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I want to have courage and confidence in our marriage,
That no matter what happens, you will be there,
Beside me.

You are not the one that has made me doubt.
I've gathered the doubt from
Countless places
And years of experience.
Like mineral deposits, it will take time purge,
To chip away at the worries and anxieties.

I'm glad we've started that clean up.

I want to feel Freedom
Of always knowing you have my heart,
That your hands treasure that gift and
Keep it close.
That you will not push me away.

I want to able to take you for granted,
But to never choose to do so.
I want you to know how closely I hold you in my heart,
That I will never let you go.
I love you.
I love being your snuggle bug,
Your lover,
Your wife.
It still feels like a dream, being in my shoes,
The greatest dream I have ever dreamt.

Thank you for not fading,
For not drifting away when I wake.
I want that continued courage and confidence
That you will always be there
As you promised you would.

I love you.
Things are better now.
My other half, my dear,
When you stay, when you hear,
I know you are with me.

I'm scared.
I don't want either of us to leave,
I would fall apart
Because I am in love with you. Forever.

I will stay here with you
As long as I am allowed to linger.
Hold me closer,
Hold me tighter,

The way that you cherish me.
Smiling has never been easier because I can remember how it feels to be in your arms.
And I know you are like me:
You want to have this love forever.
I am found. :)
Old Bio
My dear Faithful Husband
I hope you know
My goal is to never take you for granted
I cherish you always
I love your scent and your smile
You make me happy
Your arms keep me warm and safe
Protected when you are near
I love you my darling dearest
With every breath I take and beyond
Just another day.

Weeks have gone by with me in this funk.
Don't know what I'm doing.
Don't know where I'm going wrong.
Waking up is worse than falling asleep.
Nightmares next to my patient husband.
Drained more than I started with.
Cannot remember what went on.
Days and days, just another day.

Just another.

More than I could have asked for, more than I could ever dream...
Kisses with you,
Your hand in mine,
Kneeing with you,
Exchanging rings.
I will never give this up for anything.
I can feel your love for me, and
Wish you weren’t so far.
You, me?
I’m excited to have this forever view.

You help me bloom,
Watching movies, eating pizza,
I never want this to end.
You on one knee, and I
Happy, ecstatic, YES!!!
The pitch of a piccolo.
Forever in Sixteen.
My dreams have almost become reality,
Blurring lines between what is now
And what I always wanted.
Falling asleep listening to your
Melodic voice on the phone
While you’re hundreds of miles away.
I love your rhythm, your music,
The tones, and the love I hear.
Sleeping, dreaming that your strong arms
Are around me.
Your heart beat and warm kisses
Are beyond description.
I feel if any human could love me forever,
It would be you.
Last step until living in a dream:
Marrying you.
Less than three weeks until forever :)
Concentration on the cake I was mixing
Annoyance that the doorbell rang
Frustration that security camera wasn’t working
Exasperation at who I thought was a salesman
Suprised as I pulled the door open
Confused as I stood there gazing at you
Loved as I lept into your arms
July 14 ♥️
Thank you for the surprise my Darling
Hold me tight,
My guardian,
The Angel that God sent to meet me.
Honest, gentle one,
With your warm smiles and
Caressing lips.
Will you let me have your heart forever?
Handsome Prince
The man I trust,
How can you convince me that
This isn’t a dream?

I love you.
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