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Jeremy Betts May 21
During one of my falls I must have accidentally gave a rain dance performance
A permanent grey cloud overhead, only mine, quite a thing to witness
It's a hindrance, I can't rid it from my existence, I'm not in the fix-it business
Would the hyperbolic y'all know the opposite to reverse this by chance?
I know what you'll be witness to looks bad from a distance at first glance
I understand, I've stood right there too, in that same cautionary stance
And why lie?
Persistence only dug my hole deeper, shoveling in a trance
I'm just a living, breathing being needing guidance and patience
And it's it to much to ask for an actual two sided romance?
But we can work on that last...

Heidi Franke Dec 2023
There are no limitations. You
Receive help that
You never accepted.
It now encircles you.
By an outstretched hand.
No one bites it off.
Acceptance received.

The sun directly investigates
Any unwillingness
To not accept change. Bringing a pinch of new light.

Who would you have to be
Stepping into the
Other side?
Finding you are truly good enough.
That any other connection
From limiting beliefs
Unravels, like opening a pomegranate. One seed thinks it's all alone,
not seeing all the others encased in their own restrictions.
What if it were the perfect time? The full ripe fruit.

You are the right age! This is the perfect time!

What if the opposite were true?
What would you do? Even if a part of you did not believe it?

Bathe hence your confining insistences.
What is in your skyline? Your oceans horizon?
Supplied with new resources, a deliberate inventory, of unrestricted beliefs, if the opposite were true?
Then who would you have to be
To make it unmistakable?
Who would I want to be
If the opposite were true? Now, only now, as a matter of time.
Reflections on a learned patterned of thinking, leading to a false self identity.
Shanghai Jan 2023
You're the opposite of everything
But here I am giving it a shot
To know you personally
Not just by your stories

Who would have thought
A man who is endomorphic
With tattoos and piercings
Is afraid of blood and ghosts

You dropped those three words
And it felt like a bomb to me
But I chose to ignore the feeling
For I know you got carried away

Your words are too much to handle
Your actions and words don't line up
I know that you miss the feeling
And I understand you

If the universe allows us to cross paths again,
I wish I could still see those sweet eyes
Whenever you laugh when I crack jokes
Jokes that comes out of the blue at ten
Lucius Furius Dec 2021
When the cold seeps through your skin,
thinking how many times you've walked here alone
when you might have been lying in the arms of lovers,
warm and comforting,
don't sit there shivering.
You weren't meant for those chains.
You were meant to rise on cool mornings
and swim in deep, clear ponds,
to walk along mountains
and stand at the edges of cliffs,
to gaze at stars --
drawing strength from their fiery motion.
Hear Lucius/Jerry read the poem: .
This poem is part of the Scraps of Faith collection of poems ( )
GaryFairy Oct 2021
Do you see it yet?
the you inside of me?
or have you seen it all along?
Making you want to destroy me, and leave you

I saw it so long ago
the me inside of you
he was the reason we didn't get along
Making me want to destroy myself, and leave you

You destroyed yourself though
leaving me all alone
now i feel like half of a person
Thank you for making the sacrifice, and bless you

I feel like a heel
knowing now, that the other half of me is out there
in a parallel world, with a parallel mind
Walking by myself, looking for you

just so i can find me
Sinister thickens. I know, you're not an animal...blah blah blah
LearnfromBOBD Jul 2021
Everyone's alive are living a life like its forever
When the owner knows the expiring date laughing often like we won't cry again
Buying luxuries gadget like we are brave
Buying expensive rides like they are only reason
Building houses like they can move it
Shopping expensively, oppressively
Standing to some great feet,
Being notorious.
Your shadow lying on the floor
giving warning, 6 feet is real
Your breathe is been measured by the hours of time.
The steps your feet takes is been counted.
Your happy moments, frustrated moments, sad moments and winning moments are noted.
Your life is designated to a specific death moment
Equipped with some amount of people to attend.
You won't know the person bathing you,
No can't know the coffin carrier,
You don't know anything. Anything you own is left behind
The ant on the ground has power over you.
You became a friend to the sand.
A very long time friend missing you.
Now you know who you are
Actually nobody,
The breathe of God gives Life
Makes us somebody.
Be good and be good
Give even if it is your last
Be happy when you do.
Help even if not returned, don't make no harm
Death is not the opposite of life,
part of it.
Death opposite friend coffin carrier nobody own breathe shadow
Ylzm Jul 2021
You use your cleanest rag
to clean a mess
An antiseptic swab
to clean a wound
And the softest strongest
to wipe your ****

Only the strong
can be burdened
Only the living
bleeds when cut
And a tree withered
to its roots still lives

The poor illustrates
the folly of greed
The outcasts reveal
the pretence of good
And the chosen shattered
that evil's judged
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, never knew before:?

mind fluttered
heart triggered
or was it the opposite?
to not feel
is constantly abandoning the real
or was it overthinking?
white sun
yellow moon shun
or was it the lamp in my room?
exclamation mark
question bark
or was it me confused?!
flames left turned in hurt
backs flared then burnt
or was it them that slammed the door?
now a missing bone
from an unsolved puzzle all alone  

I am in the mirror
Your reflection
Your opposite
But I am still you
Just wanted to try the opposite way of typing, It's kinda fun
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