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Anais Vionet Aug 2020
(3 Senryus)

No - don’t kiss me
unless you're planning to
start a new habit.

Don't borrow kisses
unless you can return them
with real interest.

Remember boy-O
it's all fun and games 'til
someone falls in love.
three haikus - about kisses borrowed - not stolen  =]
Raven Blue Aug 2020
We started from enemies;
Until we became allies.
We became closer and closer;
Until we were struck with limerence to each other.

Our love for each other was ineffable;
And we treasure each other.
But there was an accident;
That flipped our entire lives.

We protected each other;
And in the end, we died together.
Our lives maybe ephemeral;
But our love will last forever.

What happened to us proved the promise that we made for each other;
"Till death do us apart."
Anais Vionet Jun 2020
I'm like a Vulcan when you aren't around -
logical, distant, evaluating you
like a product with my friends,
the consumer with a lifetime of buying.

But near you I'm a prisoner
of some consciousness independent of thought,
like a fever or the dreamer,
with the merest semblance of control.

You are light and loose, hair like Spanish moss
and skin like cedar resin, all laughter and agonizing beauty.
The way you lean across the table I only think of kissing you.

I'm sure at times it must show,
like a red stain on a white dress
or some inconvenient *******..

You have some license on me,
a key to a place in me I keep hidden and close,
you fit some interior template of desire.

What good is freedom if I can't tell you‽
Oh, The ragged vagaries of loves games.

1000 emotions and I am deserted
to silence by some rule of thumb -
by a faltering consumer confidence
or some feeling of inward nakedness -
when all I want in the world is an open kiss
or to give you an intimate scented something...
a crush poem
Zhavaed Haemaed May 2020
My little game of  Chess
That I played, with you
Making subtle moves
Hinting all too softly
Allowing impasses
Offering a pawn
Renouncing knights
Denouncing  a  bishop
Even giving up my Queen
That trying game of  Chess
It appears, has come to a stale
Without one word spoken, without
An idea or intellect having being shared
My dear, I have not tried hard enough, and
I shall never be the wiser for not having made a move
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
The glint from your eyes,
A hint of your smile.
A subtle affair.
A subtle affair.
Lines that from you are made,
Love that for you emanate,
My heart, melts away.
My heart, melts away.
Truth be told, I am infatuated.
Love not, it's a lightning strike.
And I am lost,
Darling, I am lost.
Would you then, take your pen?
And pen down few words to me?
Write me a love letter,
Honey, write me a love letter.
Wouldn't you ?
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
I longed for you
As a poet would
Over his elusive villanelle

I longed for you
As the Sun would
Daft love for end of day

I longed for you
As Spring would
Showers of June to rain

I longed for you
As my love brood
Incessant and partly gray

Pray ardourous affection pull you in
And treat my throbbing heart of May !
Infatuation for someone I had a crush on.
Valentia Sep 2019
another sleepless night
muddled heart,
muddled mind.

i'm losing myself and
it's all your fault

i don't care about
anything else just
in love with me already

i can't
ghost queen Feb 2019
this obsession that consumes and burns within me
is it love, true, unconditional, the kind in fairytales
or limerence, intoxicating, ephemeral, lasting only 900 days
the moment i pledge my highest love, i face my greatest fear

when i fall to sleep at night, you are my last thought
the first when i wake, then all day long
kiss me, sweetly, softly, eternally, promise never to stop

wrap me in your arms, hold me tight, like a scared child
show me your love, prove it to me over and over again
kiss me, on the lips, tenderly, so i can feel your pulse

whisper, in my ear, tell me the lies i want to hear
share with me, the secrets, deep in your soul
faint echoes fading in a wishing well

kiss my lips, my cheeks, ******* tears
undress my dear, bare your skin, your soul, let me see you whole
let me taste your tears, i promise never to leave

run your fingers through my hair, feel its softness, smell it’s sweetness
do you remember, when we first slept together
scared children, orphaned, hugging each other tight, all night

i need to feel you against me, your breath on my neck
your scent, enveloping, penetrating deep within me
hug me, cradle me, rock me gently into security
#353 2019.04.02
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