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Ashwin Kumar Dec 2023
Killed, have you, thousands of innocents
Truly, are you Satan's agents
Destroying an entire nation
In the name of counter-terrorism
Completely abandoning rationalism
And carrying out mass slaughter, with chilling precision

You call yourself a democracy
Yet, you show absolutely no mercy
Even when it cometh to children
Your humanity is absolutely barren
When we call you out
"Anti-Semitic", do you brand us, without a second thought
Jesus tells us to love even our enemies
However, your sheer hatred never does cease

You pretend to be the victim
However, filled to the brim
Is your cup of everlasting greed
As you continue to occupy land after land
And never allow the world to take a stand
Even as there are millions to feed
While the genocide reaches a fever pitch
Because, always functions, does your killing machine, without a hitch

You are so evil
That you **** and ****
Without giving a dime about incurring the wrath of God
Over goodness, do you run roughshod

You think you own Palestine
However, enough have we seen
And enough have we had
The world is mad
Soon, will you pay the price
For your insatiable avarice
Your days are numbered
Soon, will the tide be turned

You may continue your state terrorism
Which you call "counter-terrorism"
However, it is only a matter of time
Before there is divine retribution
For the numerous crimes of your so-called democratic nation
Viva Palestina!!
Amen!! Hallelujah!!
Poem denouncing the genocide of Palestinians being carried out by Israel.
Will you remain silent
when you see the many children
who died as a result of the genocide bomb explosions that occurred in Palestine?

Are we just spectators
and consuming this heartbreaking news?

Can we imagine this happening to our family,
our relatives,
those closest to us,
even our country
and our homeland?

Do we really care about humanity?
Do we think that we are nothing
so we cannot change everything,
including eliminating the oppression
that is happening there?

Do we really think like that?
Is that a decent life for all humans?
Don't they also have freedom?
Are we all this?
Please vote, free Palestine!
Free Palestine as we bias ourselves
for a better life,
for a more peaceful life,
for humanity
And for world peace.
Indonesia, 21st December 2023
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
I will stand up to support Palestine
Until whenever
Wherever I am
As long as colonialism still exists
I will fight for their freedom
Palestine must be independent
Palestine must be free
Eliminate all forms of colonialism
We all have the right to freedom
In our homeland
For peace
For humanity
For life
Indonesia, 21st December 2023
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
Long live Palestine survivors.
From the river to the sea
Palestine is surely free.
The whole world chants a plee
World's children chant boycott Izrahell
Israelites now
their own star of cause and effect a huge defeat is earned.

We don't support genocide.
We detest concentration camps famine torture too
that Gaza people in Palestine endure open bombed crowded extermination camps. Israelite's genocide
actively carrying on as an intimidation show off to show the world **** regime Jewish
Agenda is armed to the teeth.
Against Palestinian beautiful unarmed civilians
Fighting for their own existence against beo **** thugs.
I see red! Genocidal Israelites
blasting new born babes up
Moms and Dads.


I SEE RED: (!We all see red )

1SRAEL your STAR now stinks,
With your billion grave stench
in shreds
digging your own genocidal exile
to your poverty ridden Abyss.

The whole world opposes
Your baby daily
genocidal scoring chants.

To h** with your many other
hidden agendas.
Israel all the planet agree you to give back full immediate payable
restitution to palestinians before all you are court marshalled and exiled.



"Did you really think,
I'd just forgive and forget,
After catching you with her,
Your blood should run cold, so cold

You, you two-timing,
cheap-lying, wannabe
You're a fool,
if you thought that I'd just let this go
I see red, red, oh red

A gun to your head, to all IDF sadist Nazis heads.
Now all I see is red, red, red
Did you really just say,
she didn't mean anything, oh
I'll remember those words,
when I come for you r soul, your souls
Know that you,
you dug your own grave,
now lie in it forgotten broke and alone.
You're so cruel,
but revenge is a dish best served cold
I see red, red, oh red

A gun to your head, to your heads.
Oh! Executioner style,
and there won't be no trial
Don't you know that you're better off dead
All that Earths peope see is red, red, oh red

Now all I see is RED
Run, hide
Oh, you're so done, gone.
Oh, better sleep
with one eye open tonight

I see red, red, oh red, oh
A gun to your head, heads.
Executioner style,
and there won't be no trial
Don't you know,
you're better off dead

All I see is red, red, oh red
Now all I see is red, red.
Read between
this lines, Israel.

Death to genocidal agendas
self proclaimed saints

The chosen ones
are our Palestines
Along with all of us.
Requesting justice.
RIP 100,000 Palestinians death 70.000 under the bombed homes rubble.
Shame on you sinister Satanyahu.
Louise Nov 2023
"I dream of the day I would see the flowers bloom in Palestine", says an ally.
"I dream of the day I would see the flowers again",
cries an old lady from Palestine
"I dream of the day I would see Palestine",
prays a refugee in a faraway country
"I dream of the day when I would not dream and pray that there would be another day for Palestine",
screams a little child in Palestine

And the sun is the witness
The sun knows it all,
it has watched, witnessed and waited...

I dream of the day I would see the flowers bloom in Palestine!
From the bullets bored through little children's ribs,
to the bloodied blouses hanging in the clothesline.

I dream of the day I would see flowers again!
From the people's laughters and childish ease,
to the tears and pain I can't even begin to imagine.

I dream of the day I would see Palestine!
From the river, in the desert, in the colorful markets,
to the sea, in the beach, taking our sweet sweet time.

I dream of the day when I would not dream and pray that there would be another day for Palestine!
Because there would only be days of freedom!
Only for the children, for Gaza, mothers, fathers, doctors, soldiers, every Palestinian!
Days that are theirs!
Days and endless days are all there is!
And it is all theirs!

And the sun is the judge and the jury
The sun grants it,
the justice for every injury, freedom for every perjury...
Flowers would bloom again in Palestine,
the sun says and commands so.
CarolineSD Nov 2023
“So there stood Matthew Arnold and this girl
With the cliffs of England crumbling away behind them,
And he said to her, "Try to be true to me,
And I'll do the same for you, for things are bad
All over, etc. etc." - Anthony Hecht

All I have ever been,
Is a girl
With the heart of a flower
Red in the hurricane winds
Red through the dust
That disguises the slaughter.

I can still see the bodies,
Red on the broken streets,
Red on the surface of the sea
Red on the plains that are rapidly darkling

And the ignorance is markedly

The children bleed out in Aleppo,
in Gaza, Darfur, Yemen, Caracas, more;
Tiny bodies pressed between bricks
Like little flowers crushed in hard bindings,
Or innocence impaled on the blades of
Savagery and shame,

Like so many
Crucified prophets.

The puppeteers of these armies are




Yet, let the wildflowers bloom
Reclaim the humanity that is ours to
Own. I command my heart to open like a sunflower to the moon.

We can’t ever give up.
We must keep standing
For all who are falling, kicked down the cliffs on bleeding knees,

Dig into the dust;
Plant a flowering heart in these arid crossings:

Grow here

Bright fields of compassion.

Let them bloom red,
Like our open hearts
Beating for our sons and daughters.
Redid this one in light of current events. Breaking my heart on a daily basis.
Abunde Oct 2023
Outraged by indifference,
On the streets, neighbors once friendly Now stand in opposing lines. Propaganda posters cover the walls, Spreading fear and dividing minds. Ukraine or Russia, Isreal or Palestine. Capitalism or communism the greediness and division funding all wars

In countries once united and with the hope of, now torn apart.  Hopes and dreams dashed, shattered like glass.  The future once bright, now a dark unknown.  How can we navigate our way into a peaceful world

Blue and yellow flags, now stained with blood. A nation once united, now torn asunder.  The echoes of shelling, ringing in their ears.  The land of golden wheat, now a barren wasteland.

So the streets are filled with chaos and fear,  And the violence rages on without cease. Bombs and bullets tear through the night,  and civilians cower in their homes, bereft of peace. The loss of life and suffering is great, And the scars of war run deep and true. The conflict rages on without end,  And hope seems hard to hold onto.

A home, once a dream of safety. Now a battlefield, a place of terror. The faces of loved ones, now distant memories. hearts, once full of hope. Now shattered and broken.

Amidst the chaos and despair, we search for a light. The occurring wars, the reasons to unite, for a glimmer of hope is a reason to go on.  So they cling onto the small moments of joy,  like the laughter of a child, or a flower in bloom. In the darkest of times, they try to find strength in the small things.

Though the scars of war may run deep, the world can still heal. We can still choose love, choose forgiveness.  We can choose to build a better tomorrow, Where peace reigns and hope abounds.  May we never forget the lessons of war, and may we always strive for a brighter future.

May we learn to forgive those who have wronged us,  and work to heal the divisions in our society.  May we reach out to those in need,  and work to create a more just and equitable world.  May we never lose sight of the beauty of life, as we hold fast to the belief that a better tomorrow is for us
This was inspired by social media updates on the wars currently taking place in the countries Ukraine and Israel. The purpose of this poem is to shine a light on the current conflicts in the world, while also emphasizing the need for peace and hope. The poem aims to explore the human cost of war, as well as the possibilities for reconciliation and healing.
Khoisan Oct 2023
Black bombs fly
religious people lie
sky scrapers cleric capers
THOSE!!!! archaic papers rise
here human dwelling must crumble
and masses must die.
in this barren space of Arabic land
feet aimlessly plod
the elderly pray
widows wail
orphans weep
and babies cry
on the order 1947
sacked from a place called heaven
waves in a sandstorm
40 nights and 40 more....
THOSE!!!! ghouls are rotten to the core
killing innocence
and much, much more....
Yousra Amatullah May 2022
You can keep inhaling the ashes of my people

But i assure you
We will keep exhaling poetry,
For our breath is burning hot

Surely, one day
It will reach you
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