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mark soltero Oct 2021
bile splatters the wall
dreadful peace fills my veins at once
it’s all going to be okay
the worst of this is tooth decay
i can’t rely on others to know better

how can something so disgusting feel this pure
why does this burn in my throat bring me closer to perfection
tears feel valid only when they’re forced
it all feels so wrong
but i can’t let go of this control
peace can’t stay here anymore

but don’t leave me like everyone else has
i’ve given up on everything
i can’t face the world without you
tears shed just for you to stay
please lie in this filth next to me
don’t flee like the rest
there’s no other way i can cope today

the mirror leaves me unrecognizable
the reflection is a lie
you can’t let this happen
here to destroy me
the progress we’ve made
i can’t become an embarrassment once again
i brought you here to take on some of this grief

lonely times in the bathroom
the tile still feels so cold
warmth you gave feels like daggers in my stomach
like bugs trying to escape
i didn’t eat the food
it’s eating away at me
Zack Ripley Oct 2021
I can't stand being alone.
So, to cope, I remind myself
That sometimes,
there are some things you have to do alone.
Juno Mar 2021
And just when I thought I might drown under these waves of sadness,
You showed me how to swim.
SquidInk Feb 2021
Happy Valentine's day to my ex
I will always smile at our pictures
I will always find you funny
I will always contemplate saying something to you when I see you
I will make fun of you to my friends to help me cope
I just wish that I hadn't completely lost you
Towards the end, we weren't in a healthy relationship
But I still miss you being my best friend
I still miss texting you good morning and goodnight
I hate that we have shut each other out
Because no matter how much you ****** me off I wanted to be there
Because you were my best friend
i miss the other parts of you i lost when i lost you
You've been through so much trauma
You'll find it hard to cope
You'll ask yourself why it happened
And you'll never understand
Everything you learned about family will seem unreal
And you'll cry yourself to sleep wishing not to wake up

You'll go through problems with alcohol
You'll use it just to cope
You'll turn to harming yourself to feel something
And you'll probably never feel free

But just know it does get better
As hard as it's to belive
Were recovering slowly bat surely
As much as we're still scared to sleep

It'll still haunt us day by day and we will never not think about it
But she's not a part of our life now
She was never family to start with

Youll grow older and you'll make a fee mistakes
But you'll meet some amazing people and you'll find reasons to live

No one should want to die so young and here we are
But I promise, one day we will go far
♡ Trigger warnings ♡
~ self harm
~alcohol abuse
Anemone Nov 2020
I'm numb.

A word Ending in mb
Such a strange combination
Occurring most memorably in dumb


People are injected with novocaine to quell the pain in surgical operations
I don't need any kind of injection for my own physical protection
I already feel no pain
Yet they give it to me all the same

This is defense
This is to cope
This just makes sense
That's what I hope
A rush of emotion
Something I can feel
Is this temporary
Is this even real

When was the last time you actually ate
I don't know - I don't know what I put on my plate
Joy for a minute and then it's all gone
And they ask me what is it - what could possibly be wrong

I'm yearning
And learning
Not earning

Any of their respect
It's a multiple-choice test and no answers are correct
Connor Tricho Nov 2020
He dug me a grave
So I planted a tree
He sent me a wave
So I sailed out to sea

And to see what he throws
I must be quick on my feet
To catch hold of my breath
Before he takes hold of me

Now I'm in the hole
Where he left me to die
So throw me the rope
As I say my goodbye

But not to my life.

No, not to my life.

The rope 'round my waist
Not my neck, as I climb
I wave goodbye to him
For the very last time
•• | •
Veritia Venandi Oct 2020
Sometimes,I feel,my mind, is my greatest enemy...

For in a place full of haunting trees and wild animals...
It imagines for me a garden of Eden where I can thrive in peace...!

How often my mind deceives me into thinking that I am loved in return...
Even when the pain and agony of unrequited feelings knocks at my door...
Like a good old friend...!

The remnants of lost friendships gather like thunder clouds in the sky...
Yet my mind consoles me with a lie that it will not rain...!

But then, I realise that I have survived the greatest tragedies of life by letting the mind cover the rusty tracks of reality...

I wonder if my mind hadn't lied I would have fallen into an abyss never to return...

My hopes would have never got time to build up if I had not taken the shoulders of a lie to lean for a while...

I often ask my mind about it... Only to get one answer back...
That to live with the truth forever... You will have to first cope with a lie!
Most realisations come at a time when you never expect it to... This was something that suddenly popped into my mind and I wrote it... Hope you all could relate...
Thank you so much, for reading this ❤
Izzy Sep 2020
Creativity is a coping mechanism for those disillusioned by the reality
Myrrdin Aug 2020
It does not end abruptly, nor is it brief.
It begins with sleeping in too late,
Sometimes lunch or dinner is forgotten,
Laughter sounds hoarse, even forced
They didn't do up their seatbelt yesterday,
Pharmacies will call for missed refills,
They won't make plans for next month,
Eventually they won't make plans at all,
When is the last time they showered?
Did you see them eat the other day?
Is their phone off?
Have you heard anything?
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