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Tahlia-rayne Apr 2021
You gave me just enough oxygen to light myself on fire
julius Mar 2021
staring at pictures of you
because i love your eyelashes
and your heavy eyes.
you look so sickly,
and tired,
but that's okay,
so am i.

we are magnetic stars
spiraling through the cold ocean of space.
colliding, my lungs fill with ink
joining frail hand in hand,
meeting softly,
sharing an oxygen tank.

our bedroom walls are the same,
our hearts: the same frame
your crooked teeth
and my awkward smile
almost— fit perfectly.
you aren't lily. but she disappeared a long time ago
Nought Mar 2021
You were the fire,
A beautiful, glowing light,
And I was the oxygen.

You said,
You could not function without me,
But all that meant was,
You were using me,
Consuming me,
To glow forever brighter.
- Nought
Payton Hayes Feb 2021
I want to become part of you the way the wind becomes oxygen
in your lungs, and the way you cannot breathe when you are without me.
I'm not sure that this is a poem but rather a pretty thought. It was written in 2016.
photovoltaic Feb 2021
i used to breathe you in like the air i needed to survive
now that you've left, i never got used to breathing normal oxygen
so i put on this mask
to filter the air
so i can breathe independently
and muffle the sobs and screams in white fibrous fabric
that's why i wear that mask all the time.
i still miss you. you dont know who im talking about, trust me.
Look at me
How beautiful I am
lushes and so green
roots big and shiny
Now I am sad
I’m standing all alone
There were many more
I’m all that’s left over
Don’t hurt me  
you are hurting yourself
and this whole wide world.

Shell ✨🐚
Only a green life can save us
Strying Jan 2021
in and out
if you can breathe
you can live
if you can breathe
you can fight
so dont stop breathing
because i need you.
haha this sounds like an inspirational talk someone would give to someone during an apocalypse
Aisha Jan 2021
Isn't it beautiful
I breathe in all those gasses but
my body chooses you
Inhales you
Absorbs you
Allows you to caress my lungs
Fill my blood
Give me energy
give me life
I open my arms on a sunny day and
you swath me in your gentle breeze
I gasp for you
Yearn for you
I need you
Even when I'm not aware, you're
always there

So why is it when I'm drowning
When I need you most
I gasp
I yearn
I scream
I beg
I cry
you never come
I suddenly lose my breath
and suffocate in your absence
I wrote this in my sleep
aspen wilde Jan 2021
i keep forgetting to breathe,
forgetting to take in the oxygen
that keeps me alive.

the world doesn't know,
doesn't know the pain in my chest
that drags me under.

will you listen please,
my heart echos like
lightning and thunder.
Jaxey Dec 2020
you gave me hugs
when you could have
given me kisses
you gave me comfort
when you could have
given me oxygen
now I'm here
gasping your name
while you ponder
on why I can't breathe
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