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Glenn Currier Mar 2022
It is a lie.
I can’t get into your skin
nor see the blight on your soul
nor know the wealth of your life
in the darkness and the light.

It seems to me – and I could be wrong –
these four words
discount the other’s experience
dismiss the depth of a friend’s feeling.

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Have NOT been there
like you have.
I thank Maddy for her poem -  that caused me to think about the impact of those four words and thus became the inspiration for this poem.
neth jones Sep 2019

weak aural colour

finding no worthy signal

feel no ruth for you

Anti Haiku
George Krokos Oct 2017
Some people in life you'll meet may think and say that ignorance is bliss,
while some others around will refute the idea as nonsense and so dismiss.
They may also add that if we don't know about something it probably wont hurt
but, if we do know, it can make a world of difference and thus any danger avert.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's
Mary Frances Oct 2017
I long...
                      For you to hold my hands
                      while doing everything we planned.

                                For you to whisper in my ears
                                as you drive away my fears.

                      For you to be my light
                      Every time darkness covers my sight.

                                For me to listen to your heart's beat,
                                each moment we meet.

As much as I want this, reality strikes and it's hard to dismiss.
That even if I know this is all wrong, it's still you I always long.
I'm never worth the time
It seems
To invest in, in any way

Unraveling seams
Silent screams
No matter how I splay

I fail to see
What you see in me
Based on words you choose

Unless of course
I'm your dead horse
Hanging from your noose

Dragged around
On the ground
Through the muck and mire

Gripping blight
Unseen plight
In shadows, I expire

Loveless love
minim shoves
Kept at arms length distance

What must I do
To get you to
Notice my decaying consistence

Actions and words
You infer
Splinters of remiss

What it shows
In my woes
I'm easy to dismiss

— The End —