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We are going
To die and
That makes us
The lucky ones

In the teeth
Of these
Odds, it is
You and I
In our
That are here

The needle won't
Reach the record
And that's ok
We reach for
What to say
As the silence
Grows too strong
Yet nothing ever
Remains within
Forever is
Far too long

A kind of darkness
is rich with a silence, where
pleasant thoughts prevail.

A sweet dark soothes...calms,
its fragrance melts restlessness
it brings a cool breeze.

Yet, there's this darkness,
moist with fear...body and mind
do quiver from dread.

Some find calm and peace,
shun light...heal amongst shadows

Some aren't aware
of others' feelings and needs,
let's live...and let live!

I'm curious, tell me,
which darkness do you prefer?
might i see you there?

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    May 29th, 2024
Always a treat to see,
Its ever-stretching beauty,
Shall ever be with me,
Like the clouds, ever plenty.

The sky scours freely, matching Her infinity,
The perfect companion,
For even at night,
Her bright strikes provide a sight.
Bringing with it delight and fright,

Been on my mind:
A stream that intertwines,
A gleam born from wayward mountains,
A cabin nestled between,
A plethora of trees,
An ambition for You and Me.

Always a haze,
Leaving but a taste of sweet glaze.
I remember the days,
Whether in my dreams or real life,
Oh, it is always a delight.
From the miniature grasslands of Yosemite to the Great Plains of America, I still was in awe of what a simple landscape can provide.
There is a spot between the Mountains of Nevada and Wyoming, on the main road, where if I could, I would live.

This was written over a period of time, in my attempts to capture, reminisce, about my ideal cabin placement.
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