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Mark Wanless Jan 18
enough rice and beans
and attitude to die for
happens then good bye
Shofi Ahmed Jun 2022
Eye on the mirror.
See the heart,
the treasured treasure?

Can't spill the beans
is more than
science or art!
Pockets Aug 2020
We all want change 
But we don't wanna change 

We say keep the change
Like we don't need the change
Like we've never counted out dimes to buy cigarettes or beans

We're 2000 miles over on an oil change 
We don't like to think about what we can change 

We change our mind
We change our hair
We change our *** 
We change our friends

We change the channel 

But we don't change

We don't wanna change 
How can you change what makes you the same

Winds change and we get blown away
Because we don't wanna change 

Isn't that strange
Deepti S P May 2020
Sweet and savoury,
Smothered in rich tomato sauce,
Adding a pinch of spices like cumin, pepper and garam masala ;
Brings in a great combination of flavour and aroma,
Making baked beans smell so wonderful.
Healthy and super delicious,
Utterly addictive and irresistible,
Quick and easy breakfast,
Love to have it with Dejeunette Viennoise and Croissant along with a bite of cutlet,
One of my favourite morning delights on the dining table.
I love exploring cuisines from across the globe. I am a foodie with epicurean taste buds. Baked beans is one of my favourite.
Bhill Jul 2019
Who out there has beans in their ears
The beans could be brains, they don't make it clear

Where did they come from, I want to know
Will they come out, I really hope so

Are the beans put there by your very own Teacher
I don't think so, maybe it was the Preacher

Are they put there for any kind of cause
Who knows for sure, it makes one take pause

I know I was told not to put them there
That's all I remember, I thought I would share....!

Brian Hill - 2019 # 179
This song is real people...
Who remembers?
Who remembers this ****?
Karli Z Jun 2019
Owning a cat relies on give and take.
I give the beans a tiny squeeze and
she takes a chunk of my skin.
I love her but oh my gosh my arms are littered in little scars.
Anastasia Jun 2019
beans in my shoes
beans in my pockets
she put beans
even inside my locket
i don't know why
she likes beans so much
she says they're good to eat
and nice to touch
she's kinda strange

beans in my bed
beans on my head
she really likes beans
i guess i'll have to deal with it
but only coz i love her
u will have to deal with it
SJ Vandegrift May 2019

A Wizard stumbled on a sea

a sea froze by Winter's lung,

blowing all Winter long.

Beneath the ice, decayed

it was a great giant Whale,

as dead as a giant doornail.

The Wizard swallowed him whole

and coughed him up into a bowl

of warm creamy oatmeal.

Inside he writhed, simply alive,

revived, he was, of all his death

the whole oats returned life's breath.

"The sea is not your home, Whale"

The Wizard then kindly said:

"A giant tank was where you were bred."

Looking the Whale in the eye, he continued:

"I will place you here, my friend, instead..."

and he stuffed him into his library head.
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