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Cerasium Jun 2020
What’s the point
What’s the point of confessing
What’s the point of being open
What’s the point of letting people in

I’ve started to question
Why I even bother trying
Letting people in my head
Just to be let down and forgotten

What’s the point of caring
When all you get in return
Is a cold shoulder
Or completely ignored

What’s the point of attraction
If all it leads to is suffering
What’s the point of it all
When you will just be tossed aside

What’s the point
Of wearing your heart on your sleeve
When all that will happen
Is it being tossed into the dirt

Crushed under the weight of abandonment
Lost in the waves of forgotten-ness
Possessed by the need to be seen
Yet forever be ignored by the one who holds it

It doesn’t matter anymore
But it still hurts badly
I have **** off my emotions
But the damage has already been done

Shattered remains of a once caring heart
Lay broken across this scarred flesh
A reminder that caring for another
Will only lead to pain and anguish

So from now on
I will no longer care
I will no longer fight
I will no longer love

I will keep to myself
I will seal off my heart
No one deserves it
Not anymore
Ella James Apr 2020
I feel trapped.

Like a small mouse with its leg stuck under a metal bar

In a glass jar, lid ******* on tight.


No one can hear me

Goosebumps caress my body  



You look into my eyes; seeing dark grey clouds

Heart hardly pumping as my eyes bore into yours

I am dead.

Barely breathing

Glazed eyes pool

Salt dripping off eyelashes

Curves aching as nails dig deeper

I crumble under the touch

Blank face.

Blank heart.

I am dead.
Quin Rosenheart Jan 2020
I lust for someone who doesn't care.
I care for someone who doesn't love.
I love someone who doesn't feel.
I feel for someone who doesn't care.
And so the cycle continues
Because I'll never be enough.
Annie Cynthia Dec 2019
I feel nothing,
I am made of rubber and spice.
I sway meaningless to meaningful songs,
laugh without a sparkle in my eyes.

I feel nothing,
I talk and laugh all day,
I sit and stare at night.
I am this loud silence deafening the earth.

I feel nothing,
Violins playing in cemeteries,
skeletons dancing to merry tones.
I look at them with dead eyes.

I feel nothing,
I am numb.
I am the sun and the moon.
The dark and the light.

I feel nothing,
I am not present here.
I am a forgotten corpse,
mistakenly breathing and emptily alive.
Desire Dec 2019
As I think of this world
That includes the people I do not adore
I second guess myself
And if my surroundings are enough
I look to the right of me
And see displeasure in the wannabes
Then look to the left
To recognize the ones with no depth
Truth is I don’t know anything
But this feeling of company is way to uneasy
So I structure my soul to distance itself
From people and their drawn attention to chaos
They call me emotionless and unfree
But it’s way more logical to be an absentee
And disregard the scattered pieces of my breaking heart
From the boundless interaction of humanity’s scars
You won't see me cry.
Not even a single tear.
No tears will drop on my cheek,
No tears from me, not here.

You won't see me cry.
You won't see me be fagile,
I will throw up these barriers,
I will hide behind a fake smile.

You won't see me cry.
I won't show you I'm weak.
Broken heart, loss of a loved one,
You may think that I'm a freak.

You won't see me cry.
You will never see me cry.
These flood gates won't open,
No matter how hard I try.

You won't see me cry.
Don't take it personal please,
I just can't do it in front of people,
When I'm on my own, the tears release.

You won't see me cry.
Behind closed doors, a fly on the wall,
You would see the anger, sadness and dejection,
Only there the tears will fall.
Smiling Queen Aug 2019

    ­                B
   ­                 K
  ­                           E
                     ­                   O
  ­                                      E
                         ­               R
                                                ­      M

These are the words that define "ME".

             ~your smiling queen :)
This is ME.
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