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𝐕𝐕 Oct 2020
To fulfill a psychopath’s pleasurable dream while under psychological stress is rather an unorthodox way to keep your mind ******* on tight.
don’t do it — you would unmistakably lose yourself in the end if you treat yourself to these people’s wishes. do not fall to the manipulative appearance of a potential lover, for there is more charm amongst the living right-minded people.
Kabelo Maverick Aug 2019
"It’s not hard to create, not harder than it is to cremate. Destroy to rebuild, who gave me the right to relate? I’ll deploy the guilt, it’s who lives inside this ribcage. Authority within, Apology missing… Feeling a bit under the weather lately, maybe coz I’m feeling lit about what matters innately. What’s the next poem, where’s my nest home, what’s the last hope? I’m vexed, so let me ask the Pope, are you the best? Nope.  Or should I turn it into a rope and pray? Can’t do that without thinking of the hangings, it hurts so I clear my throat…
nay, can’t do that when you’re sinking from the angering. I’m recluse so I
put my faith on my Refuge piously and conclude. The page is now my deluge and the siren is left confused…
J Ann May 2018
Do you ever just wonder?
And sit there and ponder
What life would have been like
If we would have all been alike
Oh it would cause so much damage
Even though it seems like the perfect image
Everyone saying the same thing
Wearing all the same bling
Oh it would be bittersweet
Because everything would seem so complete
Yet it would cause so much confusion
Almost like an allusion
So one should step out of the box
And become unorthodox
Do you ever just wonder?
And sit there and ponder
shooshu Jan 2016
confessions from
a cerebral inkwell
hemorrhaging the
paradox of spilled
holy water blessed
in unorthodox
black lace.
||shoo.shu ||
Genesis X Sep 2015
This is a poem,
***** the rules.
To my Literature professor who showed me the value of words in new perspectives.
tian Mar 2015
Can you see my efforts?
I guess you can't
I was there in your darkest hours
But you didn't see me
My presence?
All over that place
I tried to decipher
Yet you don't want me to
I tried to pick you up
Yet you rejected my hand
I try everything to make you smile
Yet you keep on thinking negative things
When will this ever end? When? Answer me
I guess, it's all you,
You've been faking it all along
A mist traveling on it's own.
So I started to write what I feel right now. Sorry for not putting some rhymes, it's unorthodox kind of poetry.

I walked in a path full of knives and thorns just to make it through you, yet you don't want me to enter.
dev Jul 2014
Here's to the normal days.

The days you didn't get dumped.

The days you didn't cry.

The days you didn't meet the love of your life.

The days you didn't go out on an enormous adventure.

Here's to the days no one writes poems about.
"It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you,"
but seriously don't you want to?
I'm giving you permission,
I'm giving you the go.
Because all I want to know is who you are,
along with what you fear, what you love, what makes you smile and laugh.
And in the end it's ok if you want to let me go,
I'll treasure every moment we spend together even if you don't.
The first line is one of my favorite quotes from John Green's *The Fault in our Stars*.

— The End —