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Lily May 2018
So many people talk about the
Light at the end of the tunnel.
But they don’t talk about
What comes after that.
They don’t talk about how
The light blinds you when you get too close,
How it completely swallows you, and
How you’re left confused and bewildered afterwards.
No one tells you that change can hurt you,
Internally- the worst way-
Turning your whole world upside down.
No one talks about how the
Light at the end of the tunnel can also be
The light of an oncoming train.
Simon Bechtel May 2018
Once there was a cloth.
It was pretty and blue
and white and red.
Everyone thought it was grand
because it flew up so high.
It stayed there all the time.
But since it was so high up,
nobody noticed the fabric tearing.
Nobody noticed the stitches failing.
The people just saw the cloth
way up high like it was before.
The people never noticed
that their cloth had become a rag.
Patriotism blinds one to the problems and flaws of their country.
Umi Apr 2018
To death in love!
The eye of ones heart closes for their beloved, their most precious treasure of them all clouded by emotions stored for them deep within
Unanswered love leads to a stinging mind of the subscocious, caught and rose by a burning ember of feelings, turning into an inferno,
Blinded by it, they will not acknowledge the falsities of their partner, nor their mistakes or even their treaciousness, as for them he is perfect, conciously imaged as the ideal and the best they ever had,
But no! God forbids, they learn about the art of blinding love while they sink to the bottom of a sea of passion and affection, in a last remote of a courtain call to simple yet manifest carelessness,
Small lies lead to grand falsities overlooked by a noncaring closed eye
Rekindled in a dream they rather follow their instincs than the truth,
Illusions cast by embers of love deep within the unconcious, like a courtain to be blocked from all light, holding on to dear of what is loved and cherished, praised and adored, an emotion leading stray,
The philosophy of a hated person, would be to never close the open eye of ones heart, so you fall not too hard when you begin to love,
But when all falls apart, realisation is like the thorns of countless roses
It is the heart sign of selfless love.

~ Umi
Mark Steigerwald Nov 2016
Its closing in
Burning within
Beneath my skin
My darkest sin.

Its rising to a peak
It's blinding me from what I seek
It snaps at my  feet
It shouts out at me with all its strength
"I am your defeat!".

It's eyes ablaze
yet oh so dark
What measure knows his tallied days
What fathom holds  his tormented heart.
It peers unwanted into my fragile soul
it grasps tightly
desperate to take me down and pull
me with him.

His hold so tight,
like an eternal night
the fear goes on and on and on.

But then I see it.
Or perhaps it's a Him and not an it.
It's bright as the sun yet I can look right at it.
Its coming close
so very close.
My heartbeat quickens,
my frail courage thickens
And the beast that grasps my soul clenches tighter
as the light before me glows brighter.

As the being comes closer I can tell that it's a Man
but like no man that I have ever seen,
his eyes carry the fiercest gleam,
like nothing else I've ever seen,
like no dream thats ever been dreamed.

I can see pure white light
the fire that surrounds him is ferocious
yet somehow I am surviving this sight.

I look down and I feel
the cold, clammy claws
of the beast start to peel

Before the brilliance
and the sheer glory
of Him who comes
The beasts resilience
and the wretched story
we share
begin to crumbled.

Piece by piece,
link by link
stone by stone
the dungeons, the shackles the walls,
that the beast had build around me
Began to undo.
All his work, everything that he had fought for for so long,
now coming undone in mere moments.

Suddenly I feel it
The great weight coming off.
I had been at the bottom of the sea
with a millstone tide around me
with all those voices telling me
who I ought to be.
Telling me what I ought to see
down in that devil's sea
where all around me
was darkness.
A darkness that gave me a false identity,
a darkness that told me I could never be.
"Now see darkness?" I shout "I now can be,
for you now can not.
For He set me free, He said son you're free!
so be here no more in this devil's sea.
Come with me now
I want to give you an eternity with me."

I stretched my weary legs and jumped for freedom
I watched as the beast plummeted down into his doomed kingdom.
It was finally over.
The weight off my shoulder
all those long years,
all those wretched tears.
I was free.

As I reveled in my freedom
He stepped in near,
He said "In me there is no fear".
He said "My son, my son I will never forsake you."
I said "But I am not worthy, if only you knew
what I know, if only you had seen what I have seen."
He simply looked into my eyes
with those burning eyes of his,
And He said "I know 'everything', and 'everything' doesn't change a thing.
My love for you is unconditional, my love for you comes without a price or expectations. It's pure, it's whole, it's bigger than you could ever imagine. I have always loved you, I have always been with you, but you have not always been with me. I have set you free now be free and see all that I have for you.
My son your 'everything'  doesn't make you weaker, it doesn't make you less attractive to me, it doesn't hinder me from loving you. Your 'everything' only makes you stronger. Your story is your strength. Your past is your rock. Broken bones grow back stronger, Broken hearts grow deeper, broken souls find their healer and re-find their purpose.
The best is yet to come for through me
Phoebe Hynes Dec 2016
You came to me in what I thought was a dream,
but it was actually the mundane,
and the secrets my conscious brain,
was keeping from me.

You were a part of reality all along,
it's just taken me a bit to realize it.
Sunlight can be blinding,
and raindrops are more obvious.
Ravanna Dee Sep 2016
Sometimes- sometimes there are people that come into our lives who have us thinking that they're both the moon and the sun. We believe they must be part of some greater light that has the ability to fill those dark cracks in our hearts- our very beings, blinding us with their glory... But they aren't.
Actually, they're were just dust that got swept into our eyes, making everything blurry and more difficult to see. Causing our blindness. And, all that time, they were really just filling our cracks with cobwebs.
So, darling, let them go.
You don't need them to fill the vacancy anymore.
Don't hold onto people who aren't really there for you.
You deserve better. More.
Sequel to my poem A Mourner's tale

Her days turned darkness, as evil taunted her soul
Shattered she stood as the night fought her
Harrowing it was when time stood still
Fearful it were when he held her down
as he took away her reason to smile again
In a journey of ten minutes he took away her dreams alongside her innocence

There was no morning too bright to elude this darkest plight
There was no one to hold her again
No reason to smile
No light too bright

And then

I say

It was blinding how the sun pierced into her damaged soul
And when night came, she could not feel,
She could not see

It was shattering
It was shattering how pieces of her couldn't be mended again
And how these pieces spread beyond her life
It was shocking

It was shocking how her own mind questioned her existence
And how she lived through life, existing, but not living
It was monstrous*

It was monstrous how men could damage a flower so pure and beautiful
And how they go on damaging more flowers,
Crushing them and eluding them all of their innocence
It was blackening
Copyright professor Marylyn-Dolly
All rights reserved.
It was piercing the way the day slowed in her eyes
As she felt the pain of been abandoned
It was shaking.

It was shaking how the cold stole her skin in the mid of the night
As she watched through her window pane, with tears in her eyes
It was harrowing

It was harrowing how her lights turned darkness
As she moved through time without any hope, wishing her life would end
It was fearful

It was fearful how darkness taunted her soul, and how she searched for light in darkness still
As she sailed in an ocean of endless misery, without any destination
It was blinding

Professor Marylyn-Dolly©
A Mourner's tale
Sethnicity Dec 2015
The imperfect sunrise of mourning
Tears glittered by sugar and spice
like regretful words of self tormenting
My tounge of coals is removed twice,
Silenced from former end fights,
Forgiveness is found in remembering
She'll  never know how my heart pings
FM static wet windows and cold
lost in moments of sun shards shimmering
All the way down the road.
Ever been thinking while taking the kids to school? I have.
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