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Madison Greene Jan 2019
sometimes I wonder what it would have felt like to call you mine
to get lost in a sea of blankets
and hear your voice on my walk to class
I'm still holding your secrets like porcelain resting in my bones
there are nights where my mind is lost in the confessions we never made
and I find myself missing someone I never even had
isn't it pretty to think of what we could've been?
you'll always be my favorite almost
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
I spent all night attempting to take
Care of you even after you said
I was needy, I stayed awake
Sober while I put you to bed.

I covered you in blankets we shared
Wiped puke off of your face
I did not mind having to stay there
(Boots weren't that hard to unlace)

Helping makes me feel good
If I was the one passed out by two
I know without doubt you would
Take care of me the same way too
This was written 8-27-12
It feels like a lifetime ago
Wish my life was still this simple
Rafał Aug 2018
Flowers wither away
They form a blanket of petals
Through the fall they decay
In winter, the snow settles

I hide my hands in sleeves
Of my cotton sweater
Stomping on the swathes of leaves
Welcoming the autumn weather

The rain pours nearly every evening
I sit and write by the lit candles
At night I fall deep into dreaming
Covered in warm blankets

The fireplace sooths the numbness
And hot tea warms up my body
Imagination cures the dullness
I'm mesmerized by the smell of coffee
mismatched furniture
a few dishes in the cupboards
a couple random blankets and lamps
a pan and a mug or two in the sink
a broken clock above the fake fireplace
a fake jackalope head on the fireplace

a couple college kids' apartment
my brother and his roommate
it isn't much but it feels like home
abby Jun 2018
we have been up all night, dreading the day
but this candlelit morning will go our way
breathing is easy, our voices low
covered in blankets, through the storm we go

slowly falling into sleep, I pray the rain my soul to keep
as the sun rises, we drown deep
our dreams will echo
our hearts will leap

the brightest colors softly fade as we melt into the day
pastel walls and tapestries
open window
misty breeze

a calm, cool candlelit morning as the sky is storming
the innocence of two friends after a night of spiritual awakening
Arcassin B Jun 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

They say diamonds are a girls bestfriend,
Well Lucy in the sky still ******* with
I can make it in this world yes I can,
I can make it in this world yes I can,
What is it you don't understand?
Its hard to be a woman or man,
It's hard to make those dividends,
That revenue , that income man,
Incoming man , there's a meteor full
of poverty and hatred man,
That's all we need is love,
Say thats all we need is love,

Take your time,
Hold on tight , its gonna be a bumpy ride,
Breathe in, exhale,
Gifted in your Birth rite..

You Are He as you are me,
I'll explain it comfortably,
Blankets , blankets , lots of blankets,
Conversations, very basic,
Looking love and a purpose,
the subject is not even worth it,
Made a hell of a lot of mistakes,
the light could take them away,
And plus my fears, cover your ears,
don't want to hear ******* from past peers,
Can take loss but not a death,
Walking towards peace with every step.

Take your time,
Hold on tight , its gonna be a bumpy ride,
Breathe in, exhale,
Gifted in your Birth rite..

Cause Lucy In the sky with diamonds.
Nicole Mar 2018
My therapist asked me
If I like you because I like you
Or because you like me
Ironically enough
I knew I liked you
Before we even talked about it
And now as I lay in my bed
I'm daydreaming about blanket forts
And Disney movies
And cuddling in the warmth of our fortress
Although I never know when I'll see you next
I'm always looking forward to it
meekah Jan 2018
i imagine you lying
in that too-small bed
with your blankets
(that i hate)
strewn across the floor
warmed by the thought
that you are loved
while i lie
in my too-big bed
covered in blankets
(that you’ve never seen)
because i am not
EmpressMi Oct 2017
Talking until dawn,
But no abnormal atmosphere.
Revealing the secrets;
There's a sudden high tempreture.
It becomes midnight,
We think 'too early'.
It becomes cold.
We soon get cosy
Under the blankets filled with warmth,
As we are too shy for a midnight call.
Sleep comes to us so we say goodnight
While longing for one's cherished sight.
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