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You will have to speak up
For the hurt

You will reach heights
To escape life's lowly sights

She will have to hear
All you have in here

Let go of your fears
This is what she needs

You need to tear her apart
To go back to the start

Tear into her
With a curse
Don't be afraid to fly.
Douglas Balmain Jan 2022
Steps from Nowhere
leading to Nothing
cannot be retraced.
Douglas Balmain Jan 2022
The bounding footfalls
of another sentience
echo through labyrinthine
hallways of consciousness
that never lead back
to a common room—
that central location
where one can sit and
saying knowingly,
"Ahh, here I am."
Unpolished Ink Apr 2021
Can water know
when it flows and drips like rain
through the palm of your hand
does it understand
and feel for the drops that remain
to linger
on your freezing fingers
Ken Pepiton Dec 2020
Real world, real war
in the spirit realm, breathing
leaven disemboweled,
yes yes yes
gaseous we beasties,
and congregating misinfirmed
conforming to the mould,
black and green
up up up morpheme ob
some body from the edge in

piercing ever-with points of
everish means to ends,

tat-too too you, Dr. Joyce Brothers,
my boy's
real TV Glenda,
good witch of the west, who goaded us
past understanding

when we cried, for Miss Sherri's baby,
as in my future then, my daughter
Natalie, would cry, for baby
Jessica, who really did
fall into a well…

--- same size well head as we had at 120 Oak
--- I just noticed, meandering past
         wondering if I cried, when my baby sister,
             Peggy, died, in late '49? -- no, '50.
Cancer, of the sort fallout causes, we later learned.

Obtuse, to use the oft idle word
to mean to-ward or
t'use the expression for compression, squeezing

water from a stone,
breaking marrow from the bone, listen
to the fire,
feel the story keep us warm,
long nights,
with only little dancing candle flames,
to emphasize the phases -- moons,
and moons, mensal mental clockish

I will if you will go go go rhythms
of the falling rain,
swishing wishes to know…

will you still love me,
Free readers serve free poems and both get their just...
desserts first, deserts, then desserts again, as the mind begins to wander.
Paul Butters Jun 2020
The breathtaking wonders of the universe
Orgasmically explode:
Trillions of stars,
Blindingly bright
With black light.

Yes, as we can see
But a glimpse
Of their light.
So without US,
All is black
And might as well
Not exist.

We are Vital.
With Us at least
Some light is seen
And admired.
The wonders of our world
And sky
Are acknowledged
And felt
And thought about.

Yet who are “We”?
We are all sentient beings –
Not just humans:
All living things with brains
From ants to whales.

It’s worth remembering that.

Paul Butters

© PB 25\6\2020.
Here I go again.......
Asominate Jun 2020
Blank and blurry
I lose myself
I drown in fury
I made this hell
Can't function as needed
I'm taking it with salt
Your plans haven't succeeded
And it's all my fault
Just feeling a bit guilty, that's all
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