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Al Drood Sep 2021
Late October dawning, mist hangs low in woodland
Fading is the season, beech and oak leaves falling
Tangled are the brambles, overgrown and berried
Spider in her leaf-hide, sees her web bejewelled
Drowsy cattle standing, breath and wet flank steaming
Sunrise gleams on water, streamlet coldly flowing
Wasted grasses leaning, trampled under hoofprint
Fern and mosses greening, close by wall of sandstone
Early sings the sparrow, yarrow flowers whiting
Sluggish flies the bee now, nectar scarce inviting
Owl in tall tree sleeping, shuns the day awaking
Fox in earthen breastwork, sated now from hunting
Rabbit sniffs the morning, burrow mouth beguiling
Scent of mould and mushroom, undergrowth pervading
Fallen tree trunk rotting, spotted red with fungus
Naked roots stand grasping, fingers locked in death throe
Down in dew washed meadow, foal lies red and stillborn
Sadly stands the old mare, one year past her blessing
Nevermore to call home her stallion by evening
Hidden in the hawthorn, by blood-red berries dripping
Carrion crow watches, waiting for her leaving
Patience is his virtue, soon to know the feeding.
Al Drood Jun 2021
She gazed out through steamy panes
to where rain mirrored
indoor moisture, running down
sheer glass sheets
in tiny light-riven rivulets
to pool in cold futility
on sill and ledge.

She could not remember
how long she'd been here;
indeed, she was not entirely sure
of time’s passage at all,
measuring life merely
by periods of dark or light,
humidity or aridity.  

Of course, everyone here
was pretty much the same,
here in this white-tiled purgatory
where endless days merged
into non-existent seasons,
and the world turned slowly
on a rusting showerhead.

A newcomer jostled her suddenly,
anxious for a glimpse
of some fancied nirvana
outside the crying windows;
“Do you come here often?”
he asked hopefully,
trying to peer beyond her.

Scarcely admitting his presence,
she continued gazing
into the abstract distance,
answering as only
sentient slime-mould can;
“Me?" she shrugged,
"I only come here for the condensation."
Al Drood Mar 2021
Small hail rattles petulantly
against leaded attic windows.
Below, in untended gardens,
a child's broken swing creaks
where unkempt brambles
scratch at cold night winds.

In the abandoned nursery,
where faded draft-blown drapes
brush toy-strewn floorboards,
a dappled, paint-blistered rocking-horse
sways faintly on a fleeting, moonlit stage.

Where innocence long since died,
a legless bear leers at a blind rag doll.
A jammed spinning-top lies rusting
upon a hopelessly scattered jigsaw.
A ***** Harlequin slumps in depression,
his wanton Columbine gone forever.

From the torn, once gaudy, pages
of a faded, open book,
mocking rhymes echo
insanely down the years.

Crockery elopes with cutlery,
a suicidal mouse runs out of time,
Humpty mimics Lucifer . . .
and a little boy laughs to see such fun
as Old King Cole
steals your adult soul.
Al Drood Mar 2021
One day, gasped the Dying Man,
your Empire will be nothing
but a tale in a history book.

Your great cities will lie in ruins,
and your very language
will be dead.

You lie, said the soldier
with the spear,
stabbing upwards.
Al Drood Nov 2020
Bleak winds scour empty wastes
where dust devils spin insanely
along bone-dry creek beds.
Above in featureless skies
a blind sun hides behind
a cataract of thin, high cloud.

On the flanks of a long-dead volcano
a flock of small, red finches
takes to the air like a noxious gas.
Small hardy flowers have found a home here,
attracting iridescent insects
that flit like ancient sparks.

And in a shadowed cleft of rock,
hidden from those who would hunt,
a mother guards her mewling cub.
Dark stripes mark tan, lithe flanks
as ever-alert eyes glitter,
hard as the blackest of lava.

Were she capable of mockery,
she might howl in triumph
at those who believe her extinct.
Yet for the present she awaits Mankind’s destruction,
knowing then that the thylacine
will reclaim their ancestral lands.
Al Drood Nov 2020
Upon a  far and distant world
where silicon's the key,
a great metallic turtle swam
through seas of mercury.

His eyes were red as copper,
and his mind was sharp as zinc;
he dined off silver fishes
and he sometimes paused to think.

"Supposing there's a world someplace
where carbon is the king?
Where seas are made of water,
and where fleshy turtles swim?"
Al Drood Nov 2020
A vagabond faints
in a wayside gutter,
a ring of scarlet patches
showing through unclean skin.

A great lord spews red froth
across a bed of linen,
as his lady watches helplessly
through a veil of tears.

A skylark sings high above
a half-ploughed field
where Piers lies choking
in the fresh cut furrows.

A harlequin sprawls
grotesquely swollen,
cap and bells twisted
in a masque of death.
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