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Jeremy Betts May 21
I don't want to fuuck around
I rather not find out
I don't want to hear I'm not doing what I need too
But if I don't I might never win a bout
This isn't a warning or challenge
I don't want to prove what I'm about
I've gone toe to toe with life all my life
I wouldn't mind a little mid season drought

Jeremy Betts Feb 8
That's fine
Just continue to lie to yourself
Don't mind
I've already removed myself
Proof there's still a wealth of self worth hidden in mental health
I take my love from it's urn then place that, empty, back on the shelf

The security of a nation
By armies, tanks, and guns
Expends a lot of energy
But protects our lands and funds

It’s cheaper to defend ourselves
With flowers in children’s hands
But it won’t be as effective
In defending our lives and lands

The cryptographic proof of work
Has served us well for years
It’s not the same as proof of stake
Which will end in regret and tears

True consensus takes some work
This is a feature, not a bug
Bitcoin was built with energy
Not with flowers - not with hugs

Flowers and hugs are mighty fine
But won’t make a network secure
It takes a lot of energy
To make the ledger safe and sure
This is Bitcoin Poem 028 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Zack Ripley Sep 2021
Memories. Dreams. Memories of Dreams. They're all proof life isn't lived completely linearly. That life isn't purely physical.
It doesn't have to be defined by what we see, smell, touch. We don't have to limit ourselves so much. Who cares if something seems impossible? We've been proven wrong before. There's still so much we don't know. So don't be afraid to explore.
He knew he was right
And nothing stopped him
From proving it
Not the gradual diminishing
Of his friends
Nor a famine of encouragement
From his family
Not a single word of appreciation
From his loved ones
And never either or whatever
Leocardo Reis Sep 2021
These passing moments
strike me as
most beautiful,
for even I can tell
that the present
will blossom
into an evocative,
eternal bitterness.

I cherish this
fruitless heartache
with renewed ardor,
as it is the only proof
I had ever loved.
“Here’s the contract,

sign the line
with your codes
don’t forget the
shared collateral

Keep it clean

there’s a spot
between the Eyes
where the feeds
can’t see

Make it petty

grab the dirt
and his wallet
we’ll call it
‘botched robbery’

He was ****

tried to show
what we said
at the 'Yard
last summer”

… I forgot the wallet.
for The Convo Couch
What is wrong with me?
What is wrong with you?
We believe in love only when we see proof
proving love is difficult for us
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