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Zywa May 3
Orange light at night,

the whole wide country whirring:

the gas field is on.
"60.000 uur - een autobiografie" ("60,000 hours - an autobiography", 1998, Gerrit Krol)

Collection "Rasping ants"
Zywa May 3
The country: flare stacks,

from Loppersum to Tjuchem’s --

burning gates of hell.
Province of Groningen, the Netherlands

"60.000 uur - een autobiografie" ("60,000 hours - an autobiography", 1998, Gerrit Krol)

Collection "Rasping ants"
Zywa Dec 2023
Bits and bytes, shooting

through the circuits, are playing --

twister super fast.
"Komboï" ("Knots", 1981, Iannis Xenakis) for harpsichord and percussion, performed by Goska Isphording and Tatiana Koleva in the Organpark on November 29th, 2023

Collection "org anp ark" #333
Zywa Mar 2023
Two chubby maggots:

hopping around, drilling holes --

in the barren land.
Film "A Voyage to the Moon - In seven parts": flagpole on the moon (1976, Manfred Durniok: NASA footage and music by Oskar Sala on the Mixtur-Trautonium, performed in the Organpark by Peter Pichler on January 14th, 2023)

Collection "org anp ark" #258
Zywa Dec 2022
Prying loose a wire

without appropriate tools --

will cost you some blood.
"Het Bureau - Plankton" ("The Office - Plankton", 1997, Han Voskuil), page 104

Collection "Not too bad [1947-1973]"
Zywa Oct 2022
The heating remains

cold, but it makes an effort --

It howls and rattles.
"De cowboybroek van Maria Magdalena" (Travelogues "The cowboy pants of Maria Magdalena", 1996, Herman de Coninck)

Collection "Shortages"
Zywa Apr 2022
Thunder is crackling

in the switches, the train glides --

on, intrepidly.
Collection "Freend"

— The End —