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Xyns Jul 2017
I want to explain the ****** up ****
That runs through my mind
No, I need to

Because I feel like I"m trapped in a monotonous circle of
"I need you"
I've got a shitload of scattered thoughts to **** through
My brain is a minefield
And lies are the only things I know to be true
Days get blurred by copious drug abuse
Amphetamines scream "*****, I know you!
And you need me! You know it's true!"

The night seems endless because the days burn cold
I'm digging six feet under to make my home that hole
My body may look young but my spirit has grown old
Hesitating to be bold
This **** has gotten old
My insides are rotten...yes, I'm filled with mold
And I'd give away my soul
But I'd be lying if I said it hasn't already been sold

They can't stop puffing ******
Even though the prices get steeper
I'd leave if he hadn't said that I am a keeper

But, babe, I'm a ******* liar
I wish I could ignore you but you're my heart's sole desire
So, sadly, I'm wired
Sobriety expired
Remember, babe, I'm a ******* liar

So, I'll make false promises like liars do
And please believe me when I say it's true
Because, ****, *I need you to
I smell that i am rotting
the flower by my nose  
Was easily retrieved
from dirt beneath my toes

Distract me from the pain
redirect my sadness
Are those in love sane
or wallowing in madness..?

Everything is potent till you use it all the time
yet your still on canvas in the paintings of my mind
I find ;
i never quite lose you all the way
I tossed you to the ground
but wanted you to stay..
The Judge Jun 2016
Sometimes you have to let the tears flow,
Other times you have to let your feelings drown.
Because even planets wish to glow
like the stars who wear their crowns.

When the feelings become to much,
and you just want to die.
You need to throw away that crutch,
and stop wanting to fly.

There are times you don't want to feel at all
and you just want to be one with nothing.
Those are the times you stand tall
and make yourself feel something.
Jude kyrie Nov 2015
Signpost to oblivion

When she threw me out
It was my fault I know.
The drinking had started again.
I slept in the car for days.
Locked out at night.
Yet still I drank
My job was lost.
But not as lost as me.
I remember waking
in the drunk tank.
I was ***** unshaven.
And my eyes were hollow.
She paid my bail.
I saw her through the bars
of the cell.
She was so beautiful.
And so clean and pure.
She whispered quietly
I always loved you.
I still do.
I felt so ***** I needed
A shower and shave.
But living rough is hard.
I quietly said thank you
I love you too.
She touched my cheek
With her finger tips
Like she used
to touch my skin
When we made love
In our clean bed.
She had tears in her eyes
As she saw what I had become.
She said softly
You know I lost our son as well.
As I stumbled away
to that signpost
for the town of oblivion
Ambika Jois Nov 2015
All these days
I thought I was fated
Challenged against my will
To gain the trust of strangers
Strangers who turn into friends
Friends who turn into lovers
Lovers who turn heartbroken

I don’t bow my head to their feet
I bow down way beneath
To offer this trust
In desperation to be trusted
With the impression that trust happens on the outside.

While I feed my soul to the world outside
While I feed myself an understanding
That strangers turn into friends,
I am blinded away from my world on the inside.
Those I always know are my own
Become more transparent than invisibility
Those I take for granted as my own,
Become the strangest of strangers.

While I chisel and chisel away
I shape strangers into friends
Friends into lovers
Until I carve a bit too deep into the stone
Realizing a little too late its fragility
Lovers turn broken hearted
And I fall

And there they appear all over again
My very own strangers
They reappear
With love
They disappear again
With strangeness
Yet only they appear again
And again

Godsend, these strangers are
They let me walk away from them
They let me befriend
They let me love
They let me hurt and get hurt
They let me fall
They watch me fall

Yet they appear,
Only to pick me up again
To hold me with grip
To be my crutch, my wheel and my horn
To be the strangers I first opened my eyes to
To be the strangers who showed me friendship
To be the strangers who taught me love
To be the strangers whose hearts are too strong to break
To be the strangers I call,
My family.
Liam C Calhoun Oct 2015
I dined upon a firefly tonight;
So that my belly’d master,
But the cold can in my hand
Led to – Pebbles in my feet;
And pebbles in my feet
Led to –
Loneliness and
Left behind, starved, and
In a way I’d never fathomed.
Put it down?
Heather Valvano May 2015
Kick out the crutch
False fixes are always temporary bandages
ahmo Apr 2015
What shapes do you think of
when you sit under trees?
Blunt corners, forgiving curves-
a fluctuation that never seems to ease.

Do we circle in repetition?
Or is self defeat
a mirage of an inhibition?

The lines sometimes will never touch.
But this lack of closure
does not discount your right
to an ameliorative crutch.
Xander King Jan 2015
I was your crutches when your heart was breaking
I was your scarf and gloves to keep you warm in the winter.
But when the sun came
You didn't need me.
When your heart healed,
You tossed aside your crutches
And I waited for the cold to come
Leaving your heart broken
begging for warmth and support.
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