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basil Oct 2021
i make these lists in my head
of my ideal partner
and i know that it's not fair or healthy
but i do it anyway

they have to wear jewelry and have their ears pierced
it would be good if they had a sense of anarchy
love of reading is a must, and they'd better read my suggestions
i want someone with a pretty voice
to read me poetry and sing duets with me in the car
speaking of, i'd like them to have a car
because i believe in the inherent romance of the passenger seat
i would steal the aux cord and blast the playlist that they made me

i want to love someone who loves things
who loves to love things
almost as much as i do

they have to love art, and it would be a plus if they made some
because i can't draw for sh*t, but i can look at paintings until i die
i want to go to art museums with them and symphonies and plays
we can sit in the cheapest seats and throw pennies instead of roses

god, i want someone with strong hands
that can hold me and i will just know that they want to
i want to love someone with dyed hair
so i can sit with them between my legs as i reapply the color
and have stains on my fingers for weeks
i want a poet, because i want to be immortalized
in raw phrases in a moleskin journal

but i just haven't met this person yet
i don't know if i ever will
****, not me trying to manifest my soulmate <//3

Who knew two dimples could make my whole world stop~
Kimmie Jul 2020
Oh I love the way you laugh
those cute lil dimples you have
Those eyes that see through my soul
That tummy when you are too full

The way you get tired of long hot walks
and tell me you're okay when I asks
That never ending stories and humor
Oh what more can I ask for

With you I have no worries
We never ran out of batteries
In most things we connect
Indeed we are truly a match perfect

I wanna spend more time with you
if it's okay can you be my boo
But I will choose to be just a friend
Coz I don't want this relationship to end
Mrigank Soral Apr 2020
Hey gal..
I have some queries about your "one-sided dimple"..
Like materials,, does it expand or contract when subject to change in temperature??🤔🤔
Like magnets,, does it attract to opposite and repel the same??🤔🤔
Like an electric charge, does it produce current??🤔🤔
and like water,, does it become steamy when heated and become icy when cooled??🤪🙈
hiraeth Nov 2019
apostrophes when she smiles
he’d been driving for miles
her smile in his head
like bumps in the road
too many things unsaid
and things spoken he couldn’t decode
but he thought of her instead
and the way her smile glowed
Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
Him: She looked different, I hadn’t seen her face this bright in a really long time. In that moment she was the moon, the star, a luminous soul that stood before my eyes. She was like confetti, leaving sparkles where she stepped. It wasn’t like the happiness she plastered on her face or the smile that made dimples appear on the ends of her lips. This was different. I could feel the energy. 
Her cheeks swallowed her eyes whole and those hidden teeth behind her lips were exposed. It was just everything about her, how her voice was powerful and high-pitched just like a youngster. The way her pupils dilated and showed all her excitement. The way her soul radiated excitement and joy. It was everything about her, the way she moved, the way she spoke, the way she laughed. Happiness made her feel like she could do anything. Happiness was more than just beautiful on her. It was luminous and powerful.

Her: This happiness felt ineffable. It was more than just a star lighting up in the dark, it was more than the darkness fading away. It wasn’t the happiness that is supposed to be picture perfect or the commercially perfect of having pearly white teeth. It was the one that my soul roar and bursting away from the confinement. It was the happiness that made adrenaline rush through my veins and neurons spark every cell of mine. It was the happiness that made me not care about what others thought, whether I was too much or over-excited. I was happy, I was more than happy after a very long time. It didn’t matter to me. I felt fierce. I felt like a child. I felt everything beautiful and powerful. I didn’t want to lose it to others words or to anything in this world. I was going to protect it, guard it and hold on to it. I was going to shine and radiate.
Z Sep 2018
An imprint on your face and my mind,
Your dimples curved like gentle commas
demanding I pause to trace those lines
Between kisses of every genre
Matt Hews Sep 2016
I remember it like it was yesterday -
The sickly anti-septic smell,
The bright fluorescent-lit room.
The perpetual

Your eyes are closed;
Your face at ease.
But I know,
Under the immaculate facade
Of gentle freckles -
You are in so much pain.

I gently squeeze your hand.

Your eyes open:
A bewitching light-brown.
You smile one of your illuminating smiles -
The kind that would make stars envious.
Your dimples
A perfect compliment to your picturesque features.

Goodbye, my love
                 You whisper.

Your eyes close;
Your face at ease.

I will never forget that icy sound:
The sound of finality.
The undying

You are always in my heart, my Love. I can't wait to meet you on the other side again; where we can hold each other for eternity.
Peter Kiggin Sep 2016
Green dream .

It's all about you little child smiling with glee
It's all about me being bold and playing the drum out loud
Why can't we see why can't we see
We live on the ground and we wear shoes to move us around
We go to places that we've never seen and at night we might dream yes we might dream of where we have been
You know what you've seen
You know where you have been
But in your mind it's not how it seemed in your dream
It's all about you and what did it mean
It's all about me and my eyes are attracted to green attracted to green attracted to green.
Anita Daniel Jun 2016
I was coming from a prayer meeting with my aunt, sister, niece and nephew.
The car stopped waiting for our gate to open up
I looked out of the window
I had to for I heard laughter
As I looked closer I noticed that he has dimples
Beautiful smile I immediately wanted to see more
He was with his friends, but I noticed him only
I decided to go to the shop
That's where they were standing
I just wanted him to greet me nothing more
Little did I know that he was checking me out
I bought credit then turned to head back into our yard
But someone blocked my way
Hahaha Dimples stood right in front of me
He took my hand and shook it
"You have beautiful eyes" he said
From that moment I liked him so much
Him holding me and complimenting me got him my digits
Serendipity is what caused our encounter
Now we are deeply in love with each other
Nothing can ever break us
I swear everytime I think of that day it feels as though I'm reading a scene from one of my favorite Novels
I didn't know where we would end, but now I do
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