hear the rain coming down hard

From the sky

While I sleep

I hope that the rain will stop

By this afternoon

Because I hope to be able

To work in my garden

By this afternoon

Yes, I am lucky that

The Spring is finally here

And God put the Winter finally

To sleep

Also, he brought the birds back


Finally, for me

Because I was also missing them

Now the days are longer again

And it gets dark by 9:00PM

Every single day

And that is my bedtime

I take my medication

Now I must pray to God

Every single night

Before I go to bed
May 6 · 31
aldo kraas May 6
I am so glad
That we are there for each other
I have my strong message
That is my poetry
Also poetry is my voice
That I send to God's people
And I also  can't stop writing poetry
Because I believe I am
sending a strong voice
To goods people
We are all God's children
And I am glad people
Are hungry for my message
And also we are learning
About the message
That I send to you all
We are all brothers and sisters
In God's world
We need to be humble and kind to each other
Please let's not think about the people that
Are no longer in our lives
aldo kraas Apr 17
How do I get you alone?
This night alone
Without spending time
In the crowds
At high Park
We both need to love
Each other
And built some trust
In each other
We should not
Lie to each other
Because lie is not good
Also, we should respect each other
I need you in my life
And I hope you need also
Me in your life
Mar 31 · 38
Son of the moon
aldo kraas Mar 31
Son of the moon
You are brilliant
You are bright
We wanted so much to apologize because we didn’t know you that Well before
Son of the moon
Yes we are both guilty of that
Son of the moon
We had been more occupied with ourselves
Son of the moon
We think that it was so silly and selfish
Only now do we realize that
Son of the moon
You are a friend of the sky
The sky would be lost without you
We would be lost without you also
Son of the moon
We know the real you
Son of the moon
We know this innocent world that it is only in our minds
In reality, it is not an innocent world
It is an ugly picture that we all paint
And of course, it will always remain in our minds
Son of the moon
Dear Lord, you know the son of the moon
You created it also
Let's embrace
The son of the moon
Son of the moon
If we will ever find love we hope it will last forever
Son of the moon
We are the warriors of the earth
We fight for freedom
We fight for love
We fight for peace
We fight for what we believe in
Son of the moon
Mar 31 · 51
I get what you give
aldo kraas Mar 31
I get what you give
If I give respect
To others
I will get respect
From others
If I mistreat people
The people will leave me
And I will lose them also
They broke the friendship
I was not happy
Now slowly I am
Making some friends
I hope they will accept
Me the way I am
I feel that there is nothing
That needs changing
The only bad issue
I have is my anger
Now I am trying
Hard to control my
Feb 24 · 53
Being lonely is though
aldo kraas Feb 24
Being lonely is tough
Because you feel that you are so Isolated
Without being with friends
You just can't live
Without friends
You need to have friends in your life
That also will want to be your friends
And also I hope that they will
Respect you
And also accept you the way you
The only thing you need to change
Is your anger issue
Or try to keep you cool
I know that you can't afford to
Lose you friends
So you have to work hard to make
You friendship last
Also, you need your friends to
Support you in your daily life
Feb 24 · 95
aldo kraas Feb 24
I am so glad
That we are there for each other
I have my strong message
That is my poetry
Also poetry is my voice
That I send to God's people
And I also  can't stop writing poetry
Because I believe I am sending a strong voice
To goods people
We are all God's
And I am glad people
Are hungry for my message
And also we are learning
About the message
That I send to you all
We are all brothers and sisters
In God's world
We need to be humble and kind to each other
Please let's not think about the people that
Are no longer in our lives
Feb 21 · 54
What can save me
aldo kraas Feb 21
What can save me
From being sad
Almost every single day
Father can you
Put some happiness
In my life
Because I am already
Sick of being sad
And I don’t want
My friends to see me
Because that will
Make them worried
About me
What can save me
From waking up
Tired every morning
My father
I know that I can’t go back
To sleep
Or I will not sleep at night
Yes father
I don’t get enough
Sleep during the night
I am telling the truth
Yes father I don’t stay up
All night
Because it will jeopardize
My health
Also father I am aware that
Sleep is very important for me
Yes father every night
I am trying hard to go
To bed early
I am not fabricating lies
I am being honest with you
And I am also telling you the truth
What can save me
From losing my mind
Because father I am
Losing my mind all
The time
Yes father I also have
A bad temper
And I also lose my
Bad temper
At my friends
And also they don’t
Like that
I don’t blame them
Also father I lost my
Friends again
Feb 21 · 39
God love me now
aldo kraas Feb 21
God love me now
Because I am your son
And all that I need is your love
I feel that I don't receive enough love from you God
God, I don't hate you God
I love you very much
I never committed any crimes anymore
I did committed crimes in the past
But the past I can't change
The past is over and done with
In the past, I had spent 48 hours in a cold cell
Without any sleep
It was horrible
There was no pillow in the bed
I had worn my jail uniform
I had a shower in the morning
For breakfast, I had coffee, cereal, and toast
I stayed quiet for 48 hours
The inmates made too much noise
It drove me crazy
They woke me up in jail
Gave me breakfast
And them they took me to court
When it was over I went back to jail
God, you see that was the worst thing that happened in my life
But after that I had changed
I never went back to jail again
I had learned my lesson
But today I am a different man
I still have depression
And in the winter, I have the winter blues
God please understand that I am not perfect
I get mad easily
Feb 17 · 48
Dear friend
aldo kraas Feb 17
Dear friend
Always remember
That you are a child of God
He is the one that
Created you in his image
A long time ago
So you are beautiful
In God's eyes
And if you don't agree
It is ok because God
Has his own opinion
Feb 17 · 46
I will miss you
aldo kraas Feb 17
I will miss you Francis when you move
To Windsor
I won't see you anymore after you move
I will never forget
The kind person you were
Very down to earth
Just like me
I am also down to earth
I have no problem
Making friends
I wish all the best
All please keep me in you
Daily prayers
I will also will be praying for you
And soon we will have the good weather again
It will be spring by then
Francis remember
That I will always be you poet
Also I will never let you down
I always enjoyed seeing you beautiful smile
Also Francis always take care of you health
Please don't let you health  go down hill
Please live your life every single day
To the fullest
Because you only live once
Francis live now in your future
Make new friends
Because you need friends
In you life
Francis don't dwell in the past
Feb 17 · 36
What can save me
aldo kraas Feb 17
What can save me
From being sad
Almost every single day
Father can you
Put some happiness
In my life
Because I am already
Sick of being sad
And I don’t want
My friends to see
Because that will
Make them worried
About me
What can save me
From waking up
Tired every morning
My father
I know that I can’t go back
To sleep
Or I will not sleep at night
Yes father
I don’t get enough
Sleep during the night
I am telling the truth
Yes father I don’t stay up
All night
Because it will jeopardize
My health
Also father I am aware that
Sleep is very important for me
Yes father every night
I am trying hard to go
To bed early
I am not fabricating lies
I am being honest with you
And I am also telling you the truth
What can save me
From losing my mind
Because father I am
Losing my mind all
The time
Yes father I also have
A bad temper
And I also lose my
Bad temper
At my friends
And also they don’t
Like that
I don’t blame them
Also father I lost my
Friends again
Feb 14 · 74
Revive us again
aldo kraas Feb 14
Revive us again
Father we have died
A couple days ago
And we want you
Father you to revive us again
Because we want to live again
Yes we had died very young
Our family
And friends needs us
Because they can't live without us
And we belong to their lives
Also without us they feel hopeless
Feb 14 · 53
It is not about money
aldo kraas Feb 14
It is not about money
That I think
Is not money that
worries me
I worry about having
Friends in my life
Feb 14 · 123
I am so in love with you
aldo kraas Feb 14
I am so in love with you
My Father
For the first time
It is not strange for me
To love you
The way I love you
You keep me alive every day
you also wake me up
First thing in the morning
Every single day
The day that I am old
And I won't be able to see anymore
You will be my vision
The day I can't speak anymore
You will be my voice
And you will speak for me
I believe that out there
Are people that
Will say that I am totally crazy to
Love you
And I know that you will confront then
By saying that we are two people in love
You always kiss me goodnight
Before going to bed
And I love to be kissed by you
Now I am going to pray for both
Of us
Father please stay around for me
Because I want you to be a part of you
In my life
And I never talk any ******* to you
I only speak the truth to you
Also I am a simple man
I am not interested in money father
I am interested in my health
I am looking after my health every day
Also I take care of my appearance
I am fine with the second hand clothes
That is my style
I know  that you wont let me starve
Feb 14 · 47
Revive us again
aldo kraas Feb 14
Father we have died
A couple days ago
And we want you
Father you to revive us again
Because we want to live again
Yes we had died very young
Our family
And friends needs us
Because they can't live without us
And we belong to their lives
Also without us they feel hopeless
Feb 13 · 65
Only the power of God
aldo kraas Feb 13
Only the power of God
Will heal you
Also you had been sick
For a long time now
Battling you disease
That is chronic
Also you are scared to die
Don't worry friend
I Wont let you die alone
aldo kraas Feb 13
When you reach out for me
My savior
I am always here for you
If there is anything you need
I won't mind help you
I hate to see the homeless
That sleep in the Summer
In the streets of Toronto
Nobody else will share a meal
With the homeless besides me
And God
Yes the homeless are people also
That needs to eat also
It is not right to let them starve
Also we must give a drink with
Their meal
Because they are dehydrated also
Feb 13 · 54
Sometimes Hallelujah
aldo kraas Feb 13
Sometimes hallelujah
Praise the Lord
Sometimes pray to the Lord
That he keeps us alive
Here on earth each day
Lord please give us
Some peace
While we sleep tonight
Yes Lord we are going
Early tonight to bed
Yes lord you made for us
A sleep schedule
And we follow you sleep schedule
Every night
The next morning
We wake up very early
And we feel refreshed
Now we are going to pray for you
Feb 13 · 29
Some times
aldo kraas Feb 13
Some times
I don't know if I am coming
Or going
Also I am feeling overwhelmed
With work
I need a little break
I will go for walk
Around the block
For a few moment
Then I will return back
And I am going to continue
The work That I am doing for
My God
I write lots of poems for
My God
I used my feelings
That is coming out of my heart
I been God's poet for 59 years now
I must tell you God
That I love to write poems for you
Yes God you are the one
Who inspire me to write
All my dark poems
are also depressing
My God doesn't mind that
Now the grandfather clock
Had chimed 12:00 am
It is very late now
Now it is time for me to
Turn of my computer
And go to sleep
Tomorrow will be a new day
And I will be up early
I will go to my living room
I will turn my computer on
And I will start to write
New poems for God
Also It is God that keeps me
Alive every single day
I don't have time for anything else
I work very hard for God
Writing my poems
Also I always forget which day it is
During the week
Feb 13 · 42
Close to me
aldo kraas Feb 13
Close to me
My friends are very
Close to me
We also have a good
Relationship with each other
Also we treat each other
With respect
We also respect each other's race
And religion
We also pray together
Every morning for God
Feb 13 · 49
Nobody else
aldo kraas Feb 13
Nobody else
Does what I do for you
I help you wash the people's feet
Every single Monday
Tuesday I help you
With the feast
That we do for you people
In the morning we go fishing
With you fishing boat
We are very lucky
Because we are lucky
That we got a large amount
Of fish
None of our people will starve
Now we have to clean the fish
It is a horrible job to do
But it has to be done
Now we are glad that
It is over
Now it is time to barbecue
The fish
Yes we are having a feast
For you people God
Feb 13 · 47
Keep trusting God
aldo kraas Feb 13
Keep trusting God
Also people I hope
You are trusting God
Because God made you
And also he spoke to you
People pray for me
Every night
Also don't let me down people
Because that will make me sad
Every night
That was me who made you
In you image
All of you are different from each other
After I made you all
I had placed you here
On earth to live
Your life to the fullest
Every single day
Also I am aware that
You people don't like to live
On earth
But the earth is your temporary home
Until the day you die
So for now go ahead and live your life
To the fullest people
aldo kraas Feb 12
What don't you like about me?
Is that because I believe in God?
Why shouldn't I believe in God?
Is there anything wrong with being a
Because I was born a
What don't you like about me?
Is that because I am on a diet?
Feb 12 · 49
Forever you and me
aldo kraas Feb 12
Forever you and me
Living in God’s world
God is the men that made
His world
With his holy hands
Than he created the
Humain being
And then my God
Made you and me
In his image
You say that I am
A handsome men
I don’t know you if
That is a compliment
Because I just don ‘t feel
That way my friend
I feel that I am a ugly men
That is how I feel friend
I wished I had blond
Hair and green eyes
But my God
Gave me a horrible
Gray hair
It is horrible for me to comb it
Ald I have that horrible brown
Also friend I have my mental
And I  don’t work anymore
I take narcotics that is my
Medication for night and day
Also friend every night
I go to bed early so that I
Can have a proper sleep
During the night
And you stay up  like
A night eagle
And you go to sleep
At 11: pm in the night
aldo kraas Feb 12
Je me souviendrai de toi tous les jours
My friends and God
My friends, it was my god that
Made you and me many years ago
In his image
Also, he told us
That we are very beautiful in his eyes
Yes I agree friend that you are
So beautiful
God gave you green eyes
That is full of sparkles
And also they are beautiful
When they shine in the like
Also, you have gorgeous hair
My friend I am very ugly I must
He gave me some black curly
Hair that I hate so much
And my brown eyes
Are also awful
Yes that is my personal
Opinion about me
And I don’t share with
My beautiful friend
Have his opinion
About me, he doesn’t
Discus his opinion
About me
Because I feel that
He doesn’t want to
Hurt me
Also, we have been
Friends for a long time
And we get along just fine
We are both working
In our friendship
Also, we have a very
Closed relationship
With each other
And that is working fine
For many years now
He supports me in my life
And I am also feeling
Grateful for  that
I could never live
Without my friend's support
In my daily life
My friend is also
A Christian like
Singe birth
And we know that
The day we day
We will die
As a Christian
Friend, I am a lot older then
You and I will die
Before you
And you are a lot younger
Then me
For now, we are living our
Lives to the fullest
Every single day
Friend, I must tell you
That God owns our lives
And our lives are in God’s hands
Friend don’t be sad for me
Friend pray for me the day I die
Yes friend I already lived a long life
Here on earth
Now I am waiting for God to shut
My body down
Because I want to die now
And go to heaven
Where I will rest in peace
I know that friend
I will meet you again in heaven
Until the day you die
Feb 12 · 40
aldo kraas Feb 12
Eustou feliz com a minh vida
That my father gave me
So many years ago
He is the one
That made me in
His image
And he tells me
That I am a handsome young man
But I tell him that
He is untitled to his opinion
But I don’t agree from my father
And also I am entitled to my opinion
And I never discuss my opinion
With my father
Also my father is very proud
Of his young man
I am already used
To live on earth
And I think
That my father made
A beautiful earth
With so many
Evergreen and weeping willow
They are my favorite trees
And also I love the beautiful
Flowers he put here on earth
After he made the earth
And feel that
The earth is my home
Till the day I become an
Old men
And I will no longer
Be able to talk because
I had a stroke
That will be a bad thing
For me
Also every year
I am getting old
That is the way my father
Made life
And I know that there are
Certain things in my life
That I don’t like
Also I am not a perfect human being
Because I make mistakes in my
Life all the time
And I don’t bother to correct them
Because that would make me
aldo kraas Feb 12
Only God knows we survive here
Because he keeps us  alive
Every single day
And we keep living our lives
For God every single day
We try to be good servants to God
We wash God’s people’s feet
Every single day
And God’s people are
Also happy to have their feet
Washed by their servant
Now God’s servant
Will preach to his people
The Bible
That was written by God
It is lunchtime now
Now God’s servant
Is going fishing
In their fishing boat
They are now fishing some fish
Now God’s servant
Is cleaning the fish
That is the worst job to do
But it has to be done
Then it will be ready to
I also took a peak in the sky
And I did see any sign of rain
We had a beautiful sunny day
At 2:00pm
The people of God had their lunch
The servants gave the fish with a dinner roll
To the people
And some red French wine to drink
With the meal
After God’s people finished eating
The meal
They had drunk the French red wine
And suddenly it started to rain down
Very hard
With Thunder and lightning
We all had to run
So we won’t get soaked
The sky was dark and grey
Yes God’s people are very poor
But they are rich in spirit
And they also have
Faith in God
Yes God’s people wear second-hand clothes
That there God bought from
The second-hand store
And they love the casual clothes
That is the style of clothes they
Loved to wear
Also, God is not rich
He has a limited amount of money
To live
Also people
Please understand that money
Doesn’t grow on tree
Feb 12 · 45
My little Barbie doll
aldo kraas Feb 12
My little Barbie doll
I am not a Barbie doll
God made me
With a natural skin
Some people say that
I just need to wear
Some make up
To look beautiful
I don't wear make up
To be beautiful
To make also people happy
I am me
I like my skin to look
Just the way my father made me
Some of my friends still tell
Me that my skin looks
Very pail-like cottage cheese
I must say that I
Just love my Natural skin
That my father made for me
In the mornings I just
Wash my natural
Skin with water
And some Organic soap
And my skin feels
Fresh and clean
Also at night time
I wash again my natural
Skin with my Organic soap
And my skin also feels
Very soft to me
I rub my hands on my face
And it feels so beautiful
I love touching my natural skin
Also my skin
Doesn't have any acne
I still have a young skin
Yes one day I will be old
And during my old days
My skin will age gracefully
There is nothing that
I can do nothing about my skin again
Because my father made my skin
That way
Also by then, I will have
Some wrinkles
I will have to use some makeup
To cover my wrinkles
Because I believe that my
Skin will be very ugly by them
Because I will be an older woman by then
And I believe that nobody should see my wrinkles
And I should hide my wrinkles with make up
Also, it takes lots of time to do
My make up
And also it is not a chip thing
After I do my hair
I am feeling that I am
Looking so stunning
And I know that I am looking
Great with my hair done
Also thanks good I am healthy
I am living a beautiful life
That my father gave to me
After he made me in his
He gave me blue eyes
And black hair
I hate my black hair
And I just love my blue eyes
Feb 5 · 47
I just wanna stop
aldo kraas Feb 5
I just wanna stop
Judging people
Because people
Just hate to be
Judged by me
Especially the people
That are my friends
I just wanna stop
Mistreating the people
That are my friends
Because also my friends
Hate to be mistreated
And also I am afraid
To lose some of
My friends
Because I have some
Good friends already
That I have known
For a lifetime
I just wanna stop
Hurting my friends
I just wanna stop
Going to bed late
Because I am jeopardizing
My sleeping  schedule
So I must try to go
To bed early
So that I get a good
Night sleep
Tomorrow will be another day
That will be hot
So I will wear a t-shirt
And my shorts
I will wear my running shoes
Also tomorrow morning
I will go for a walk
Around the block
And while I walk around
The block I hear
The birds singing
Their song
Also, I am getting some
Fresh air into my lungs
I just wanna stop
Complaining about my life
Because I just have
A good life
And I am living a good life
That my father gave
To me
After he had made me
With his holy hands
Feb 5 · 50
In my own bubble
aldo kraas Feb 5
In my own bubble
I live every single day
Also I have a few friends
That understand that
i live in my own bubble
Also I am not tired
Yet of living in my own
The night belongs to me
And I spend the night
Feb 5 · 35
Let this be a voice
aldo kraas Feb 5
Let this be a voice
Of our father
He is telling us
That we should
Pray more often
Because we don't
Pray enough for God
Also God is our
He is the one
That made us
With his holy hands
Many years ago
And after he made us
He placed us
Here on earth to live
Our lives
Yes today
We are already an adult
And we have more responsibilities
In our lives
Every morning
First thing we do
For our father
Is to pray for him
Also after we pray
Our father answer
Our prayers
aldo kraas Feb 5
The power and love of God
Heal the people that is sick
Also every single day the sick
Waits for God's arrival
And he heal some
Of the sick people
The ones that he can't
Heal anymore because
They already have a chronic
He will shut the body down
Then he calls the Angels from
Heaven down here on earth
The angels comes and takes
The dead people to heaven
When they get to heaven
They knock on heaven's door
And God open the door of
And let the dead people
Enter heaven
Also they will be sleeping
In heaven's
Brass bed
Feb 3 · 52
I need to know
aldo kraas Feb 3
I need to know
Father if you are going to
Listen to please
Because I am already
Sick and tired of the Winter
Please father hurry up
End put an end to the horrible
I need the sun
Because the sun gives me
The vitamin d that I need badly
Yes father I am not getting any younger
I want to live my life as long as I can
Yes father I am very happy with my life
I have my happy and sad moments father
When I am sad I stay in my room
And I have my crying section
It is only for a few minutes
I have some good friends
That I can always count on
Feb 2 · 49
To love you more
aldo kraas Feb 2
I want  to love you more
Father you have made me
A long time ago
Also father
I am also grateful
That I have you also
In my life
You are also the
One keeps me alive every day
Here on earth
Also I am glad that you are my father
That also gave me
The life that I live
Every day here on earth
Also you gave me a beautiful life
And grateful for have
The life I have
Father I never asked to be born
Also father give me more health
Because I just have little health
Feb 1 · 51
About me
aldo kraas Feb 1
I am somebody special
That was made
By my father
With his holy hands
A long time ago
And also along
Time ago
My father had
Placed me to live
Here on earth
I love living on earth
My beautiful life
Every single day
I  care about
The way my friends
Love me
Also my friends
Are my family
I trust my friends
And I know that
There will be always
Around for me
Even when I am sick
I just don’t like
Being sick
I try to take good care
Of my health
Every single day
Also, was my father
That gave me the
Gift of health
I also never had
Ruin my health
I don’t smoke
At all friends
So I have healthy lungs
Also friends I never drunk
Any alcohol
Because that would destroy
My liver
Friends I also have
Healthy liver
I made a promise to me
That I will stay sober
Also friends I was born
A Christian
And I will also die
As a Christian
I am glad that
My friends have some
Respect for me
They respect my race
And religion
I am very happy about that
Jan 9 · 163
We are too young
aldo kraas Jan 9
We are too young
To die now my Father
Please Father keep us
Alive every single day
Here on earth
We have a life in front of us
To live
And the life we are living
We are going to live every
Single day we hope
We are happy Father
That you gave us
A beautiful life to  live
Here on earth
Also Father
It was you that made
Us in you image many
Years ago
And had placed us on
Earth to live
And we already got
Used to live here on
We don't live alone here
On earth
We also have friends
That you created than
In you image
A few years ago
And our friends
Also are happy
To be living here
On earth
aldo kraas Jan 5
Yes one day I will be old
And during my old days
My skin will age gracefully
There is nothing that
I can do nothing about my skin aging
Because my father made my skin
That way
Also by then, I will have
Some wrinkles
I will have to use some makeup to cover my wrinkles
Because I believe that my
Skin will be very ugly by them
Because I will be an older woman by then
And I believe that nobody should see my wrinkles
And I should hide my wrinkles with make up
Also, it takes lots of time to do
My make up
And also it is not a chip thing
After I do my hair
I am feeling that I am
Looking so stunning and I know that I am looking
Great with my hair done
Also thanks good I am healthy
I am living a beautiful life
That my father gave to me
After he made me in his
He gave me blue eyes
And black hair
I hate my black hair
And I just love my blue eyes
Jan 5 · 60
I feel so unsure
aldo kraas Jan 5
I feel so unsure
About my future life
Because the only
Person who knows
About my future
Is my father
And Soon
I will know
About my future
When my
Father discus
It with me
And I am also
Feeling thrilled
About my future
The mistakes I did
In my past life
Is not going to happen
In the future
Because I have learned
From my mistakes
And I promise not
To do again
Also I am a new person
I have already change
I changed my behavior
I am keeping my cool
Without exploding
With my friends
Jan 5 · 53
Come think with us
aldo kraas Jan 5
Come think with us
About our future
Father we want to know
Everything you can tell
Us about our future
Come think with us
About how we can
Love our friends more
Come think with us
That we need to
Put our trust in our friends
Come think with us
That we must get a life
And also start living it
Come think with with us
That also we need to have
Respect for our friends
Come think with us
That we must pray to our
Father every single night
Before we go to bed
Come think with us
That we are also happy
That we are also having
And we enjoy
The birds singing to us
When we go for walks
We also see the birds
Flying in the sky
Come think with us
That we are also glad to live here
In America where there is  peace
Jan 3 · 58
Burn man
aldo kraas Jan 3
Burn man
How lucky you are to be
Burn man
You were lucky that
You didn't burn your
You were in too much
Pain to think about
Anything else
The shock was big to you
Burn man
Somebody was there
Protecting you
Burn man
Those long days
And hours in the hospital
Weren't fun
Burn man
Fire is no fool's game
Burn man
You have to be more careful
Next time
How many people get
A second chance
To live again?
Burn man
You were brave at
This horrible moment
Burn man
The drive in the
Ambulance must
Have been
A bad one
Burn man
The nurses and doctors
Took good care of you
When you needed them
Burn man
The sun kept you
Spirits up
Burn man
You did all you had to do
To get well
And get back
On your feet again
Jan 3 · 47
aldo kraas Jan 3
I am so happy that
You took me out of Isolation
And loneliness
Also you came
At the right time
When I needed
Somebody badly
In my life
Now I finally
Got to know you better
And you also
Got to know me better
I love your green eyes
That shines in the light
Every day
We spend a long time
Also we go for a long
Walk in the area
I live in
And also we discover
What is available in the area
At the end of the day
Return to his home
And I return to mine
Jan 3 · 151
I wanna live
aldo kraas Jan 3
I wanna live
My life to the fullest
I want to try to make
Some more new friends
Because Father I have
Very little friends in
My life
Also I have to look
After myself
Father I have no  problem
Looking after myself
I do it every single day
I look also after my health
Every single day
And I go to bed early
Every single night
So that I get
A proper night sleep
Jan 3 · 91
aldo kraas Jan 3
If we could mind our business
If we could live in peace
If we had more education
If there were no people starving in the world
If there weren't people dying in the world of Aids
If there wasn't any child child abuse in the world
If there was no **** in the world
If we could learn to  forgive people
If there was no protest in the in the street
If there wasn't prostitution in the streets
If there wasn't people suffering from depression in the world
If the homeless would sleep in shelters during the winter
If nobody would bully people in the school because people who
Are bullied commit suicide
If people to trust each other
If people learn to trust each other for their mistakes
If people could support their lives
If people would stop judging people
If we had good friends that we could trust
If we could pray for each other every single day
If there was no more drug dealers in the street
If people would not mess their lives with street drugs
If we could stay sober forever
If we could live in peace with our friends
If we had faith in God
If we could love our self first before loving others
If we had no pollution in the air. Nobody would have asthma and
allergies. we would not have dead fish in the ocean
If the fishermen could fish lots of fish and sell them to local
If there was no disease here on earth. There would not be
Sickness on earth and people dying
Jan 3 · 51
aldo kraas Jan 3
Today the day is already over
And I can't believe
How fast it ended
The sun had gone down
Also very fast
And I saw the beautiful sunset
It took my breath away also
And suddenly the night arrived
And I was already tired
So I went to bed right away
I had laid down in my bed
For the night
Also I had shut my mind off
And I had closed my eyes
Jan 3 · 44
The dark angel
aldo kraas Jan 3
The dark Angel
You will be my friend
And I will be yours too
We will walk together
And do what friends do
We will laugh and play
And have so much fun
We will talk and share
Some good memories
Until the day is done
You are my dark angel
My light in the night
I will love you forever
Until the morning light
Jan 3 · 70
Gente fina
aldo kraas Jan 3
Gente fina
Gente fina is another thing
Because they wear designer clothes
Every day
And I believe that
Designer clothes clothes was
Made for the rich people like
Lawyers, teachers, and doctors
Jan 3 · 43
Human being
aldo kraas Jan 3
Human being
I am just happy
That you have
You head on your
Also that is wonderful
That you found your
Peace of mind
You have been too tired
Working at the same time
Trying to get all the same jobs done
At the same time
We all know that you are
A good worker
You also put a lot of
Hours into your job
Also you are loved by
Your co- workers
And you Father
That has made you
With his holy hands
Also all the children
That you made
You placed here on
Earth to live
Every single day
And we are all siblings
But also we love each other
And also we are to live on earth
The life our Father gave to us
And we are also
Happy to have a Father like you
Father you gave us
Plenty of love
And also we didn't
Had to ask for it
Dec 2023 · 60
Where did our love go?
aldo kraas Dec 2023
Where did our love go?
For our father
Because we never gave
Any of our love back
To our father
And our father love
All of us without limits
Yes people
It was our father
That made us
With his holy hands
Many years ago
And also he placed us
Here on earth to live
We must tell our father
How much we just love
To live on earth
We are not telling our
Father a lie
We are telling him the
Also, we have built
Some faith in our father
Dec 2023 · 203
Stop being sad
aldo kraas Dec 2023
Stop being sad
Because God will
Remove the sadness
From your eyes
My friends
And I  also know
That you can always
Count on me
Friends I am telling
You the truth
I will never let you
Down friends
Because I know that
You need me
In you daily life
And I will be there
Available for you
Day or night
So friends I am telling
You the truth
Have I ever lied to you
No I never lied to
You once
So you can trust me forever
I know if I told you lies
I would be only hurting
You friends
So I know that lies
Doesn't get me
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