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Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
They say there are 2 certainties of life-one,that it will end someday and two,that before it ends you will have paid taxes in some form or the other.A third thing could be added to that list:-

In life there is no shortage of people who will give you advice and more often than not it's unwanted.They think they know it all and therefore can advice you on anything.You'll notice that more often than not through their advice they'll actually try to demotivate you.It's irritating and you just wished that they'd shut up.Trying to explain your point of view to them is pointless.Here's the best way to deal with them-listen to whatever they have to say,smile,agree and then do whatever the hell you want to do.
Inspired from a Robert Downey Jr. quote.
Sk Abdul Aziz Jun 2015
Hey, my girl look at me now
Guess u wont
'Coz ur probably so sick of me now
But do u even have a clue?
What im tryin' to tell u
I think u don’t
So just keep ur ears glued to the radio
Listen to the sound of sweet music
Coz i'm about to sing something real sick
I think we need to see where we stand
I was ready to hold ur hand
But u cheated on me
See what hurts me d most is that
U won’t admit u was wrong
I loved u…..i wrote for u so many love songs….
But baby….it’s all history..
We ain’t got no story…..
We never had
I look back in retrospect and sometimes ponder
Where did we go wrong baby???
What did I not do
To always please u
To keep u happy
And cheerful all the time
Baby….our love was sublime
We used to be d apple of each other’s eyes
Now there’s nothin’ left… for sorrows and goodbyes
I guess it’s gonna take me a while
Before I can remember how to smile
Nothin' left to say….nothin' left to do….
I’ve always loved u…and can't love nobody the way I loved u….
I can’t forgive u….but I can’t forget u either…
I guess I’d had enough and perhaps needed a breather…..
They say there ain't no pain that time can't heal...
Well,u know what girl....even though it's over...there's nothin' I feel
I guess we were never meant to be together...
And it's just something we have no control over...
I guess that's what u call "destiny"...
Good Luck with ur life and all your future endeavours
May our relationship "Rest In Peace."
Sk Abdul Aziz Jan 2016
''re with that guy now! seriously..he is not even good-looking.'

'Well...unlike you..he isn't a liar.'

'Does he even have a sense of humour?..does he make you laugh?'

'Well..unlike you..he doesn't make me cry.'

'How much money does he have?..does he make enough?'

'You know what the most amazing thing is..he actually loves me and cares for me..and that to me is more than enough.'
Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
I've become addicted to you
I can't think of nothing else
You're like a habit now
You're like nicotine
I wanna feel you on my lips all the time
You've spread like cancer in my body
It's too late now
You're a part of my existence
You tease and excite every bone in my body
You make my heart rush
Under the sheets with you is where i wanna be
I wanna get lost in you
I wanna be devoured by your fury
I wanna be engulfed by your passion
I wanna be destroyed by you
Come...take my's yours
Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
Please Bless entire humanity with peace
Let all wars end and violence everywhere cease
The innocent have been suffering for long
Protect them from wrong
Make them strong
For they have no one to turn to, save for you
Take them in your refuge, GOD
Bless us with sanity
So that we can stop this insanity
'Coz the direction in which we are going,honestly scares me

Help us GOD
Please help us
I humbly beg you
Sk Abdul Aziz Oct 2015
Dear GOD,
I just have this one last wish before i'm gone
Please help me give my mother the happiness she deserves...
...the happiness she deserved but never got
Help me give my mom some of the best times of her life
Help me serve my mom to the best of my abilities
She has always been my pillar of strength and support
She is my best friend.. confidante guide philosopher true critic ultimate hero
The sacrifices that she's made for me..i can never forget that
And yet there have been times when i haven't been quite as greatful as i should have
At times i've mispoken to her..
..misbehaved with her
And i will always regret that
I wish i could've turned back time and changed that
I've seen my mom fight for me
I've seen her suffer for me
I've seen her pray her heart out for me
I'm deeply indebted to my mom
And no matter how much i do i can never repay her
Mom...i've never told told you this but today i want to tell you that i'm deeply ashamed and sorry for all the wrongs i've ever done to you
You're blessings have brought me this far in life
So GOD...
As i humbly bow down before you with a sense of remorse and repentance in my heart
I beg before you
Please keep my mother safe and healthy
Please cure her ailment
Please fill her life with unlimited joy
Please transfer all her sufferings unto me
She has suffered enough
I can't see her unhappy even for a moment
Please GOD...
...listen to this humble plea of mine.
Sk Abdul Aziz Jun 2015
Our eyes met
Souls collided
The Brain stopped working
Sparks flew
Barren hearts were drenched with rain
Breathing became heavier
Lips were sealed with an intoxicating kiss
In that one fell for me
And i fell for you..
And that was that...
We were stuck together
No escaping now
Sk Abdul Aziz Jan 2016
She hated being all alone
She searched for true love all over the city
Sometimes in college..
..where she would always find a way to sit next to the handsome guy and she'd dream of a life with him
Sometimes at work..
..where in between her meetings she'd glance at the cute guy and hope that someone like that would come in her life
Sometimes at the train station..
..where she would wait for the train to arrive and hope that one day love too would arrive in her life
Sometimes in parks..
..where she'd witness the magic of nature and hope for a magic in her life
Sometimes in cafeterias..
..where in between sips of coffee she'd write poems about love and hope that some character from her poem would come alive and sweep her off her feet
Sometimes in bars..
..where she'd drink to her loneliness and hope that some prince would come into her life and cure her lonely nights
And yet little did she know..
..that her soulmate was in front of her the entire time..
..he was living next door to her
..they'd meet and talk everyday
..he had a receding hairline
..wore thick glasses
..would stammer in his speech
But he was the nicest person she had ever met
He was always very encouraging and supportive
He understood her like no one else ever did
And whenever she was feeling a bit low
He would always find a way to cheer her up
And so after having tried to find her true love all around
She finally realized that there was one place she hadn't looked
The one place which was truly worth looking
She went up to the guy living next door,gathered some courage and expressed her feelings for him
He had tears in his eyes
He could barely speak
He had always liked her
But was scared to express his feelings
For he was flawed in so many ways
He never ever thought that he'd find someone who would want to be with him
And yet here was the most amazing girl he had ever met..
...who was standing in front of him with her heart in her hand
They sealed their love with a kiss
The birds sang a happy tune
And the heavens rejoiced
Many a times our true love is right in front of us..and we fail to recognise it or it takes us a while to recognize is can be found in the most unexpected of places..sometimes we just try too just needs to be watchful and patient.
Sk Abdul Aziz Dec 2015
I am what i choose to be.It might not always be what you want me to be.It's not that i don't love you or respect you...the thing is i also love and respect my dreams and my areas of interest.So if i choose to do something different from what you want me to doesn't mean that i hate simply means that i'm following my heart.I assure you that none of my actions are an attempt to hurt you or embarass you in any manner whatsoever.I am your son/daughter...and just like you've loved me..please also respect the choices i make in life...just let me do the things which make me happy.I will make you proud one day..i promise.
I don't believe in this thing called 'generation gap'...unless both the parties are hell bent on creating it.
Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
Lets dance tonight
Under the moonlit night
With the constellations as the viewers
And the chilling zephyr as our companion
A year of togetherness is something to cherish
We've both been through many horrors
So this was quite the soothing balm we needed
When i first met you...i knew it for sure
That for my bruised were the only cure
Your strong mind and warm heart
Is something i've appreciated right from the start

Let's make love tonight like never before
There's no end tonight
Just constant rolling under the sheets...
...with the stars as our ceiling

Let's dive into each other's souls
And see if we can find any hole...
...and if we do we'll fill it up with love

This is just the beginning
There's plenty more miles to go
There's no rush
We'll be steady....
We'll be slow...

Tonight i want to make you a promise....
I'll help you face all your fears
I'll be there to catch your tears
I'll love you as long as i live
Till my dying breath i'll only be yours

I haven't seen GOD
But i have seen an angel in the form of you
Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
Instead of constantly trying to find faults and flaws in a person,learn to appreciate the good qualities they have...appreciate the efforts they make to improve themselves.Encourage them and not demotivate.No one on the planet is or will ever be perfect and both you and the concerned person are no exceptions to that rule.

For instance when someone who isn't the greatest of cooks,learns a new recipe and cooks you a meal...appreciate it.Even if it isn't that great don't just outright reject it...By doing this you are not just hurting him or her but also shattering the confidence of that person.Tell him or her as to what you found wrong with the meal and give suggestions if you can.Constructive criticism is good but destructive criticism is totally uncalled for.
Sk Abdul Aziz Jul 2015
'What do you know about war?'she said.'Your country has never seen the horrors of war.You've had an easy life.'
'Yes you are right...I don't know much about war'...i replied.'I only know that each of us go through a battle each and every day of our lives.Some chose to talk about it...others prefer to keep it in themselves.I know that my neighbour struggles to meet his ends and yet he tries his best to give his children the best education.I know that my landlady is a seventy year old woman....she has no one to take care of her and yet she never complains.I know that the person who delivers the daily newspaper at my doorstep shouldn't be doing that coz he is a 10 year old boy...he deserves to get an education but he can't since his parents can't afford it.I know that God only knows the pain that so many of us hide or at least try to behind the veil of a smile.So many of us suffer silently and never let anyone in on our problems....while there are some who crib and whine at the slightest of discomfort.Clearly the world as they say is still divided between the 'haves' and 'have nots'.A war scars you but the everyday battle you fight breaks you down each and everyday and unless and until you triumph it and achieve glorious success you will always feel the pressure.'
Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
I'm gonna do the things they say i can't do
I'm gonna achieve the things they say i can't achieve
I'm gonna reach the level they say i can't reach
I'm gonna go places they say i can't go
And after doing this i'm gonna stand on top a mountain and scream-'******* haters...never doubt me again'
My life is gonna be the way i want it to be..
Not the way they think it will be
Never let anybody's talking you down or demotivating you,affect you in any manner whatsoever.
Sk Abdul Aziz Jun 2015
As a beginner of life
I took baby steps
I just wanted to comprehend the world and whatever it had to offer
Then as i grew older i wanted to explore
Later i wanted it all--easy money,easy ***,fame,fortune....
And now as i stand on the edge of life
With death staring me in the face
I can't help but think of you
You were full of spirit
Me...i could never be like you
Never had no soul
My heart was nothing but an empty hole
You were the best thing that ever happened to me
And i hurt you and ruined it
The scars of regret have covered my face
I got no hiding place
Probably faith is my only refuge
I stare outta my window and see the world go by..
...Engaged in its own business
No one gives a F* about me
Not my family
Neither my friends
Not even my enemies
The wheel of my life is in its final motion now
It will stop anytime now
And so as i prepare to bid my final goodbye
I ponder over my life
What are my achievements?
I don't know
What are my credentials?
Don't have a clue
What good have i done?
Not a lot really
What is my perception of life?
It's tough but not heartless
If only i could turn back time and make it all right...
..Trust me..i would...
Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
It's hard being alone
Sleeping alone
Your pillow being your only companion...
...Your tear drenched pillow
It's hard waking up alone
Waking up each and every day to the cold and painful realization that you're all alone
It's hard watching sunsets alone
It's hard being alone on a beautiful moonlit night
It's hard walking on the beach alone
It's hard sitting on hilltops alone
It's hard being alone and having no one talk to
It's hard being alone and not having a shoulder to lean on
It's hard watching  romantic movies all alone
It's hard walking this road all alone
Isolation is bearable upto a limit
Beyond that it's sheer torture
At some point you wish you had someone in your life
That someone who will never make you feel lonely again
Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
Be with someone who loves you for what you are
Be with someone who makes you want to be a better person
Be with someone who takes care of you not because it is his duty but because he wants to
Be with someone who fills your soul with positivity
Be with someone who helps you get through the tough times
Be with someone who cheers you up when you are sad
Be with someone who makes you feel confident even in the face of adversity
Be with someone who makes every nerve in your body feel alive
Be with someone who understands you even without you having to say anything
Be with someone with whom you can share anything you want
Be with someone whom you wanna wake up with
Be with someone who makes you feel important
And most importantly be with someone who never gives up on you
Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
I never celebrate my birthday
Personally i never really got the concept of birthdays
Dressing up in good clothes
Cutting a cake
Having a party
Going out with friends
And celebrating a year of being alive
It all just feels a bit weird to me

Each year when the day arrives,i just tell myself-"'ve just made it to another've had your highs and your've done some good things and some not so good things...try and improve yourself in every aspect and make the next year even better."
Sk Abdul Aziz Jul 2015
I was broken
But there was still hope for me
Life could've still glued me back
But you came and did the rest
I was now nothing more than a fragment of hopelessness
You really were one heartless b
Sk Abdul Aziz Jan 2016
I want to be your canvas
A canvas made of flesh and blood if you like
Paint me with your love
Fill me with the most exquisite of colours
Smear me with your kisses
Streak my skin with the colour of your skin
******* lips
Then move over to my hips
Play with my hair
Tease me
Spread your aroma all over me
Make me forget myself even if for a few moments
You have done many paintings before
But tonight i want you to make me your masterpiece
Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
'There was no light bulb moment.Loving her made sense to me.From the first time we met,we just made sense.She has a sense of humour and a passionate attitude towards life..which is nice to try to keep up with.'
Actor Chris Hemsworth(man who plays Thor) was talking about his marriage to actress Elsa Pataky.
Sk Abdul Aziz Dec 2015
'I won't cry for mascara is too expensive'-Adriana Lima
Sk Abdul Aziz Dec 2015
'I do shed tears often and i'm not ashamed to admit it.I do that in a special corner reserved for tears in my huge golden bathroom.Somewhere between the jacuzzi and the steam room,i sit on the floor and shed huge tears of self-pity,persecution and how the world doesn't understand my genius and effort...but then i take a hot-and-cold shower and walk out wearing my limited edition cologne,ready to embrace disaster.'-Shahrukh Khan(king of bollywood and a global superstar)
Sk Abdul Aziz Dec 2015
"Being famous for being famous doesn't give anything.It doesn't mean anything.It is nice and satisfying if you earned it for doing well, and not just on court.The real success is having friends, having a family, caring for them and feel loved by the people—the public is very important, but what is more important is to feel loved by those who are around you."
---Rafael Nadal(One of the greatest tennis players of all time)
Sk Abdul Aziz Jan 2016
'Life is not about the number of breaths you's about moments that take your breath away.'
-Will Smith
Sk Abdul Aziz Feb 2016
I sometimes stare at the clouds
They are so beautiful...aren't they?
The residents of the sky
Rulers of the vast sky
Constantly travelling
They take various shapes and sizes
Some small patches
Some big formations
They sport different colours
Some white
Some grey
Decorating the blue sky
And giving it a different look
Everyday when the sun rises and sets behind the clouds
The visual is simply breathtaking
I especially love it when the sun plays peekaboo with the clouds
Then at night the moon peeps out from behind the clouds
And gives the night sky a whole new meaning
Of course there are those days and nights when the clouds overpower the sun and the moon
One thing i envy about clouds is that they seem to have so much time on their hands
Never in no hurry
Slowly moving across the azure sky
Almost teasing everyone's hopes
Will it pour today?
Some days are the bad days
The clouds flatter to deceive
While there are some days when the clouds fulfill their promises
Lightning flashes across the sky
Followed by the sounds of thunder
And then when they burst out
And the first drop kisses the earth...'s sheer magic!!!
Washing away the dirt
Almost cleansing the earth of it's impurities
And satisfying it's soul
Sk Abdul Aziz Jan 2016
Tum ** toh hum hai
Tumharay bina zindagi berang hai
Jabhi tumharay baray may likhta hoon kisi koray kagaz par
Toh woh kagaz bhi rangeen ban jaati hai
(Urdu and Hindi)

English Translation

I exist because of you
Without you my life is colourless
Whenever i write about you on a piece of blank paper
That paper becomes colourful
Sk Abdul Aziz Jun 2015
Don't you sometimes wish that you could momentarily pause your life and press the rewind button and go and visit the favourite memories of your life?
Yeah..sure..all the time.
Really?? which ones are your favourite memories?
Oh...that's easy...The time when i wan't born.
Sk Abdul Aziz Dec 2015
'So how many roses does one send over to a woman?'

'11...if you're polite
17...if you're a gentleman
35...if you're in love
But always uneven numbers.'
Sk Abdul Aziz Dec 2015
'She just left.She's not answering her phone.I can't understand as to why she would do this?'
'People leave for a lot of reasons.They don't leave 'coz they are good and you are bad and vice-versa.It's just that sometimes they're going through something and you can't be a part of it....sometimes they just need some time and space to figure out what they want from life....may be she will come back or may be she won't...but the fault is neither yours nor hers.The fault is of the circumstances.'
Sk Abdul Aziz Jan 2016
'Don't come near me..i'm a burning flame..i'll reduce you to ashes' she said.

'Good..then fire can't do me any more damage..'coz i'm already ash.The fire of life has reduced me to ashes years ago' i said.

She looked at me with utter disdain and then kissed me like i had never been kissed before.
And i could feel myself burning again.
Sk Abdul Aziz Jan 2016
'You have a lot of birds',she said.

'I like to keep birds..i love to look at their beautiful colours..i love to hear them sing',he said.

'You know something...birds that are caged..they don't sing..they cry',she said.
Sk Abdul Aziz Jan 2016
''re physically weak,you're not good looking,you have no friends,you don't own a car,you ain't got much money either...well what do you have then?',X asked

'I have got something which is priceless and more than makes up for the lack of the above',Y said.

'Well what is that?',X asked.

'A non-negotiable soul',came the reply.
Sk Abdul Aziz Feb 2016
'Dad...tell me something about women' he said.

Well,son...i'll tell you three things...
First-A woman is as mysterious as the chances are that you will never ever decipher the woman you're with

Second-A woman is as untamable as the never try to control her..rather respect her and love her for who she is

And third-Never let go of a woman who truly appreciates you and cares for you

'But will i know which woman is the one for me?'he asked

'Don't worry son...when you meet that special will know...your heart will tell you.'
Sk Abdul Aziz Jun 2015
So, what do you want your life to be??
Nothing much....i just want fireworks of joy,hope and inspiration to illuminate the skyline of my life.
And how do you hope to achieve this??
Well...nothing special...just work,pray,eat,love,have fun...and above all try and do some good before i'm dead and gone.
So you've pretty much got it all planned out??
Well...a plan is good as long as you can pull it off...and if not, you end up looking like a fool...and i hate looking like a fool.
You know life doesn't always go as per your desired plans.
I know....but that shouldn't stop you from having a plan and believing that you can execute it.
Sk Abdul Aziz Jun 2015
I once met love and asked her.."why do you keep running away from me?"
She said..."Coz i fear that you will self-destruct if you come in contact with me."
Then i met life and asked him..."what's your deal?"
He replied..."My deal is pretty simple...i 'll push you to the edge of sanity and test the limits of your patience."
Sk Abdul Aziz Jul 2015
'So hows your love-life going?'
'I thought love was supposed to make you feel good but at times its terrible.'
'You know love is both the best and worst thing that can happen to a person coz in an amazing way it brings out the best and worst in a exposes him or her.When love gives u wonderful moments cherish it but if you are not prepared to  fight it out,suffer in love and be destroyed by its incredible power you can't really learn any meaningful lesson in life.One thing is for certain....when in love never take anything for granted.You have got to keep working on it all the time.'
Sk Abdul Aziz Jul 2015
'So what's your greatest wish?'
'I don't really know...never thought about it.'
'There must be something.'
'Well....Sometimes i wish i was ****** into a blackhole of oblivion and transported to a world of complete isolation...I don't want no family or friends...It'd just be me,my dreams and my fears..interacting with each other,sharing stories and foolishly trying  to predict the future.'
Sk Abdul Aziz Jul 2015
'Half of my time goes in thinking about the should'ves and could'ves of my life' i said.
'Broaden your horizon' she said.'It's not wrong to remember the past...just don't obsess over it.No matter how bad the present might be and how bleak your future might look ...always have ur hopes up...u see the thing about time is it can change any moment.It is like the sea....ever unpredictable and ever changing.'
'But what about the pain and agony of life?? do you endure it??'
'You don' just make it a part of ur existence and learn to accept it as and when it comes.
Sk Abdul Aziz Dec 2015
'So my heart says one thing and my mind another.How do i choose?With whom do you think i should go with?'he asked.
'Ah...the problem of being a human!
Personally i would've loved it if i were a robot!'he said.
'Dude...i'm in a serious dilemma.Please help me.'he said
''s what you do.You can either go with the risky approach i.e your heart or the sensible approach i.e the mind....but remember..sometimes the more the
risk, the greater the reward.Now the choice is wanna play safe or you wanna take a chance?'he said.
Sk Abdul Aziz Dec 2015
'You know..when i'm with you i feel safe.I know it's a weird thing for a guy to say to a girl...right?'
'No..not's nice actually.'
-Bates Motel
Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
Once death said to life-"i think i'm more compassionate than you are."
Life seemed a bit surprised and asked-"how is that?"
Death replied-"i **** a person only once...while you **** a person each and everyday of his or her life."
Sk Abdul Aziz Jun 2015
"I worry about you...
Coz' u don't have any self-respect.
That's not true....i respect you.I think the best way of achieving self-respect is by respecting others.
No...that's not enough...One must have a place in society
Coz' it is the mirror we see ourselves in."
I don't agree with thus..i believe as long as you are clear and honest to yourself  and don't do anything about which you would later feel ashamed, you are doing just fine.Society is whimsical in the way it thinks...don't ever trust it.
Sk Abdul Aziz Oct 2015
I once met fate and asked him-"so what does my future look like?"
He said-"one of the following
Either you're destined for good things...
...or your doomed for greater things."
And so i said to myself-"so either way i'm ******."
I'm kinda' confused here
Tragedy,loneliness,isolation..these have been my friends
I've never had no good things ever come my way
So i don't really how to handle them
This is new territory for me
I'm apprehensive and yet excited
So now i wait with bated breath for this new friend named 'happiness' to pay me a visit
I hope he stays long
I've so many questions i wanna ask him
I hope he bears with me
Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
Lost in the glitz and glamour of life
I often crave for the simplicity and serenity of death
At times life gets so unbearable
And i wish i was struck by amnesia
And this was all a fading memory
The pain refuses to subside
The chaos of life just gets to me
The burden of expectations is tightening it's noose around my neck
And each and every day i can feel myself falling into an abyss of despair
All my dreams have lost their way
My lover has long gone away
I'm lost
I'm confused
No one cares about me
Hope seems to have deserted me
My life is nothing more than a forced mechanical process now
And so everyday i crave for death
I've been begging him to take me in his world
I've been requesting him to give me just that one hug
And i'm pretty sure that one of these days he will answer in the affirmative
And end my pain once and for all
Sk Abdul Aziz Jan 2016
In life you will come across these dark days
But don't be scared..
It is just a passing phase
It will test your resolve
In a solution of self-doubts it will try to make you dissolve
You gotta be strong
And prove your problems wrong
These dark days will make you wanna lose hope
But you've got to hang on to the rope
..of faith,hope and belief
'Coz that is what will help you get through that challenging time
For losing these three attributes and giving up is truly a crime
Remember after winter..there's always spring
So don't let any obstacle stop you...
...fight it out and keep doing your thing
Sk Abdul Aziz Aug 2015
I know a girl
She puts the color inside of my world
But she's just like a maze
Where all of the walls all continually change
And I've done all I can
To stand on her steps with my heart in my hands
Now I'm starting to see
Maybe it's got nothing to do with me

Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too

Oh, you see that skin?
It's the same she's been standing in
Since the day she saw him walking away
Now she's left
Cleaning up the mess he made

So fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too

Boys, you can break
You'll find out how much they can take
Boys will be strong
And boys soldier on
But boys would be gone without the warmth from
A woman's good, good heart

On behalf of every man
Looking out for every girl
You are the god and the weight of her world

So fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too
Just love the thought of sharing it.
Sk Abdul Aziz Dec 2015
There are days on which i live
These are days on which happiness rules my world
These days are very few in number
These days are like an oasis in a desert
These days act as a balm for my aching soul
I cherish and treasure these days like anything
I don't want these days to end
I want them to stretch for eternity
But they never do
Once they leave... soul just goes into a state of coma
...the harsh reality of life just cuts through my heart like a knife
...and all i'm left with are the distant memories
...and a hope in my heart that i will see these days again

Then there are those days on which i survive
Days which i wish would end as quickly as possible
Days which i dread
Days on which i wish i was dead
Days on which doom and gloom rule my world
These are those dark days on which i can't find no source of light,no matter how much i try
Days like these torment the hell out of me
They push me to the point of insanity
But i somehow weather the storm
Somehow i push myself
Somehow i fight it out
It hurts like hell
I cry like anything
But somehow i'm able to survive
Somehow i'm able to make it through to the next day....
.....with the hope that a new sun of mercy will shine upon me and things will be better
Our lives are nothing but a combination of these two days..and what's important is how we react to these days.
Sk Abdul Aziz Jun 2015
Look at me
Take me in
Engulf me in your fury
Consume with your passion
Burn me with your desire
Absorb every inch of me
Push me to the point of desperation
Blow my mind with an indescribable ecstasy
And finally take me to your lips...
...and smoke me like your favourite cigarette
Sk Abdul Aziz Jul 2015
Dear life...if you can't provide me with the answers or some clues...then plz don't pose such tricky questions in front of me....I mean sometimes you don't even give me sufficient time to think about the previous question and you are already shooting the next one.I have tried to please you,conquer you.ace you....but just haven't been able to crack the code....what is about you??...what do you want??..The longer these questions remain unanswered the closer i'm going towards insanity...i guess either i'll figure you out or go insane..or may be death might come to my rescue someday.
Sk Abdul Aziz Nov 2015
Have you ever felt death in the night with it's eternal forgiveness?
Death looking at you with those sympathetic eyes
Merciful death engulfing you in it's warm embrace
Death hugging you tightly...
...and whispering in your ears-
'Don't worry...I will come for you soon..and free you of all your pains and release you from all connections.Just be is not your time yet.'
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